Jul 16, 2024

Left Blames Trump For Being Shot

Some derivative of you reap what you sow is turning up on my liberal facebook friends' pages. It took just an  hour or two for them to start blaming MAGA and Trumpism. They're complaining that the right isn't demanding gun control.  They're complaining that the border issues are racist, and they want their guns to keep the brown people out.

Steve Scalise, who was shot in a 2017 congressional baseball game, said on the news shows Sunday that we must dial down the rhetoric, especially the demonization of Trump. I credit Biden for his remarks Saturday evening along the same lines.

An article in the current Time Magazine states that the country isn't as polarized as the media projects. With newspapers being yesterday's news, magazines either have to be last month's news or get controversial with their titles. From my observation we are indeed more polarized than ever. If this tragic shooting tones things down, remains to be seen....My hunch is that it will actually deepen the divide.

photocredit:Gene J. Puskar/AP

ADDENDUM JULY 16, 2024: J.D. Vance choosen as VP.. Biden gives interview with NBC's Lester Holt. Failure or worse by the Secret Service.


  1. The divide is real and it is the worst since the civil war. Sadly it will not take a whole lot more to ignite a conflagration that will not be easily extinguished. Same goes for the world situation. It is a very dangerous time.

    1. Divided, yes, but let's not forget the division during Vietnam and the draft days.

  2. I suppose the new manta for the Democrats are, "If you can't beat him, kill him"

    after years and years of extreme over the top rhetoric against President Trump by the Democrats, with Biden himself saying that it is time to put "It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye", the miracle is that this hasn’t happened sooner.

    1. You all need to stop this… one party is no different or better than the other. For every one li e from the left, there are ten from Trump and the right. For us to return to some type of semi peaceful existence, both sides need to just stop.

  3. This should not be a surprise. The rhetoric of the Democrats has been murderous and vile since Trump appeared on the political scene.

    They have tried with every fiber of their being to destroy the man. They have thoroughly destroyed the American people’s faith in our justice system by abusing it for their lawfare against Trump. But despite their malevolent efforts, Trump prevailed.

    Until Covid he was the best president since Ronald Reagan. We were energy independent, the economy was thriving, unemployment was low, inflation was minimal. He set about rebuilding the Obama-eviscerated military and yet there were no wars! The unpredictability of his administration kept potentially rogue foreign leaders on edge and in line. And he is the one who got NATO nations to pony up what they owed to the U.S. for their guaranteed defense.

    The more great things he did for America, the more the Democrats hated him.

    Now look at their response to the assassination attempt has been truly despicable. They say, write, and tweet such terrible things. Pundits on CNN and MSNBC and all the other social media sites, are not shy with their glee that Trump was shot and that they are disappointed that he was not killed.

    Who are these people? They are so comfortable with their hatred of all things conservative, it does not cross their minds that what they are thinking, saying out loud, and writing, reveals their shocking lack of character, their total lack of a moral core. They want Trump dead and years ago set out to radicalize any poor soul willing to take their cues and try and kill the man.

    Those of us who believe Biden is an illegitimate president have suffered through three and a half years of the worst administration in U.S. history; we actually read all the proof that has been provided by the numerous groups who did the work. There is no doubt that the 2020 election was stolen with fraudulent mail-in ballots and rigged by other means, despite what the media says.

    No court ever actually looked at the evidence; our judiciary is corrupt as well; corrupt and frightened of the left. Given that, and given Biden’s sad decline into senility, conservatives do not wish Biden to be killed.

    We want the elder abuse to end. We want his regime to end. His is the most authoritarian administration in U.S. history.

    Whoever is calling the shots has done terrible damage to the nation but no one on the right calls for Biden’s assassination. That is the province of the left.

    They are at it, have been at it, 24/7, for seven years. Now they’re mad that the poor kid they successfully radicalized, who took them at their word, is dead without killing Trump. Isn’t that the definition of amorality, if not evil? The Democrat party today embraces evil, relishes it, and they are unashamed. They have embraced injustice with verve.

    1. My oh my, did you not see the horror of January 6th or do you just believe it was a “peaceful protest”? That is what the right said, completely hanging those Capital Police who tried to defend all during the insurrection out to dry?! Did you not read of the attack on Paul Pelosi and the right’s assertion that he literally asked for it?! You people are amazing blaming one party for where we are, when this division and hatred started years ago when Obama was President and culminated with the master of division, lying and ignorance, Mr. Trump. If we are to get anywhere it will take both sides, not one continuing to avoid any and all responsibility.

  4. anon 7:40: According to Politico, Biden said on the call: “I have one job, and that's to beat Donald Trump. I'm absolutely certain I'm the best person to be able to do that. So, we're done talking about the debate. It's time to put Trump in a bullseye." You have totally taken the supposed Biden comment completely out of context.

    1. MM - I absolutely agree with you that the comment was taken out of context and that Biden was not calling for Trump’s assassination.

      That said, I’d find Biden and the democrats’ sudden call for “toning down the rhetoric” more believable if their whole campaign wasn’t built around smearing and demonizing Trump and if they accompanied their newfound concern with an apology.

      Until then, I see it as nothing more than a different political strategy.

      Living in Realville

    2. anon@8:33: I don't see the Dems as having the monopoly on inappropriate labels...Trump always referred to Biden as crooked joe. Realistically, with the election only four months away, I don't see the language changing. I'm hoping that the Secret Service ups their game, and protects both Biden and Trump from harm.

    3. MM - I didn’t claim that one side had a monopoly on anything, only that if you’re going to suddenly make it all about lowering the rhetoric, an apology would be where to start if you’re really sincere.

      I actually think that it’s more of a distraction to take the focus off the Secret Service. While I’m not trying to impugn those agents who jumped on stage to shield Trump, there were many mistakes that need to be corrected immediately.

      For instance: One agent on stage couldn’t have blocked a bullet unless a shooter was aiming at Trump’s belly button; Trump was on stage and exposed for far too long after he was shot; Somehow a high ground vantage-point within 150 yards of a former (and possibly future) president was somehow left unguarded.

      I could go on, but I can’t believe that the Secret Service director hasn’t been making twice daily press conferences to explain what happened and communicating anything new that they know. That this hasn’t happened demonstrates an appalling lack of understanding about accountability and the need for public servants to be available to the public. At worst, it needlessly fuels speculation about coverups and fuels other conspiracy theories.

      The public deserves answers in real time. Instead of giving scripted and increasingly-political statements from the Oval Office so he can give the appearance of being competent, perhaps Joe Biden can have his department heads to start answering questions about what actually happened.

      As you note, it’s not just Trump’s life that’s at stake if the Secret Service isn’t doing their job properly - it’s also Biden’s. RFK Jr. should also be getting Secret Service protection, and that he hasn’t is another failure in leadership.

      Living in Realville

    4. A clear reflection of the growing incompetence of many to do a job.

  5. anon@8:13: As I said in the post, I don't foresee the rhetoric toning down from either side. Unless the Republican party has worked on their mail game big time, or bigly as your man calls it, you may well lose again.

  6. We can make excuses all we want for Biden's 'bullseye' comment, but let's not forget the leftist media frenzy when some obscure publication ran an ad showing then-rep Gabby Gifford's image in a bullseye graphic on a campaign poster.

    1. Or campaign ads from far right candidates proudly featuring their family and holding guns…just a little like the pot calling the kettle black.

  7. I'd love to see Trump use some peaceful rhetoric stressing unity at the RNC in an effort to appeal to undecided voters and Democrats. Contrast that with Joe Biden's recent comments at a public rally "we need to put the bullseye on Trump" and Jill Biden recently calling Trump "Truly Evil" at a public rally.

  8. I have received, but will not publish any more "bullseye" comments

  9. From the distasteful comments I'm receiving and not printing, although the candidates may tone down their rhetoric, the public will not be following suit.

  10. No comment on the text survey that went out recently asking about Matt Tuerk and city council?

  11. Somebody needs to put together a montage video of all the garbage the Democrats have said about President Trump. Including all the vitriol used by President Biden. It would likely run half an hour with just short clips.

    The other thing is Trump needs to challenge Biden on all the falsehoods he has stated- beginning with the Charleston stuff.

    1. Will you admit that you know that I did not state that Nazi;s are fine people?

    2. Will you admit that I was not used as a Russian stooge?

    3. Will you admit that your son’s laptop was a real thing?

    4. Will you admit that the capital police invited people into the rotunda on January 6, 2021?

    5. Will you admit that those persons charged deserve 4th amendment rights to due process?

    And the rest of the list- it could go on for a few minutes. And once stated, And agreed upon, THAT and that alone would ease the rhetorical landscape.

    And a formal APOLOGY for calling president Trump a Nazi.

    Trump has been careful to point at Biden’s obvious policy flaws and errors. Biden has been busy trying to call out personal character flaws and outright lies about events.

    You want to quiet down the rhetoric ? That would be a good start. Not just tell us to shut up. We're tired of it. and tired of YOU Biden and the Democrats using President Trump as your punching bag.

  12. While Trump speaks in hyperbole saying things like he's the worst, America was the best ever when I was president, best economy ever, worst economy ever, ...the Democrats use precise and well calculated rhetoric meant to instill both fear and hatred. Clearly they have succeeded. The Democrats have been claiming the man who name calls Biden has "crooked Joe", is an "existential threat to the nation and democracy". Sadly hate is nothing new to the left, they hated George Bush with the same red faced, spittle flying gusto as they do Trump. And given enough time would have hated McCain and Romney with the same fervent passion. Thankfully they are finally being called on it and perhaps will be held to account by the voters. Politics is a rough sport, but there are boundaries of decency that should not be crossed. The Democrats have not only crossed that boundary, they have made their hatred a virtue to worn on the sleave. Frankly,my only surprise, it that this didn't happen sooner. Scott Armstrong

    1. "the Democrats use precise and well calculated rhetoric meant to instill both fear and hatred."

      Yes, Trump = Hitler.

      I wonder if Biden would have called Adolph in August 1944 after he was almost killed by a bomb and would tell him he's happy he survived ?

  13. Anon@2:47, Re: “the apology”: I think Biden is holding back on issuing an apology until Vance (a former never-Trumper) issues one of his own.

    "I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler," Vance wrote in a 2016 message to a friend.”

    …but I won’t hold my breath!
    What a fickle bunch of politicians we have - on both sides!

    1. I would say Trump and Vance have put aside any differences, since they seem to get along fine. As Vance put it after Trump was in office: “He proved me wrong”

      Vance had an open mind and was willing to admit when he was wrong. Maybe others could follow that example.

    2. I can’t imagine the time it took you to cut and paste those outdated comments, as if they are detrimental to Trump. Quite the contrary.

      If you spoke today to any one of the people you listed, once they got to know Trump or saw the policies he put in place, they had their opinions change. Many are now among his biggest supporters.

      So to that I say case closed. Too bad your mind is also.

    3. Outdated? No, just dated…there’s a difference! Even ardent Trump supporters will (reluctantly) acknowledge (or chose to sidestep) some of these obvious character flaws. And please note, I said NOTHING about his policies.

      Voice recognition software did a lot of the heavy lifting on that prior post; I just had to add the names and make minor edits. I could be out knocking on doors to support my convictions…I chose this venue instead - and probably reached more people too!

      I don’t think either of us is naive enough to think that the tides of political survival didn’t play a major role in the “bending of the knee” that had Trump’s party associates change their mind.

      And no, my mind isn’t closed - it HAS changed….I too (now reluctantly) voted for Trump in 2016; I just couldn’t stand Hillary!
      Given his persona, I thought Trump make a strong excellent delegator of his chosen appointments, but the turmoil of the revolving door within his administration reminded me of those turnstile doors at the downtown Hess Brothers store.

      Thanks for the civil exchange of ideas - as I anticipate a landslide victory for a candidate that I would characterize as a political charlatan. I actually look forward to some of his policies, but it’s very depressing to me that it takes a man of this character to intact them.

      Take care my friend.

  14. I'm reading and hearing quite a bit about the hatred spread by the Democrats being the cause of the shooting but it seems they conveniently forget the fact that the shooter was a registered Republican.

    1. I know no more about the young man who tried to kill Trump than anyone else does.

      Yes. We are told he was a registered Republican and that he also donated to leftist political causes so that kind of leaves us back at square one. You also realize that Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are not only registered, but even formerly elected, Republicans for what that’s worth to this discussion, but perhaps, a point worth making. I can’t imagine that they hate Donald Trump any less than his would-be assassin. The kid was 20 years old and took his father's gun to kill Trump. Perhaps he should be labled Young, Dumb and Full of Uniparty (or Our Political Class) Hate.

      Given the invective that has been spewed about Trump by Democrats, since he descended the escalator in Trump Tower to enter the political fray, it shouldn’t be too hard to see how a stupid, young, ill-informed individual that believes all of the lies the Democratic party elites have told about Donald Trump would not see it as an act of patriotism to eliminate him.

      It’s really that simple. If not this guy, then eventually some other like-minded soul would, or will, take up their cause. They’ve tried everything else; the Russiagate lies, bogus impeachments, endless lawfare to bankrupt and/or imprison him, trying to remove him from ballots in some states. Nothing has worked, so as the leftists say, by any means necessary.

      They’re losing and they know it. This is the only reason we’re seeing the rift in their party now about replacing Biden. If he were leading in the polls, or even close, they would ride that poor, tired, corrupt, senile old horse all the way to the glue factory if that’s what it took to stay in power. They can’t win a fair election.

  15. He must’ve signed the wrong registration form, because the very same year he registered as a Republican. He donated money to a leftist organization.

    1. The young man, a certified loner, was likely driven by some psychological issues rather than political.
