Jul 12, 2024

The Press As Props

It was upfront that Biden had pre-chosen which reporters were allowed to ask questions during Thursday's Big Boy presser. With that pre-selection he could surmise what the questions would entail. The reporter with the hijab would likely inquire about the situation in Gaza. If Biden called on eleven selected questioners, what were the other 295 reporters beyond production props? Anyway...

Although cherry picking the chosen reporters helps to predict the questions, did the Biden camp go farther, and suggest questions to the few lucky among the many? Anyway...

I think my question and its answer will become news this weekend. If I was a reporter and had to stand in line in a hallway for 30 minutes just to be a prop, I would be agitated. I'm agitated writing this from the comfort of my kitchen table. Anyway...

ADDENDUM FRIDAY 10:00AM: So far I can find no speculation, beyond my own, that Biden knew what questions the chosen reporters would ask. However, the questions are being described as softball.

1 comment:

  1. “If I was a reporter and had to stand in line in a hallway for 30 minutes just to be a prop, I would be agitated.”

    I think the point is that none of them are reporters, so none of them ARE agitated.

    In the last two decades there’s been a shift in the press from reporting to advocacy. A majority of those in the press see their jobs as supporting democrat political positions and politicians. If they have to sit in a room full of other “reporters” while only a hand-picked few ask the questions, that’s part of their contribution for the day. Then all these supposedly separate organizations somehow coordinate their chosen message of the day.

    At the same time, Republican policies and politicians are unfairly savaged by the same press. Candidates are routinely smeared as racists and frequently compared to Hitler. Phony narratives are built one story at a time by multiple outlets and take years to debunk. In the mean time, dozens of other fake narratives have taken their place.

    That’s why what we’re watching with Biden is so telling right now. We’re seeing what it’s like when a democrat politician starts getting the “republican treatment”.

    Whether you like Biden or not, we should all be in agreement that the people should be the ones to decide who leads them. It shouldn’t be a handful of political operatives in a back room, nor should it be a handful of leftists in an editorial room.
