Jul 17, 2024

Why I'm Not Voting For Trump

I left Monday's post up for Tuesday, with an added addendum. One comment echoed Trump's reply at the debate, that he would honor the 2024 election result if it was fair.  I cut bait with Trump on Jan.6th, 2021 and  cannot vote for him this cycle because of that debate answer. If this election isn't fair, the Republicans share the blame. If they're not organized enough to have enough pole watchers, that's their bad. I know that they have not caught up with the mail ballot game, which alone may again lose them the election.

There are legal recourses after vote counting. After they are exhausted, it is incumbent upon the candidate to concede the election, especially on the national level. An orderly transition of power is essential for democracy. 

Although I cannot reconsider Trump for 2024 after his debate answer, fortunately for the country's tranquility, Trump is far enough ahead that he probably won't have to again resort to encouraging that the election results not be certified. I realize that this post will annoy many of my readers, who trend Republican. I'm personally an independent conservative, who usually votes Republican. 

I've tried to produce an honest daily blog for the last seventeen years, and ran for office twice myself as an independent. This blog is not monetized, so I don't dance for readership numbers. I don't dance for comments. I'll invest my vote this election with Kennedy, to help fortify the third party concept.


  1. The court challenges were routinely dismissed as not having standing or other reasons, there really was no adequate serious look into the election. Delaying certification was an attempt to have those concerns addressed. it would not have by itself overturned the election.
    With mail in ballots, I suspect that ballots can be created in back rooms in the numbers needed to win in big cities. Much harder to manufacture ballots when cast on election day.

  2. Same. No way I can support a candidate after he tried to violently overturn a fair election. I supported Trump in the past. He lost my vote. I’m frankly shocked he is even a viable candidate after January 6th. We all watched what happened live on TV.

    1. Is suspect that your feelings about what you watched on January 6th, has been greatly influenced by what you’ve watched on some of the so-called “news” outlets afterwards.

      Those same “news” outlets have twisted - and continue to twist - everything Trump says or does. As this blog noted in a recent headline, they are now even blaming Trump for being shot.

    2. All one has to do is watch the horrific video of January 6th. To downplay it at all speaks volumes…

    3. Yeah, parts of it were awful. But there were also others waved in by Capitol Police. I can differentiate between those people and those who fought with the police and actually broke into the Capitol or did actual damage.

      But either way, Trump didn’t tell people to storm the Capitol. His involvement was exaggerated to create a false “insurrection “ narrative to prevent him from running again under the Constitution.

    4. He actually did tell the protesters to “march down to the capital and give them hell”.

    5. Trump called on people to “PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY march to the Capital”.

    6. Definitely agree with your position. Excellence in your writing this article. January 6th should be a game changer for everyone voting. Thank you

  3. I fully get your disposition. As a moderate Democrat who leans Republican, I will either abstain from casting a vote for President or I'll also vote for Kennedy. I'm not thrilled with the current direction of the Democratic Party and I am likely to vote for down ballot Republicans such as Ryan McKenzie.

  4. Sloppy voting systems have hurt our democracy.
    Regulated, definitive, clear, fair, absolute, conclusive, honest voting systems are essential for our democracy. We've caught up with some of the clever criminals who've perverted the system, but we've got more work to do.

  5. I can understand your misgivings about Trump. He definitely does and says many things which are not attractive. However, I also have misgivings about Biden also, as his actions as President are not always to my liking.

    Several things about Biden bother me. Just yesterday, in fact he announced a new policy to destroy the integrity of the Supreme Court, and the justices who follow the Constitution and understand the separation of powers, just because he didn't like their rulings.

    He also needs to stop telling the public that Roe v. Wade was a law and a constitutional right, when all it ever was was a judicial ruling.

    Then there is Biden's family, and especially his son Hunter. A powerful politician shouldn’t take their son around the world taking kickbacks from adversaries and others. Also, those 51 intelligence experts knew that Hunter’s Laptop from Hell was real, and lying and saying that it looked like Russian disinformation was election interference, so help cheat you into office.

    Also, Blacks and other minorities are certainly as capable of getting photo IDs to vote as white people, and telling the public that Republicans are trying to stop blacks and minorities from voting because they’re racist is cheap and malicious political slander.

    And with regards to January 6th, calling it an "Insurrection" and a coup attempt is utter nonsense. The FBI didn’t think it was an insurrection, and the most armed people on Earth don’t attempt a coup without weapons.

    You may not like Trump for any number of reasons. However after several years of Biden, I can't stomach the idea of having him or whomever the Democrats want to prop up to replace him with either. So yes, let’s tone down the rhetoric and debate the issues, but let’s start with facts instead of talking points which are littered with bald-faced lies.

    1. You make some good points, a lot to think about. I find it particularly interesting that Trump's children rally around him while Hunter Biden is a family disgrace and apparently there is a Biden daughter that hides out in Florida that the public doesn't even know about.

  6. Mike, you go ahead and vote for whomever you please, the crest of us are voting for sanity. Trump.

  7. I’m not happy with Biden as a candidate, but that isn’t a good enough reason to hand the country over to the grifter who nearly ruined us before. January 6th, remember that being event that killed police officers and killed Americans. This time he’ll look for ways to stay in power forever, no matter who it hurts. A vote for Kennedy is a win for Trump.

    1. The only one killed on January 6th was an unarmed protester who was shot by a Capitol Police Officer taking a blind shot through a doorway.

      If you truly believe otherwise you are believing the lies you’ve been fed by the news media or simply spreading misinformation

  8. So in MM's view, if the Republicans aren't organized 'enough' to watch the voting process, it is their fault if Democrats cheat? Shouldn't it be built into the system that there is no cheating? If a guy cheats on his wife if it his wife's fault because she didn't hide an Apple Tag in his pants?

    1. The system may certainly not be perfect. Over the years it has been modified under both R & D administrations. Trump did pursue challenges in 2020, but no irregularities were discovered. His call to the Georgia governor to find votes was not inspirational. Gore stood down in a much closer election than 2020 after exhausting his legal remedies.

    2. Many of the cases were dismissed because it was ruled the plaintiffs had no standing. That’s not the same as having the facts heard and determining there were no irregularities.

  9. I’m voting for closing borders, supporting our police, reducing government spending, and standing with Israel.

    There’s only one candidate that checks all those boxes, and it’s not Biden or Kennedy.
