Nov 10, 2022

A Bad Night For Trump

When Trump campaigned for Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania, I hoped that Oz could prevail in spite of it...He could not.  Although Oz was a markedly more qualified candidate, Trump proved to be a liability, not an asset...In Pennsylvania no less, a supposed Trump stronghold.

For some of us who supported Oz, Trump's apparently waning influence was the only consolation.  If Trump couldn't push Oz into the Senate, there's no way he can again push himself into the White House.  If Trump cared about the Republican Party, he would turn his focus to a library, not another run for office. However, nobody, even his supporters, believes that he cares about party above himself. If his supporters, his base, could not elect Oz, neither can Trump be re-elected in Pennsylvania, or enough other key states.

While Tuesday was a bad night for Trump, it was a good night for the conservative movement. Now perhaps a candidate will emerge who can win in 2024.

photocredit:Red Bokeh Society


  1. Yes, the common narrative being pushed right now is that Trump would not be a viable candidate going forward. I thoroughly DISAGREE with this assessment.

    Nationwide, the candidates Trump endorsed did extremely well. Something like 120 wins and just 10 losses. Pennsylvania is just one small part of the total picture. Trump is still drawing huge, enthusiastic crowds and is the overwhelming favorite for next Presidential candidate.

    Yes, the news media and career politicians would like Trump’s message to just go away but, for me, that’s an indicator the “big club” doesn’t want him to get in their way once again. If Trump decides to run, I will certainly give him my vote. Trump is really the best possible fixer for many of America’s weaknesses.

    Would Trump win the Lehigh Valley? Probably not. But, it’s a big country FULL of unhappy citizens. Remember, Trump could again be elected even if he loses badly here.

  2. What made Oz "More Qualified", his money? He never held office before, questionable residency requirements, convicted of fraud and buddy buddy with a fascist. And, he wants your local elected politician to make medical decisions for women, notmen but women. tRump and his crowds are a disgrace to all Americans and the rest of the world is laughing at him and his cultist following. He's going to get convicted someday as he is "More Qualified" as a criminal than a team player.

  3. I’m not sure what is funnier, your epiphany on Oz, or the thought of a Trump Library. I guess it would be a collection of Twitter screen grabs.

  4. I voted for Oz because I found him to be a centrist who appeals to our better natures,. He spoke about unity, not division. He is by no means a fascist. My main concern about him was his Trump connection. I thought his refusal to campaign with Mastriano was telling. His position on abortion provides exceptions for rape, incest and :health of the mother." You could drive a Mack truck through that exception. In contrast, Fetterman was a rigid leftist who would do away with the filibuster (at least while Dems control the Senate). He is a tribalist. A good activist, but not a legislator.

  5. The fact that Trump's Library will contain only one book.....the ghost written "The Art of the Deal".....means it will not be a true library, but, rather a closet at Trump University.
    Despite all the DeSantis noise, the Republican nomination is Trump's if he choses to really run. There are variables to be considered by him, and the various legal suits/prosecutions only add to the mix.

  6. Well, we will all see what the landscape is in 2024, by that time Trump may look very good indeed. Actually, a few good things from this election. Biden is now convinced he can win. The woke crowd feels emboldened, the republicans can neuter most of Biden's spending but whatever goes wrong in the next two years, which will likely be a lot, can be laid at the feet of democrats.

  7. As it is turning out (slowly) Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado are producing final tallies that will show Trump and supporters actually had a GOOD Election Day nationwide result. The media narrative is failing. By middle of next week when all is counted you’ll see.
