Mar 5, 2019

Ce-Ce Walks The Walk

Ce-Ce Gerlach is running for Allentown City Council.  My first encounter with Ce-Ce was in September of 2013, when she organized a fundraiser for school uniforms.  The post below appeared at that time.

Ce-Ce Gerlach rocked South 16th Street this afternoon with a block party to raise funds for school uniforms. The block was packed with people enjoying several carnival attractions, music and food. From all reports, the new Allentown school uniform policy seems to have gotten off to a good start, but one issue is the cost of the clothes.  With a large, low income student body, this can become a family hardship.  I'm sure Ce-Ce's organizing abilities will help with this problem.  I've had a couple of conversations with Ce-Ce this past month, and I believe she will be a factor in Allentown's future. (reprinted from September of 2013)


  1. Ce-Ce is a very clever politician. She excels at telling people what they want to hear and appearing altruistic. The best politicians have these these skills, that makes them good politicians it doesn't make them good leaders. Ce-Ce works very hard at building up a constituent base, again this is a necessary drive one must have to be a successful politician.I think we can all agree politicians are what they are, some do it better than others, but what makes them politicians is what should be the concern.

  2. Hear, hear! Allentown is fortunate to have a good crop of incumbents as well as challengers for city council this time.

  3. Robert, a good crop of incumbents? Seriously? All but Courtney were part of the problem including Ray! You are a true believer, too many of those in Allentown to afford optomism for the future.

  4. The truth is, if Allentown is ever to improve and prosper as all of our surrounding communities have done it will have to do so inspite of its leadership not because of it.

  5. Scott, you need to loosen up. Serving on City Council pays next to nothing and is not a stepping stone to anything else, except under extremely unusual circumstances.

    If you’re going to accuse Ms. Gerlach of being politically motivated (whatever that means) instead of representing her constituents, maybe you could be a little more specific?

  6. "loosen up", you mean like the average Allentown Democrat who re-elects proven incompetents and mayors under indictment for 49 counts of municipal corruption back into office? Yes, let's all be so carefree in our views and attitudes about who we chose to become stewards of the city and school district. That's working out really well for Allentown isn't it?

    I served with Ce-Ce for four years on the school board. I know of what I speak. I have absolutely nothing to prove to you Aaron. Please explain why you think I do? Have you done anything more than write on this and other sites as your civic contribution to the city? Just asking?

  7. How well would Ce Ce Gerlach do if she got treated by the Lame Stream Media the very same way that President Donald Trump gets treated by the Lame Stream Media every single day?

    How well would ANY Democrat Party politician, being it on the local or national level, do if he/she were treated by the Lame Stream Media the very same way that President Trump gets treated by the Lame Stream Media every single day?

    Gotta love it when a Democrat Party politician and/or supporter, be it on the local or national level, starts lecturing about 'Equality' and 'Fairness'.
