Mar 4, 2019

Israel In Today's American Politics

These are trying times for American support of Israel.  As Democrats and the media obsess against Trump,  that vilification is being smeared on Netanyahu, and Israel itself. The media is delighted by corruption charges against Netanyahu, and paints him and Trump as brothers from the same mother.  Between Netanyahu being described as Trump's friend,  and new critics of Israel in Congress,  American support is being tested.

This new packaging of Israel by the left creates a dilemma for American Jews, who overwhelmingly vote Democratic.  I'm sure that support of Israel will remain as part of the party's platform,  but historical canards about Jews and Israel will only increase in the new climate.


  1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Speaks On "The Occupation Of Palestine" :

    With Democrat Party 'friends' here in the United States such as Ocasio-Cortez, to speak nothing of radical Jihadi Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, how many dangerous enemies does Israel actually really need?

  2. How many generations will it take for much of American Jewery to get over their guilt complex and role as perceived protector of the "underdog"? For cryin' out loud, they are among the highest achieving groups in the country....all on their own and despite hurdles of their own. Firmly placed in the middle and upper classes of the country, can't they see that the groups they politically think they have to support, actually hate them? It is their kids getting screwed out of seats in colleges, jobs in business, etc. at that altar of affirmative action. Eventually, ethnic Catholics and other groups who first graced our shores a hundred years ago, began to vote in a more balanced way.
    I refuse to go through life feeling guilty for slavery (my ancestors were themselves virtually enslaved by their land ouwners in Europe back then), Jim Crow (my parents and grandparents didn't live in the American south over the past hundred years). Enough undeserved guilt already!

  3. You think you have it bad in A-Town? Well here in Minneapolis my representative is no other than Ilhan Omar. And our Attorney General is Keith Ellison.

    Also AOC stands for: Alexandria Occasional Cortex.

  4. Congresswoman Iihan Omar a Democrat is no friend of Israel

  5. MM and the usual suspects on this blog rant as usual about the "left" and the BDS Movement and anti-Israel rhetoric, yadda yadda. Nothing new here folks.

    What is new, and profoundly alienating American Jews, and American Jews under 40 especially, is the radical right, quasi fascist and discriminatory policies of the Likud government. It's capture by the ultra orthodox and rabid nationalist and settler community and the pandering to and embrace by Netanyahu solely to retain power are turn offs. It's not your parents' Israel anymore. The orthodox taliban are exempt from military service and don't work, and the Religious Ministry exercises control over education, marriage, public transportation and other matters, imposing their will on the non or less observant.

    The embrace of Israel by the American evangelical right, for their own theological beliefs/reasons ("End of Days, Christ's Return," etc., etc.), have nothing to do with real geo-political realities, and have no resonance with Christians anywhere else in the world. It is a convenient trope embraced by the GOP for power. Like it's previous embrace of the Tea Party wackos, it will eventually bite them in the rear end.

  6. Trent Hall: yeah, I'm sure millennial Jews are really clued into Israeli politics. While the media regularly celebrate the reduction in Catholic attendance at Mass the untold story is the drastic loss of attendance at American synagogues and other mainline Christian churches. World communism has been very successful in killing faith in anything but the ruling government.

  7. Communism has nothing to do with the anti-clerical sentiment and empty churches in Europe, and the growing "non-affiliated" sector in the United States. Rather, it is weight of 2,000 years of clerical privilege, anti-scientific and anti-modernization policies, repressive social memes against women, and complete indifference & tone deafness to peoples' real life and struggles that educated people are becoming sick of the hypocrisy of Western organized religion. Hence the appeal of cult groups like the Moonies & Scientology, etc., etc. "Mankind will never be free until the last priest is strangled by the entails of the last King"..Voltaire.

  8. Trent Hall is clearly afraid that he is going to wind up on the new 'primary death list' now being drawn up by rising Democrat Party superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and so he obviously feels the need to virtue signal profusely in order to escape such a deplorable fate.

    Forward To Victory, Comrade!
