Mar 6, 2019

Trump And The Media

I'm continually astounded by the media and Trump. From my point of view,  the media, especially CNN and The Washington Post, have set their sights on the president. The front third of CNN every day centers on Trump, and what he supposedly did illegally. A column in the Washington Post accused Fox News of casting aspersions against legitimate inquires. While this scrutiny of Trump has been going on since the inauguration in 2017, now the news is the news.

The Morning Call, which is essentially in a search for readers and survival, featured the Washington Post's Opinion piece. I suppose, with the mid-term election results, that their bet might make business sense.


  1. Yes, if you want to hear anything negative about our President, just tune in to CNN or MSNBC. It's a constant drumbeat against the President.
    And not only is it negative it's disgustingly disrespectful. It is way too personal. Slamming the President's policies would be appropriate.
    But attacking the President personally is really inappropriate. These news outlets proclaim he is anti-semetic, anti muslim, anti women, anti gay and lgbtq etc, and on and on.
    President Trump is the 1st President to have Jewish grandchildren in the White House. I am certain he loves his grandchildren dearly. Why would they label him anti-semetic? Disgracefully deceitful.
    All the constant negative demeaning disgraceful slamming of this President is contributing to the new courseness in our daily lives.
    Listening to CNN and MSNBC is about like listening to conressperson AOC. You can't avoid hearing their proclamatins. You just can't believe what you hear.
    It's truley FAKE NEWS.

  2. Are you referring to the "I smoked weed with my son" essay? Running that was a new low for the Morning Call. That was a sad and disturbing piece and reflects not only what's wrong with the media but also explains why so many of today's young adults just don't seem mature and can't cope, their parents never grew up themselves.

  3. On Trump and the media, one looks bad the other worse. We always knew what Trump was, now we know what the media truly is. It is a hate filled, raging, far left partisan train wreck never to be trusted again.

  4. I don't think there are any more journalists. The current crop of 'alleged journalists' have ruined their credibility, don't even seem to care.

    Similarly, the Democrats in congress, are busy damaging their office.

    The Media and the Dem's want a 'do over election' because they don't like the results of the current election. So they are going off the rails.

    But remember: Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.

  5. "We always knew what Trump was."

    That's right. We knew Trump was a stand up guy who could defeat crooked and corrupt Hillary Rodham Clinton. We knew Trump was a "git 'er done" guy who could do positive things like get unemployment figures for African-Americans and Hispanics down to all-time record lows. We knew Trump was a successful businessman who could ditch the harmful regulatory chains of Obamunism and get the economy firing on all cylinders again. We knew Trump could get the United States out of truly terrible deals like NAFTA and the ridiculous Paris Climate Accord as well as do other common sense things like make NATO start paying its fair share of the cost for its very own defense.

    "We always knew what Trump was."

    That's right --- we ALWAYS KNEW that Trump was the much-maligned guy who could ignore all the ill-wishing water carriers in the Lame Stream Media all the while pursuing policies that WOULD, as the results have already clearly shown, make America great again.

  6. Wow! You write right for your 5 fans.
    "Trump is a stand up guy"
    Said NO ONE before 2016!
    "We always knew what Trump was"
    We did! We knew he was a predator. We knew he was a sexist. We knew he didn't pay his contractors. We knew he was a serial adulterer. We knew he had bankruptcy after bankruptcy.
    Here's the thing...we did know who he was. NOW we really know who ALL of his supporters are.
    Now we know they will accept any ineptly immoral president. That is as long as you agree with everything are exactly like him.
    You are same old racist, sad, old, dying off white men as he is.
    A bunch a hypocrites.'s the media.
    As a JEW you should be very careful about getting rid of the media.

    1. Agree. This guys will write about anything to get 5 closed minded replies. Sad

  7. What is SAD is your inability to appreciate anyone who differs from your point of view.

    Hoping you are just young and naieve.

  8. Valerie,

    Let's just all recall when in 1998 feminist writer Nina Burleigh’s declared that “I would be happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal." That comment was celebrated by the left/media/Democratic Party and its voters. Bill Clinton was an actual sexual predator,and his wife, your presidential candidate was America's biggest enabler. The Clinton's sins however weren't limited those of the flesh, they were both totally corrupt in their business deals and fund raising operations. The Democratic Party entertained many corrupt party leaders over the years and honored actual racists without a pause. Now you expect Republicans to be upset over things you and your party both excused but celebrated for decades? Sorry it doesn't work that way. Why not demand the governor of Virginia and his Lt. governor stand down? Democrats are silent on this aren't they. Why not demand an investigation into the apparent Obama Administrations abuses of the IRS,FBI,FISA and the Justice Department to go after political opponents? Not a single Democrat is demanding that! The selective indignation and hypocrisy of the media/Democratic Party and its voters is as ugly as it is blatant.

    One more point, telling Mike"As a Jew" he should be very careful about getting rid of the media demonstrates a real ignorance on your part. For one thing, Mike nor anyone else who posts here want to get rid of the media, silence it, regulate it, or even boycott it. This is America, the media has the right to be opening partisan and broadcast propaganda to the lemmings that will listen. But remember, a press that is merely propaganda was part of the team that murdered six million Jews(Mike's relatives included) in NAZI Germany. Never doubt that history can't repeat itself. Many non leftists are alarmed by the transition of the media from somewhat objective to pure left wing propaganda. We have every right right to comment on it...for now.

  9. By the way,as Valerie said, "As a Jew" Mike should be concerned, but many would say he should be concerned with the growing antisemitism in the Democratic Party. They can't even get the votes to pass resolution denouncing antisemitism in the governing body they control, the US House of Representatives.

  10. Chambers, I will not delete your comment because you're the type to troll back with 50 more comments. However, after your comment on facebook that I should die, your comments are not welcome here. Furthermore, I urge other readers to ignore you, and not respond.

  11. Mike,

    Ignoring this kind of hate is not the answer, it must be confronted with reason and truth.

  12. Is she young and naieve or old and hopeless?

  13. The election of Donald Trump has exposed a facet of the American public that I didn't think existed. I disagreed with Obama - but he was elected - it was his turn to run the show.

    I never dreamed of such vitriol against fellow citizens - just because we voted Trump as the POTUS. The name calling - just because the Left didn't get it's way.

    The Media has directly contributed to our current 'Cold Civil War". Now the Democrats in the House are working on impeachment, since Muller has failed to produce. It's a dark day for the US.

  14. Gosh, who would have thought the GOP might have a hard time now selling to college educated people their “freedom” policies pushing "white nationalism,” ending the SALT deduction, bringing back pre-existing medical conditions, and pandering to intolerant, bigoted evangelical hardliners, while at the same time pushing policies against racial diversity, against raising the minimum wage, against public schools, against climate change, against voting rights, against compassionate immigration policies, against women controlling their own bodies, against unions, against gays getting legally married, and against sensible gun control laws.

    The GOP under Trump has descended into scaring people with the supposed threat that gays, Mexicans, Muslims, women, affordable healthcare, and liberals pose. Consequentially, their racism, misogyny and bigotry are being rejected by the young, minorities and people of color, and college educated whites in the suburbs.

    Yes, Trump is going down. We have seen this movie before, though never in modern times a person so singularly unfit, emotionally, mentally, and morally to be President. Bloggers on this site will just have to further wrap themselves into the state TV (i.e. Fox) propaganda & denial & conspiracy theories once Trump is gone. They can comfort themselves with short visits to his Presidential Library, as it will consist of only one book.....the ghost written Art of The Deal.

  15. One great thing that has been accomplished, the media has been exposed for what it really is. We all knew that it leaned left, but no one would have believed what a propaganda machine it has become. It will not be able to restore its credibility without a wholesale cleansing and apology to the American people.

  16. The message of the left is fear and hate of political opponents. That is how all totalitarians operate. Trent provided a fine example of this. Thanks Trent!

  17. Hey, Trent : my mother of German ancestry, despite having been raised as a Lutheran, herself, actually made me attend a Scottish Presbyterian church growing up ... AND sing in the freakin' choir, as a matter of fact.

    You know us Presbyterians --- some say it is we who invented being what is called a 'Sunday Christian'.

    So exactly what is all this crapola about Evangelicals that you keep yacking on about?

    And please tell us 'Evangelicals' here at this blog exactly how much else you are completely clueless about as you toss your stereotypes around like they are soon to be going out of style or something?

    In the meantime, let me guess : You really aren't into 'religious freedom' anywhere near as much as your scrambled radical Leftist eggs for brains would most likely love to fool people into thinking you are, isn't that right???

    Vorwaerts zum Sieg, Genosse!

  18. Hey Speedstr21 :

    Pointing out that it is allegedly racist President Donald Trump who now holds the official all-time record low marks for unemployment of African-American and Hispanic citizens is somehow classified as "close minded" in your world?

    How tolerant of you, then.

  19. She is always one sided like most liberals, I unfreinded her even though we were good friends once. Mike I applaud your truths spoken here. Trump does not deserve any jabs from the fake news.
