Jun 13, 2017

Bernie Schools Dershowitz

Yesterday, Bernie O'Hare took former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz to law school.  Bernie proclaimed that Dershowitz is wrong and absurd about Comey and Trump, and that nobody is above the law.  Bernie even provides a link to a court case to supposedly prove his point.  How does Bernie do it, prove that perhaps the most esteemed authority on Constitutional Law in the country is wrong?  Easy,  just a little word play here and there, ala O'Hare. Dershowitz never said that Trump was above the law.  He simply said that as President he hires and can direct the FBI director to open and close files, and that as President he can pardon people. Therefore, in a specific situation such as the Flynn matter, Trump's constitutional authority options preclude an obstruction charge.

The point here isn't really O'Hare vs. Dershowitz,  that's only a  contest in Bernie's head.  It is the arrogance of O'Hare, and his tendency to bully. If it is attacking Gracedale while supporting John Stoffa, or doing a 180, and defending Gracedale while attacking John Brown,  he can out-twist Chubby Checker.  Furthermore, he keeps twisting, if he is proclaiming an ernest city council candidate a criminal, or trying to marginalize another blog, such as this one, calling it Molovinsky On Anything But Allentown.  Of course, that doesn't apply to Bernie, if he wants to write about Trump. Bernie complains that Trump puts loyalty above honesty.  How this feud with Bernie started was that he felt that I was being disloyal because I questioned a disclaimer he made about Morganelli. His highness actually used the word loyalty.  The only reason it is a feud is that with this blog I have the ability to defend myself, most of his victims do not have that option.  Of course, by defending myself he claims that I'm attacking him and his honor,  which he thinks is much more important than mine, or yours.

photo of Bernie O'Hare checking every signature trying to stop the Save Gracedale ballot initiative in 2011

1 comment:

  1. Michael, the two of you are so valuable to journalism in Allentown and the Lehigh Valley. It saddens me to ask you to stick firmly to your original role of reporting, commenting, and you especially holding the electeds and employees of Allentown and South Whitehall Townships to task. Your voice is strengthened when you attend to the important issues.

    Your disagreements with Bernie weaken your voice. I ask you to keep to what you consider to be the high road. I love what you two men do. The MC and ET don't touch your work. Keep enriching us. Ignore the negative voices regardless of their origin. You're a mensch who loves his home town. (So is he.) I'm crossposting this to our mutual friend out of respect for the two of you.
