Jun 13, 2011

TC Salon Clips Allentown

Channel 69, WFMZ reports that Technicolor Salon on 19th Street is closing today. Mayor Pawlowski hyped this business about two years ago, and we invested at least a quarter $million.
Refer to CEDC

Amending the 2009 General Fund to provide for a supplemental
appropriation of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand ($250,000) Dollars; to
provide for the grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and
Economic Development to rehabilitate 617 N. 19th Street to become TC Salon
Although the small beauty parlors in the neighborhood had to fight the subsidized giant, they continue on, paying their own way. Wasting taxpayer money on grants is a lesson this Administration refuses to learn.

UPDATE: The Morning Call today reports that the business also received a $907,000 loan from the LVEDC. Although the report says that renovations including a crystal chandelier from Hess's Allentown department store were made, that chandelier was there from the previous business, the Shanty Restaurant. Readers may find my post about this grant over two years ago interesting, especially the comments at that time.


  1. Another liberal waste of our money. Just like all the factories Obama gave our money to that are now boarded up. Let free markets reign. I can't help but think of my hard-working, middle income wife having her taxes go to pay for 'grants' so that foo-foo babes at Renew Lehigh Valley can have their nails Frenched up before scooting to BrewWorks.

  2. MM -

    Add this to the fact that City Council will be approving a resolution supporting another state grant for the Brew Works building. How will the taxpayers ever get their money back on THAT property?

    And these (the Mayor and Council) are the same economic development experts who are telling us the arena will revitalize downtown? What happens when that project fails and taxpayers are stuck paying off the bonds?

    I wouldn't trust City Hall to run a lemonade stand.

  3. I posted a link to the TC Salon's Grants, owner's investment + the Small Business loan over at my blog.

    CLICK HERE, then on the sentence in my post..

    "TC Salon opened on 19th street on April 15, 2010 after receiving a 1/4 million dollar$ of taxpayers money."

    (It's Jarrette Renshaw's Scribd upload when he was still with TMC)

  4. are you serious???????

    how did they get this $250,0000? i'm sure they have to pay this back, right?

    can't anyone stop mayor ED and the city council? omgosh! this is really pissing me off!

  5. please tell me what we need to do to stop them--the city of allentown from wasting anymore of the taxpayers money!!!!

  6. So is this the case of a small business thinking it can be something it can't.

    Or was this a case of a small business in desperate straits looking for a grand bailout that failed.

    Only ED and his cronies know for sure.

    So what is the arena all about boys?

    Are any of you going to get honest about this yet another quick fix pie in the sky deal.

    The worst businessmen in the world seem to characterize the current regime.

  7. The $250,000 was toward the rehab of the building. I'm pretty sure the building will remain in the neighborhood and someone else is already lined up to step in. The place is always busy.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is simply a corporate restructuring.

  8. How long was it previously empty?

  9. The article makes no sense. Me thinks there is much more to this story than meets the eye.

  10. MM -

    Did the city make any guarantee on the loan? Will taxpayers end up paying?

  11. How could a chic business like this fail in Allentown’s “Theatre District”?

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  12. Anon 4:52 may have the right idea. Let the market forces prevail. Allentown has no reason economically to exist. No private enterprise worth its salt will locate in the city without government bribes. It is time to cut the losses, downsize government and move on. Allentown is on its way to becoming Camden NJ or Chester PA. Stop those stupid liberals from trying to save a dead fish.

  13. anon 7:05, i believe that allentown still has much economic vitality, but that the grants and "special projects" such as the arena are ill advised. all those resources would pay much better dividends if invested in infrastructure and public safety.

  14. MM,

    The problem is when state money is invested in infrastructure it is always invested in the suburbs.

    How long have we been waiting for the state to build the American Parkway Bridge despite the fact that Mayor Daddona and Heydt build 2/3 of the road with city and private funds?

  15. anon 7:45, i would hope they don't build that bridge, but instead use the money for much needed maintenance on existing bridges

  16. So you are ok with the state spending money as long as it is not in Allentown?

  17. So you are ok with the state spending money as long as it is not in Allentown?

    anon 8:14, I clearly stated that money should be spent on infrastructure and public safety. in the future, such apologist statements as yours will be deleted with no explanation.

  18. Michael, I seem to remember the Morning Call reported on some 'Union Troubles' that had to be addressed at T.C.Salon before renovations could begin. J. Hoffa

  19. Private business and government should be apart like church and government. When grants are available, government has the responsibility to spend it for the greater good of the citizen(ex. roads, public libraries, etc.) not on privately owned businesses. It's appalling that these government official don't recognize the difference from public use versus favoritism of a few private owned entities. I been a private business owner all my adult life and I don't agree with using our tax dollars for these political non sense.

  20. They recognize the difference clearly.

  21. Great they give him all that money and he closes anywa. Who is going to repay me for the $200 gift certificate I still have? Crooks!

  22. Stop the government hand-outs to businesses. If business cannot make money without it, let them fail or move. That is God's way. The liberals and reformers who want to save a dying city are just wasting tax payers hard earned money. The really smart businesses have already left and will not come back. Molovinsky is right on with his aggressive work targeting the social engineers who believe Allentown can be turned around. More public investment in safety---yes--safety for us, the tax payers, not for the free-loaders. Better to build some strong fences rather than arenas and businesses bribes!

  23. This was posted on the facebook page for Technicolor:

    "(Christine Stephens Carter) Exactly. Frank is also selling his home at 2512 Center St Bethlehem for $1,595.000. he must really be broke"

    Interesting, eh??

  24. Thanks Molovinsky for targeting the politicians and "know it alls" in government. They are all crooks and stupid to boot. Allen has it right. Allentown is dying and we are wasting our tax money on a corpse. You saw the writing on the wall many years ago and saved your tax money and invested it where there are no lazy no good scum to eat your tax money. I am getting out soon but my house is worth almost nothing now. I still have my ammunition and am keeping it. The bureaucrats won't take that away from me.

  25. anon 5:38, those you try to minimize my efforts keep mentioning that i don't live in allentown. although i do live several blocks over the line, i never stopped working and investing in allentown. i would not hesitate one moment to move back into allentown, actually, i almost did this past summer.

  26. We need to get the city of Allentown AUDITED. ED's process and handling of public funds has been overlooked, spoken against, but they have never been held accountable. We, the public taxpapers, have been abused long enough.

    Let's support each other...
    It's time to stop this madness and direct tax $$ to the right venues that WILL help Allentown.

  27. MM: I apologize if you thought I was criticizing you for living outside Allentown. I was praising you for seeing the light and moving out when property values were decent. You knew then Allentown was a loser and you are the canary in the coal mine for alerting all of us to that fact. Pawloski and his friends will provide the final fatal blow. Stay after him.

  28. anon 6:38, again i must correct your false assumption. my move had nothing to do with property values or perceptions about allentown, but was caused by a personal situation. i never considered allentown a loser. i do question decisions by it's elected leadership.

  29. I drove by the defunct TC salon.
    What business skins their entire building with huge slabs of exotic stone veneer?
    Maybe some one not paying for it?
    The tip of this iceberg?

  30. I love spending other people's money on whatever makes me feel good.


  31. I just want to KNOW where is the ACCOUNTABILITY ? So many self sufficient busineeses that could have been assisted with this and OTHER wasted funds. SMH



  32. If the business is already self-sufficient...

    ...why does it need GOVERNMENT (Taxpayer) FUNDS?

    The Entitlement Mentality is ruining this country something awful.
