Jan 28, 2011

Lehigh Valley Railroad

The Lehigh Valley Railroad began as an carrier of anthracite coal in 1846. At it's peak, it stretched from the docks of New York harbor to Lake Erie. Although mostly a freight carrier serving the hearths of Bethlehem Steel, it operated a well known passenger line from New York City to Buffalo, The Black Diamond. As a child in the 1950's, I would sit in the car with my father waiting for the long freight trains to cross Union Street. A train watch tower stood over the busy crossing. By 1976, remnants of the railroad were absorbed by Conrail. Shown above, from the late 1930's, is the streamlined engine of the Black Diamond.


  1. One of Pennsylvania's best known "robber-barons" Asa Packer not only founded the Lehigh Valley Railroad but Lehigh University. He wanted the college in Mauch Chunck, now Jim Thorpe (another long and sordid story), but the community did not want their young daughters tempted by the "college boys." He then relocated it to Bethlehem where is was tuition free for 26 years. Ah! The good old days of robber-barons, no unions, and WASP leaders. By the way, Asa did not want Jews at Lehigh and they were not accepted for many years.

  2. i will have several posts on the LVRR. none of them will have the detail to satisfy or interest the train buffs. the history of the railroad and valley are very interlinked, and the buffs are true local historians.

  3. Ledebur,

    It is obvious you hate the United States.

    Why put up with such a guilty country with such a shameful history?

    Why not just split and go to Greece or Spain?

  4. Ledebur,

    I think I have found the solution to your problem.

    You should go on a HUNGER STRIKE immediately, you know, like Bobby Sands, and stay on it until all the radical Left Wing Progressive Liberal Democrat college professors are completely through re-writing the history books to your 100% satisfaction.

    I will guarantee extensive media coverage to draw attention to this most important protest fighting the wanton ugliness and across-the-board injustice of American History.

    And, also make sure no one tries to sneak you any food on the side so that you may continue to live.

    This is your chance to do something great, to make a difference.

    With my help, you can call it a bi-partisan project!

    Okay, time to "step up to the plate" or, in this case, walk away from it permanently...

  5. Ah! The good old days of robber-barons, no unions, and WASP leaders.
    For many left wing economists, the economic history of the US begins with FDR coming into office in 1932 while ignoring the huge economic growth that occured under the "robber barons".
    As for the WASPS, they built a nation millions came to and from my vantage point, I see no decent replacements for them at this time.
    Your snarky race comments ignore the fact those WASP's did something the current batch of diversity types can't... they built an industrial base.

  6. Ah yes, the robber barons. Those guys who, faults and all, built America. From farms and mines, to factories, banking and railroads these evil-doers were the backbone of the Industrial Revolution which made our country (and the world) the prosperous entities we are today.
    Funny how 'wasps' are fair game for some, but mention the influence of Jewish Americans in Hollywood and the media and people go apoplectic. Yet those media moguls were among the most America-loving in our history, even in a time when the wasps in the State Department, Treasury and even the White House(s) were plotting to sell us to the commies in the USSR and China. Iroically, it was Jew, Roy Cohn, warts and all, who exposed those commies in our midst. And to bring this full circle (in a way) Cohn was the nephew of the founder of Lionel Trains (Joshua Lionel Cowen) who featured LV Railroad items in their catalogs for 150 years.

  7. Wow...just interested in history of LVRR and have a neat RR key & lock,marked LVRR 1905. Works perfect. From estate of 98 year old from NJ,but retired many years ago in AZ. Would like to find new home for this historical item. Any suggestions ? Open to fair offers. How about Cornell Railroad Historical Society in Ithaca? Molovinsky,I like your space. My Dad and uncles...Railroad men...What neat childhood memories to have. Tiny line S & A Railroad.Thanks,Ginger
