Jan 28, 2011

I am Israel- Jerusalem Version


  1. Those two teenage Israeli female soliders are absolutely beautiful.

    They belong in dresses at the Prom being swarmed by guys wanting to dance with them...

    ...not in military uniforms because people like the 6th President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, will not recognize their right to exist.

  2. Why is it that I feel I am watching a tape of the 1979 Iranian Revolution unfold on the news at this moment?

    Why is it that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's appeal to the Egyptian protesters to refrain from violence does not seem to be wielding much influence?

    What are the chances that the Muslim Brotherhood really supports Jeffersonian-style Democracy and is genuinely interested in Egyptian self-determination as compared to taking advantage of a political crisis to advance its own, alternative agenda?

  3. I will refrain from commenting on this video because "ironpigpen" (I am sure a psychoanalyst would conjecture what prompted this creative nom de plume) will just throw insults my way while avoiding any facts that contradict his (or her) view of the world. Personally I think it is cowardly to insult people anonymously.

  4. Before I comment on your allegations, prove that YOU have never insulted anyone anonymously.

    You are an admitted Progressive Liberal - which makes everything possible.

    "You have to pass it before you can find out what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi.

    The same rules should apply for you.

  5. How about this for Friday night special offer, Ledebur :

    Admit HAMAS is a terrorist organization.

    Admit the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD is a terrorist organzation.

    Admit both, along with IRAN, want to destroy Israel.

    Then you can say whatever you want, fair enough?

  6. Hamas clearly sponsors terrorism. I am not familiar with the Muslim Brotherhood, but I guess as events play out in Egypt I will learn much about it. I will not be surprised to learn that it may sponsor terrorism. I am also confident that both organizations oppose the state of Israel.

  7. Abandon hope ye who enter here anonymously.

    The Gods of the blogsphere grant you no repentance for your nameless posts.

    Ye have no creditability. Ye lack integrity. Ye are shown no respect by those of whose true name is in this realm and of this realm.

    Yeah ye who have emerged from the land of freedom of speech who must fear retribution and discrimination for stating honestly your beliefs. You are deemed not worthy to post.

    For this is the way it is today.

    Those who do not believe in retribution for independence of thought are delusional. It is the delusional who fear the realities of life. It is the delusional who will negate the true spirit of man. It is the delusional who are obsessed with proving theirs are bigger than yours.

    So only venture forth anonymously if ye are in full agreement with conventional thought, regardless of how inaccurate or misdirected it may be.

    Ye must pay the devils due if you only comment to get along with the almighty non-anonymous blessed consorts of the blogsphere.

    Have faith though for those who stand for and state the truth. They must live another day to comment again. For man does not live by blogging alone. He/she must care for a family and meet basic needs.

    Fear not there will be redemption regardless of what the pharasiees say.

    Comment on dudes and dudettes.

    Chumscrubber (Nome de Plume) aka Silence Dogood

  8. Insanity destroys reason, but not wit.

  9. Why is it that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's appeal to the Egyptian protesters to refrain from violence does not seem to be wielding much influence?

    The British press is reporting that Obama and Clinton may have engineered the current mess in Egypt.
    If their plan back fires, we may have a second Iran on our hands. While some see the current unrest as secular in nature, it is the Muslim Brotherhood that has the organization to take over.

    To quote the 3 Stooges:
    Larry: Is that bad?
    Shemp: It ain't good.
    The MB has been the fore runner of several unpleasent movements in the mid east.

  10. Chumscrubber,

    Ledebur made it clear this is now MY blog...were you granted permission to lecture high and mightily?


    I think you are very witty.


    Where are you at on developments in the Middle East, Chumscrubber?

    (let's not stray TOO far off into space)

  11. Looking,


    You should probably explain for the benefit of those who attend Allentown public school and are, therefore, not receiving as good as an education as their counterparts in the suburbs...

    ..."organization" means weapons and the willlingness to never let a good crisis go to waste, as Rahm Emmanuel would say.

  12. escape, you wrote:
    "The British press is reporting that Obama and Clinton may have engineered the current mess in Egypt."

    there would be no possible motivation for that; any possible regime change would only hurt our interests.

  13. What if, by some coincidental chance, "our interests" do not meet the global community organizer Obama's Agenda?

    What if Obama is not interested in the United States maintaining its traditional role as a world leader?

    Why did Obama (or the Main Stream Media) not speak out more vociferously on behalf of Demoracy and Self-Determination when great numbers of Iranians protested the controversial election victory of the 6th President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the notorious Mahmoud Ahmadinejad back in 2009?

  14. rolf, obama may slightly shift our policy,but he can't turn it upside down. as far as iran, imo, to encourage the people without active support, is no favor. ask the cubans invaders at the bay of pigs.

  15. there would be no possible motivation for that; any possible regime change would only hurt our interests
    They have been hob knobbing with some Eygptian democracy types.
    Problem is the democracy types do not have a political organization ready to hit the ground running, where the Muslim Brotherhood does, so the MB may win by default.
    Make of it what you will.

  16. escape, i would think an abetted uprising by us would involve more than one person being given a course in activism. although i still discount the premise, i do appreciate the link, thanks.

  17. The worst development in Egypt for the US would be an Islamic Republic lead by the Brotherhood. No president, nor secretary of state, even progressive liberal's like Obama and Clinton, would ever contribute to that end. That being said, the US cannot be seen strongly supporting an oppressive regime that tramples on human rights. It is a tough line to walk but I believe the US leaders are doing it as well as can be. Tough job.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Anon 6:07 --- I guess you forgot 9/11/2001. It has bee some time.

  20. 6:07

    Do some research on the Muslim Brotherhood before you call me a bigot...

    ...remember that I said real reserch, one that involves facts.

  21. Mr. Molovinsky,

    You make a valid point about the Bay of Pigs but...

    I might say that Obama has, in my opinion, turned American upside down - and not for the better.

    I might say he screws everything up. Whatever happened to that factory he touted in Allentown?

    I might ask, why not foreign policy?

    Obama went to Germany and begged Merkel to do a Stimulus. She refused. Germany economy is rebounding, particulary compared to that of the rest of Europe. German unemployment is 7.5% now.

    What is our umemployment?

    I remain unconvinced Obama is as smart as everyone thinks he is.

    But I do think he has considerable power.

  22. And yeah,

    I question a guy who, among other things, runs around apologizing for the United States at every chance.

    I remember his Cairo speech.

    He does not inspire me, nor make me feel good about national security.

    Exactly what has Obama done well, other than campaign and get elected?

  23. 6:07, you can call me a bigot on your blog, not on mine. fyi, my opinion about current events in egypt have nothing to do with israel, although the current regime there is probably less hostile than a new one will be. now i delete your comment.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. IPP:

    I have no comment on Israel. It is written. There is only one outcome. I have no doubt the strength of Israel has been preordained.


  26. Let's be clear. A radical Islamic Egypt will be a threat to the United States. This is independent of Israel. Stop the ad hominem attacks are focus on the real threat. It is in America's interest to prevent another Iran in the mid-east.

  27. escape, i would think an abetted uprising by us would involve more than one person being given a course in activism. although i still discount the premise, i do appreciate the link, thanks.
    Engineer is too strong a word. I think push might be a better choice. I am sure more than the one in the article is involved as it has been US policy since 2007 to make the mideast more democratic.
    I tend to think this is not going to work out like we hoped.

  28. escape, i don't think we were hoping for this at all. although we encouraged more democracy, at the same time we have been a strong supporter of mubarak and the egyptian military.

  29. No doubt there is a level of political involvement of the US on a variety of issues in every area of the Middle East.

    While many may feel the basis is political ideology, my perception has been it has more to do with economic issues i.e. oil than anything else.

    Never seems to amazes me how soon we forget certain issues. People need to do some research and make decisions on their own about the potential influence of philosophical and non secular beliefs in the US.

    Not everyone is as now oriented and narcissistic politically as we are in the USA. Others are prepared to wait and are just as content with the planned outcome occurring long after they are gone then they are expecting it to happen immediately.

    Our obsession with diversity, not equal rights, has and continues to weaken the infrastructure and political might of our country.


  30. chumscrubber--"Our obsession with diversity, not equal rights, has and continues to weaken the infrastructure and political might of our country." This sounds like code. what are you really saying and what does it have to do with the middle east?

  31. Chumscrubber,


    Of course the strength of Israel is preordained...

    ...by the Israeli people themselves - with or without anybody's help.

    Were you paying any attention at all during the 20th century or do you always just drift out there going on about who knows what?

    PS - tell us which political party is pushing Food Justice on your next ramble.

  32. I never worry about Israel. It is taken care of. I have complete confidence.

    Food Justice - Well certainly not the current administration locally. All these late urban revival attempts at gastronomic reconstruction as a basis of growth are already in the process of decay. i.e. Comos or what ever the f the name of that place is on 6th St.

    I would start leveling some of the more horrendous totally useless architecture in this fine city and return it to green fields for the production of food.

    Amen! That being said. I would start with the old sports club and bank operations center on Union Street.

    Then I would move to the old First National Bank building on Hamilton St.at 7Th. That mother is an aberation of the Gods of concrete.

    I would then disallow any development of the great sink hole property a little further north and west on 7th.

    Turnips and rhubarb would be my choice. Public meeting places and flower gardens.

    I could go on and on. Get rid of the useless properties. Turn the areas into parks and gardens so people can once again live in this God forsaken forgotten rusted out urban faux metropolis (like that one?).

    I know MM does not like the destruction of old and ill designed useless properties in this city but we always need a lot of opinions.

    Where are the wrecking balls when you need them.


    PS Bring back the street car and make GM pay for that revival.

  33. "Where are the wrecking balls when you need them?"

    In the Obama Administration.

    "...make GM pay for that revival"

    Again, what ye seek can be found on Pennsylvania Avenue. Obama is the de facto owner of Government Motots. Give him a call and let him what is on your mind.

    Telling Business how to run things is what Obama does best. A large campaign contribution can and will win sympathy for your cause. History has already shown us that with Obama.

    While you are at it, ask the smartest President in the history of the United States how he plans to deal with the Iranian Revolution, Part II.

    (Ironic many view Obama as the second coming of Jimmy Carter)

  34. anon 3:59,
    Tear down enter city for farm land??
    How about all those suburban tract developments with the mcmansions?
    Now that was some farming.
    Where do you thonk the farm land went?

  35. The McMansions are the slums of tomorrow or who knows, maybe they already are today.

    Move into the city. It will not be safe out in the wildlands of Mac-un-gee.


  36. GL

    I guess a guy like you would take credit for authoring that statement.

    So the legalistic throne is challenged.

    Movie suggestion - Idiocracy. Tell us which character you ID with. Perhaps the lawyer knocked off his throne?

