Jan 16, 2009

Weed and Seedy

In the 2005 Mayoral Campaign, as I listened to Edwin Pawlowski elaborate on how he would energize the local Weed and Seed initiative, although he never mentioned involuntary home inspections, I called it a crab grass program. Apparently I was wrong, it may well be a crass grab program. Today I interacted with the National Weed and Seed headquarters, they are not familiar with any mandatory homeowner participation, which is exactly what Allentown's systematic inspections constitute. I call upon Phyllis Alexander, Coordinator for Allentown's Weed and Seed, to explain this unique interpretation of a national program and justify the imposition upon our homeowners.


  1. MM, has the MC covered any of what you and Bernie have found here? I don't read it too much any more, found something else to do with the 3 minutes/day I used to spend reading it.

    The Banker

  2. Please keep us posted with any new information or progress being made.

    Peace be with you, ~~Alex J.

  3. MM, I'd like to hear Alexander and Pawlowski justify this discriminatory invasion of privacy.

    You say more in four sentences than I say in four posts, but I'm still prettier than you.

  4. I know, Ms Phyllis Alexander and I find her to be wise, caring, and very motivated when it comes to improving the city.
    I, personally, am wondering if this Weed and Seed Initiative is a two-edged sword that started out as protection and a preventive force, with the A-town communities best interests in mind, in the beginning, but now, unknowingly, has began to be used as a weapon? I won't judge until a response is made from the organization or the Director.

    Alfonso Todd

    Alfonso Todd

  5. alfonso, she apparently has condoned the unnecessary juxtaposition of Weed and Seed with mandatory inspections, which has intimidated many home owners. on another blog today you also defended another bureaucrat. i'm sure their both nice women, but that doesn't mean that their program or position shouldn't be scrutinized, especially by bloggers.

  6. Yeah, I know, MM and it's not that I have gone soft or anything, but my New Year's resolution is to be vigilant and pro-active but try to see both sides of the coin BEFORE I speak and take action. In the past, i believe I was very vocal about alot of things but didn't do much to try to remedy the situation, and this year "I plan to speak softly, but carry a BIG stick !"

    Alfonso Todd

  7. that's very admirable of you alfonso, especially considering you lost both your office and main client to the discretions of this administration. hope you find your new strategy beneficial. my snideness beside, keep up your good work and events

  8. No, that's NOT snideness, it's the TRUTH; and I still am smarting from those actions. But I have found that the angrier I get, the less I stay focused. I mean, I have done some great events, but Allentown is not any nearer to getting back on track. EVENTS will NOT save A-town. So, I have decided to got the way of
    Huey Newton, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King in 2009. I am not going to just talk about it, but actually BE about it. I have a voice in the City through my
    e-newsletter and people know of me by my non-profit and events, so I have to do the next thing that comes natural, build a base. I hate politics, but I either need to S_ _ _ or get off the pot. (smile)
    I think 2009 is going to be a lot of fun ! See you in the funny papers...

    Alfonso Todd
