Mar 5, 2025

Trump's Economy

When I was a boy, Mack Trucks were made in Allentown by Mack. Mack made everything, save the tires.  But even then, the parts and trucks weren't made in the same factory. The parts were made on S. 10th Street, and the trucks were assembled at Lehigh and S. 12th Streets.

General Motors now makes their vehicles in Michigan and Canada. The parts move back and forth across the border during the assembly process. Having a strong economy and partner to our north was always considered a plus, before our new emperor's reign began January 20th.

Our previous leaders, called presidents, had advisors on such matters as foreign policy and economy. Our current emperor has sycophants, whose vocabulary apparently only consists of compliments. So, while the red hats applaud their leader's strength, their stocks and assets go down, and their food gets more expensive. 

ADDENDUM: By late Tuesday afternoon, the administration was already announcing that the tariffs would be modified on Wednesday. Another announcement concerned reinstating some jobs cut last week by DOGE. Considering that this is Trump's second rodeo, only the most diehard partisans could applaud these false starts and uncertainly. Freshman Republicans should rent, rather than buy in the DC area.


  1. For someone who hates Trump, you seem to profess a lot of fake concern about his party’s political future.

    If we really wanted to know what CNN and MSNBC thought, we’d watch it ourselves, instead of getting it regurgitated here.

    Perhaps you should be analyzing the democrats, and talk about their ability to be on the wrong side of issues that have the support of 70 to 80 percent of the country.

    For the first time in four years the country is headed in the right direction, and we’re only a month and a half in. Better buckle up, Buttercup, you’re going to have a long four years.

  2. anon @2:51: Actually, my economy cable package doesn't get any of those stations (CNN, MSNBC, or FOX), but where I get my news doesn't matter. Trump and the Republicans would love to have 55%, much less "70 to 80 percent" as you state. BTW, I'd rather be Mr. Buttercup than Mr. Anonymous. :)

    1. I don’t follow the polls much, but I think that the keeping men out of women’s sports consistently polls between 80-20 and 70-30 (%). And Senate democrats just voted UNANIMOUSLY against that.

      Hell, the democrats couldn’t even applaud the kid with cancer who was made an honorary Secret Service agent last night.

      Not sure if there’s polling on that, but who DOES something like that?

    2. anon@5:47: I think that some of Trump's positions are very popular: the border, DEI, men in women's sports. However, there is an arrogance that the Democrats find very annoying, i.e. a 100 minute speech, self applauding himself. The Republican hierarchy is recommending that their representatives don't schedule town halls to avoid protest.

  3. Trump's use of tariffs are more a tool than an end in themselves. Many country's have tariffs and restriction on U.S. products. He calls is Reciprocity. The EU has a value added tax, a tariff.
    I suspect that most of these tariffs will be short lived.
    Trade war with China is another matter. We will have to wait to see how that goes. A serious trade war with China will not go well for the U.S.
    Predictions of the future of this administration, after only 6 weeks, without any opportunity to see results , is premature at best.
    Trump truly would like to bring manufacturing back home, that cannot be accomplished in 4 years. It would take a unified vision for that to happen, something that does not exist, as your view demonstrates.

    1. Growing up in industrial Allentown, I recall all the large plants, and the smaller plants which supplied them. Those days won't be back, but we can protect the remaining industries. Punishing the auto industry with tariffs against Canada, even if only threats that last over night, impacts the stock market. This Oval Office has to talk less and think more.

    2. Well said Mr. Nemeth. Trump is a lot of bluster and that is annoying, but many of his ultimate actions have more than a kernel of good sense. Let's not panic at the first correction. Our stock market is pretty healthy, but perhaps a bit frothy due to being juiced by inflationary spending. I am 60, so yes I want the good times to continue. Being balanced and not overreaching seems to make sense. However, I have seen many downturns and then the pendulum swings. Panicking now, seems unnecessary. Much of the whining is political posturing.
      That noise from both ends of the spectrum needs to be ignored. Watch what the professionals are doing. Warren Buffet is hoarding cash not because of panic, but because he sees buying opportunities. That is why Berkshire Hathaway is a behemoth made up of so many diverse parts.

  4. Nonetheless…still encouraging that Mack does make military vehicles within the city limits by queen city airport.

  5. The stock market has ups and downs continuously. Right now, we are in what is called a ‘correction.’ A very common occurrence.

    Over its entire history, including the Great Depression,
    the average annual return on investments using equities is approximately 7.5 %.

    People with properly balanced portfolios according to their age will weather these dips just fine. Another component of what’s happening now is simply “panic” selling. At age 75, just 5% of my net worth remains dependent on equity trading. I sleep very well.

    1. “Portfolios”? Many Americans, many in red states, are not fortunate enough to have “portfolios”. Your ignorance or arrogance is astounding.

    2. If you own a home (or a car) plus have a bank account with just those two components, you have an investment portfolio.

    3. Well said anonymous at 7:42 am. I am 60. I do not like the swings, but we've seen plenty of them. My portfolio still has equities at a large % as that makes sens in the long term. I've learned there are times you just don't look for a short period. The next month or two might be one of those times. If I am wrong, I have a professional who will alert me.

  6. A team is psychiatrists should have been on hand last night to treat the outbreak of TDS that was on display from half the room.

    Maybe a little masking and self-isolation would do the democrats some good.

  7. BTW - After the speech last night:

    CNN - 69% approved of what they heard
    CBS - 76% approved.

    Not bad numbers for Trump.

