The scene above shows the island in the Little Lehigh, with the boatlanding in the background. Please note the bridge leading to the island. The island, bridge and landing were created by the WPA. Although the island still remains, as does its stone piers, the bridge is long gone. The boatlanding, although buried, was partially recovered last year by myself and a number of volunteers. The island, as remaining, has lost its shape and has been enlarged from deposits carried by the Little Lehigh. The island was created by the WPA in the mid 1930's, by excavating a channel on its south side. It is the intention of the park department to eventually allow mother nature to fill in the channel. Park philosophy has changed from manicured to al natural. It is my hope that the excavated portion of the boatlanding will be retained. In regard to yesterday's post on Irving Park, I have confirmed that one of the WPA stone stairwells was indeed removed this year by the city. I hope that is not their version of a fix. It clearly indicates the need for the WPA Support Group. Click photo to enlarge.
reprinted from April of 2011
UPDATE JUNE 7, 2018: As a boy I played on the island and especially remember the concrete benches inlaid with tile. It was indeed a special place. Although the island will never be restored, it is my mission that the remaining WPA structures be maintained. In years past I have conducted tours of the WPA Structures, and will do so again if the park department does some restoration. In the photo above, note the bench overlooking the stream and island, with no weed wall in the way of the view.
ADDENDUM MARCH 24, 2025: I have started a new Facebook group call WPA of Allentown. If you appreciated Allentown's traditional park system, please consider joining us.
The sea change of Allentown's demographics over the last 40 years has turned a once fine, and model municipality which stood out amoung our nation's cities into another Camden, New Jersey.
ReplyDeleteOur once gorgeous park system, West Park for one, has been transformed from an urban garden and municipal recreation spot into the home of municipal gangs, which use it as a gathering place close by William Allen high school, where many attend classes, but do not apparantley learn much. That is shown by the low test scores, and the ability of many of its students who can not read or calculate simple arithmetic at their grade levels. Also by the large presence of a security force that patrols the hallways of my former high school today to insure the saftey of students from being attacked by others or allowing the gang members to sell drugs and have firearms inside of their student lockers.
I never feared for my life to ask the teacher for a hall-pass to go to the bathroom if I needed to during a class. Also a lack of respect for the teachers is another issue, and another reason for the security force to maintain an armed presence in the school.
The demise of Lehigh Parkway is just another part of the transition of Allentown into an urban sewer like Camden, or Gary, Indiana, and other urban cesspools.
Who is to blame? Government, at several levels and the poor stewardship of Allentown over previous decades. Much money has been lost by the city treasury due to the flight of many high-paying jobs from the high-tax Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to other places which are much more buisness friendly. With those jobs left the skilled and highly-educated workforce, whose incomes powered the commercial and banking sectors of Allentown, and now live either in the townships or elsewhere. Repaced by a lower-class, lower-income workforce reliant on government checks and much lower paying incomes. Allentown now has a major crime and major poverty problem unknown in generations past, which deters people from locating into the city.
All of that leads simply to less municipial money to be spent on items such as parks, for their maintenence and more on public saftey and social services than ever. Also having unknowledgeable individuals who see parks as places of recreation more than value their scenic beauty.
In Allentown's case in paticuar, shortsighted decisions by recent Mayors, and also by the Trexler Trust have magnified the poor stewardship and neglect of our parks system.
I loved growing up in Allentown when I did and I remember it fondly, but the Allentown of 2025 is not one I would want to grow up in.
10:52 Said it so beautifully. When contributors turned into takers, Allentown and the nation as a whole, began the decline.
DeleteThe neighboring towns and municipalities should be very concerned.
Delete10:52- You, sir, have nailed it! I was born and mostly raised here and the gray mare ain't what she used to be...
Delete5:20- Have you seen Whitehall lately? To my eyes it's turning into Allentown slowly but surely. I have a friend on the council and I warned him at least 15 years ago the garbage is flowing North. He assured me they are doing everything they can to stem the flow... me thinks it isn't way enough. I'm aware of a few places in New York and New Jersey that have been able to make a line in the sand, and when you cross that border line, you are in "no man's land" with zero law enforcement and the inmates are running the asylum... just like Allentown and soon Whitehall. Keep inviting the taxtakers and the SL&M people (Sick, Lame & Lazy) and there you have it.
Yes, the world has changed in the past 50 years. Your lamentation adds nothing. Figure out what you can do each day to make a little bit of difference. Look for a positive. Grow.
DeleteTo the comments already made:
ReplyDeleteThe deterioration of Weat Park over the last few years is appalling. It used to be pristine and cleaned daily. Now it’s neglected and overrun with truant students and the homeless, depending on what time of day you visit.
The Parkway is similarly neglected, as has been well documented on this blog for many years.
But perhaps the most appalling development in Allentown, was letting PPL move out of their downtown office building. Yes some will move to Reilly’s buildings, but the company will slowly disappear from Allentown. A competent mayor does not let that process begin for one of the city’s largest employers.
To the original post, I don’t do Facebook so I can’t contribute to the dialogue on the new site, but I have read the posts there. I wish the site nothing but success.
Until we have someone in the Mayor’s office who is willing to build on what Allentown is, instead of making it a version of another city, the parks and WPA structures will need someone to protect them.
Michael, I stopped by the Union Terrace Amphitheater staircase the other Saturday as the stonemason was dismantling his shelter structure. Kevin gave me the grand tour and showed me all the work that was performed over the Fall and Winter months. It appears that he has done a great job of improving, preserving and updating the stonework. Hopefully the City and the Trexler Trust realizes that the WPA structures are in need of repair and hires this craftsman to continue with the projects of preserving the stone work. Have you had an opportunity to check out his workmanship and to talk to him?
ReplyDeleteRick@1:24: I have not spoken to him, but I did see the finished work on the stage side of the creek. Several masons have worked on six sites over the last two decades. I'll credit myself with drawing attention to the need for the various restorations over those years, although the city and trust hasn't extended me that courtesy.
DeleteIf I recall correctly, a few years ago the Trexler Trust Board Members made it publicly clear their focus on donations would now be more than just maintaining and improving parks. I suppose one could research the Morning Call archives for those pronouncements, but right now, the Morning Call (in my opinion) is not a trustworthy source for accurate information, nor legitimate journalism.