Feb 14, 2025

Easton Says No Thanks To Welcome Mat

Easton's police chief and mayor for life are not eager to put Allentown's Welcoming City status on their door stoop. They also don't have or want Allentown's shooting and homicide schedule. 

While Venezuelan gang members were killing someone in the Poconos,  Allentown was proposing to become a Welcoming City. Easton's top cop senses that the Welcome City designation can only be a beacon for unnecessary commotion. 

Allentown city council, confronted and intimidated by a chamber full of Welcome supporters, adapted the ordinance. It's easy in our polarized society to be construed as anti-immigrant, or worse, even as a racist. Mayor Panto felt compelled to emphasize his appreciation of law abiding immigrants on social media the next day. I was disappointed to see the ordinance in Allentown pass unanimously.

Shown above Easton center square, 1948


  1. Politicians are afraid of the mob, and with good reason. It’s all getting very scary.

  2. It's interesting to see the effect a competent mayor and competent police chief can have.

    Not only didn't they pander to the mob, they stood up for the safety of their citizens.

    Standing up for the rule of law also yields an interesting benefit - it attracts people to your city who want to follow the law.

    Allentown's approach is the complete opposite, and it shows. Mayor Pee-wee just doesn't get it.

  3. When I first heard about the Allentown Welcoming City designation I considered it foolish to raise up a flag for ICE deportation officials to interpret Allentown as a target rich hunting ground worthy of closer examination.

    I really DO believe Allentown is home to many illegal immigrants who are committing crimes while here, but why advertise if you are unhappy about the ongoing detentions going on in other cities?

    1. Virtue signaling, that's what politicians do best.

  4. Meanwhile Allentown has a big welcome Matt. That would be Matt Teurk. While our neighboring cities show signs of intelligent life few such signals are found in our city hall. Matt prefer wokeness over common sense, such nonsense will only lead to the continued ruin of our once great city.

  5. Allentown, oh, Allentown, still going irrationally backwards at the same time logic is returning in most of the country. They apparently haven't bottomed out so crime and corruption will continue to thrive and quality of life will continue to erode. Change will come only when the current types in power can no longer be elected by playing the same cards, that is, when the PEOPLE OF ALLENTOWN wake up and demand honesty and competence from their government. This struggle is ugly and dangerous and needs watching to assure the infection does not spread until there are enough responsible people to demand it be cured.

  6. The news is full of ‘woke city’ failures all across the nation. Trying to pander to every special interest group, no matter how insignificant, nor how omuch they scream at meetings (bully tactics) is a no-win proposition. The louder they scream and get their way, the noise never stops. Until someone with courage steps in to say “ENOUGH!” Sound familiar?

  7. Alllentown is a city shaped by the immigrants that live in it

    1. I disagree, it isn't the minorities that are electing morons and obviously corrupt city leaders into office. Minorities have a very poor voting record in local elections, it the wealthy west enders.

  8. Hey Mike can you do a blog on Juan Fund theft at APD that Jackie Ferris just covered.? Using tax payers money, then Chief Roca not doing anything with the results.

    1. Regarding the Juan Fund. The city (APD) apparently spent $23K investigating an appropriated bucket of change (from a drug bust) that was used by officers for soda and pizza. I'm more concerned by the taxes wasted on the investigation, than I am about the bucket of change.

    2. Chief Roca better know what a right to know request is, and fork over the investigation. Unless the city wants to get sued and will ultimately lose. Just make a decision Chief. That's your job

  9. Today, Sal Panto continues his damage control from rejecting the Welcoming City designation. On facebook he writes...Today we raised the Lithuanian flag in Centre Square. I love our city's diversity. We are truly a city of immigrants.

  10. I’m sure nearly everyone appreciates that we are ALL immigrants, or born from immigrants. For most, that appreciation ends when immigrants break our laws to sneak in here. Line jumpers not wanted.

    There is a legal process to follow that has worked very well for many years, and for thousands of Allentown residents parents and grandparents. Respect and adhere to this process, and welcome!

  11. Who cares about the “Juan fund”? A very few troublemakers within APD that have an axe to grind. If a law is broken and the Police arrest me I expect to get nothing back related to my apprehension. Good for APD using the money to buy snacks and drinks—they got another drug dealer off the streets, the least Juan could do is buy them a Coke.

    I agree with Mike, the real issue is the city spending money to investigate what should have already had documentation at the Police Dept. Roca himself said he had turned over the investigation to his leadership when he was a Capt. They did nothing and He did nothing about it when he became Chief.

    1. No one in a position of authority at City Hall wants a legitimate investigation.

    2. The real problem is administrations, allowing cops to be thieves and do nothing about it. Clearly all the Vice time Roca had worked with these cops that are thieves, or at one point supervised them, he either turned a blind eye nor had some type of involvement with covering it up. Either way, if an outside investigator did his job and clearly has stated there’s enough to terminate parties involved than as an administration that has good leadership. These people should be brought to justice and terminated. The lack of leadership and the lack of decision-making is astounding and here lies the stench of coverups, allowing certain people to get away with doing the wrong thing doesn’t matter who it is against.

    3. anon@3:52: I do not know when or what Roca knew, but I will not be hosting anymore anonymous accusations/insinuations. There is no shortage of recent and current investigations involving the APD.

    4. My, my, how times have changed... I can recall a friend of mine was terminated for taking beer signs from a 4th St problem bar... now it's just fine to steal from criminals with impunity. This city is flushing itself, once again.

    5. anon@4:35: This was the last anonymous accusation against the APD that will be hosted.

    6. It’s quite clear that there’s significant and serious issues with the APD. My father was a sea captain. The Captain is the one responsible for the ship.
      T’was ever thus.

      mj adams
