Nov 28, 2024

DeSantis Unleashes Death Train On Trump Supporters

The Brightline private train line has killed 104 Trump supporters since its recent startup. Roaring through sleepy towns at 80 miles an hour, many elderly don't even hear the whistle before they become a roadkill pancake. 

In small towns like Palm Bay Florida, the laidback pedestrians were used to slow moving freight trains. All that changed with Brightline's plan to join Miami and Orlando with a speedy connection. While the line invested $millions in new tracks and bridges capable of handling the speed up to 130mph, the human factor got no attention. On the contrary, complaints about the loud whistles will only increase the carnage. 

Perhaps the next president could control the border problem with a Brightline Train instead of a wall.

The above post supplied by Rainy Morning Chronicle, a sister publication.

above reprinted from December 27, 2023 

ADDENDUM NOVEMBER 28, 2024: As the Brightline speeds south from Orlando, and north from Miami, West Palm Beach is becoming the busy stop, gateway to the Winter Whitehouse on Palm Beach. Job seeking pilgrims, hat in hand, cross the waterway hoping for a spot in the new administration. Ironically, the blue blood enclave, once home to the Kennedy Clan, is now overrun with crass ambition, and even hosts the Kennedy outcast. Red hats have replaced Gucci, and other travesties which would have been considered nightmares a decade ago. Among the new carnies of our era, an elderly blogger with his fake press credentials.

1 comment:

  1. Having lived in the West Palm Beach area in the late 1980s and early 1990s, fortunatley, I have not had to fear for my life dodging this high-speed train going though the largely agricultural area between the southeast urbanized area of Florida and the metropolis of Orlando in central Florida.

    When the boomer generation reached retirement age, and began moving in-mass to Florida is when we decided to leave the humid, bug infested and bluehaired paridise of southeast Florida before the developers turned it into the asphalt jungle of Broward and Dade Counties, that butted right up against the Everglades swamp and the sugar cane fields of western Palm Beach County.

    Now all of the boomers looking for their piece of the sun from Pennsylvania north to Massachusetts can join the chorus of "This isn't how we did things up north" as well as all of the benifits of a highly populated area that of course is warm in the winter and devoid of an income tax. Of course living in a doublewide retirement home does have its problems with hurricanes, but that just goes along with the torrrid summers, roaches, ants, humidity and the crime that goes along with living in Flawdia.

    I'm not sure of the reason for the existance of the Brightline rail service, other than for tourists,. From West Palm to Miami already existed the Tri-Rail service. Although the speed of the Tri-Rail train was not 80mph, it was more like 40, it does serve both the Fort Lauderdale Airport as well as Miami International, using the tracks of the Florida East Coast line.
