Aug 23, 2024

Art In The Park

The West Park Art In The Park show has been occurring annually for about fifty years. It attracts both quality artists and an appreciative public.  This year the West Park 'Civic Association's endeavor is being promoted by two billboards on Rt. 22. The show will take place on Saturday September 14th.

Shown above is an artist in a park. Brandon Jones decided to take advantage of the weather and atmosphere to work on a commissioned portrait in Cedar Park.

A passing blogger decided to take advantage of Brandon to promote the visual arts in Allentown.

ADDENDUM: The show will be held in the park, rain or shine.


  1. Looking forward to Art-in-the-Park. Hopefully the weather cooperates - it’s never as good when they have to move it.

    Overall, the West Park group has been a positive influence in stabilizing the neighborhood. It’s a shame the city often seems to be working against them by granting zoning variances (like the group home at 16th and Liberty) and failure to enforce existing zoning laws.

  2. Mike, West Park is a great community because of the community, the city has nothing to do with the fact that our streets are clean and litter free, properties are by in large well maintained , sidewalks well lit at night, and people in general very neighborly. West Park has provided a template that could provide simple solutions to Allentown's many distressed neighborhoods. That has yet to happen. Do come to Art In The Park. It's a super event. Scott Armstrong

  3. Off topic, but what the hell is the city street department doing?

    I drove down Hamilton Street today and it was like a war zone. The recently opened Da Vinci Center has been rewarded with two giant steel plates in front of their new Allentown investment. Naturally, those steel plates included 5-inch macadam hills all around the outside to hold them in place. My front end didn’t appreciate the state of the roadways, and I’m sure they’re not leaving a positive impression on DaVinci visitors either.

    Heading a little further to the west, the city also decided to scrape the old macadam off of Tilghman Street and put down a fresh layer. That would normally be a good thing except for the fact that there might be something going on in west Allentown next week.

    Hmmm, what could it be? Oh yeah, the Allentown Fair. Hopefully the work gets finished early in the week, but it’s still not finished and vendors and rides will be arriving ahead of the fair attendees.

    Is there nobody in City Hall who realizes the Fair happens every year at this time of year for about the last 50 years (I believe it used to be earlier in August)? Why would you make things more difficult for vendors and attendees the week of the Fair? What happens if the weather doesn’t cooperate? Who knows, maybe the area around the Fairgrounds doesn’t have the same “equity” to deserve a little priority, but fair attendees will be of all races, income groups and neighborhoods in Allentown.

    Just two more examples of the lack of basic planning skills of the current Administration in City Hall. If it wasn’t so pathetic it would be laughable.

  4. Welcome to Allentown my Friend.....It gets better every year lately.
    HA !!.....PJF

  5. No need to be good. They'll get re-elected no matter what they do.
