Aug 26, 2024

A Kitchen For Every Chicken

Herbert Hoover promised us a chicken for every pot. We are now being promised a kitchen for every chicken, and a prescription for free pot. When the term affordable housing is used, the real question becomes affordable for whom? The last time we were promised affordable housing, the middle class, as usual, eventually ended up enduring the consequences of that attempted manipulation of the mortgage market. 

This post is in no way intended as a political endorsement, but rather as a commentary on the cyclical nature of the real estate market. While the top of the curve currently does squeeze out some buyers, we should remember the crash we created in 2008.

As for politics, I wish there was someone I could endorse. While both parties are claiming profound doom if not elected, I'm fully expecting fresh lies for 2028.


  1. Allentown has lots of "Affordable Housing".

    Nearly all of it is 100+ year old row homes, not offering any parking, or you have to fight for it on the streets. Much of it is run down or in undesirable locations. Probably why the cost of it is affordable.

  2. Off topic, but maybe not.

    Last night there was a shooting at 7th and Linden Streets, right in the heart of the supposed “renaissance” in downtown Allentown. Reporting is sparse on WFMZ, and the Morning Call didn’t even have it up on their “breaking” news last night until almost two hours after it happened. What I haven’t seen in any of those reports yet was that yesterday was Allentown’s Dominican Festival.

    While the local news sources are slow to make that fact known, out-of-town news sources include it as part of their headlines.

    Allentown’s mayor made a forceful statement about the shooting, saying he was “disappointed” that people made some “bad choices.” Ok, maybe it wasn’t very forceful at all, and will do nothing to stop the violence that is rampant in the city.

    Meanwhile, it would be nice to know some more facts about the shooting, like:

    Were the shooter(s) there for the festival?

    Have the shooter(s) been apprehended?

    What are the shooter(s) names and where are they living?

    If living in Allentown, where did they find THEIR affordable housing?

    What types of security did festival organizers have to provide for their event, or was this event paid for by Allentown taxpayers?

    Where were the Promise Neighborhood “counselors”, who never seem to miss attending ANY festival in Allentown?

    I could go on, but residents deserve real answers, not coverups by the press for ignorant politicians. Incidents like this threaten the “success” of the NIZ. State taxpayers should know how Allentown is safeguarding their generosity.

    1. I will be covering the mayor's disappointment tomorrow. In the meantime, I will withhold further comment.

    2. Make sure you research the range of emotions since it seems you don't approve of disappointed.

  3. I strongly believe that the shooting incident at 7th and Linden would not have taken place if the Dominican Festival had not taken place.

  4. Wouldn't it be refreshing if an elected official in Allentown would come out and declare; Yes we need more affordable housing and Allentown already has more than it's fair share of the region's affordable housing. What about Salisbury, Whitehall, South Whitehall, Lower Macungie etc... When are they going to provide some affordable housing???? Why does Allentown always have to provide for the region's affordable housing???

  5. Turning an abundance of homes into multi unit apartments is an Allentown phenomenon, which then creates an overcrowded environment. Blame Allentown, and stop crying about what the well run municipalities allow. Encouraging cultural diversity without also demanding adherence to the American norms are the issue. It is not one's ethnicity or skin color that determines one's standing. Are you a good neighbor? Do you take pride in your property or home? Are you respectful of others (i.e., no double parking because it is convenient for you).

    Like it or not, the suburbs typically enforce a social code of the above due simply to "peer" pressure of what everyone else tries to do. (My neighbor is mowing the lawn, maybe I ought to, it looks better.) It is not race based, but conformity to the standard expected of being a good neighbor.

  6. Michael,
    There must be some kind of incentive for Allentown to be the scapegoat/ leader in the affordable housing scam.

    By the way… it must be election season!!! My mailbox is starting to overflow with all the wonderful things that our elected officials have done for us citizens.

    And on the other hand the mailer’s are starting to collect from the wanna-be FUTURE elected officials, about all the rotten stuff the now elected officials have done the last couple of years.
    And this is all before Labor Day!

    Michael, have a nice Labor Day!
    Maybe I’ll see you at the Great Allentown Fair?

  7. Rick, I miss stopping in to say hello at a third generation business on Hamilton Street. There is nothing remaining on Hamilton Street but new buildings, that all look the same to me. While the Fair carries on a few traditions, they too are mostly memory. I think that perhaps the Farmer's Market is the most old Allentown left. Michael
