Jul 5, 2024

Biden Circling The Wagons

As the governors left the White House Wednesday evening, the best they could say was that Biden was staying in the race, and that they support him. They referred to the battle against the threat of Donald Trump and the path to victory. None of these liars by omission would say that Biden appeared fine, but rather that he was staying in.

By not hearing any words like fit, vigor, fine, alert and so forth, I conclude that they're not  even sure that Biden will remember the meeting with them. 

Pa. senator Casey spent Wednesday in Northampton county, urging Democrat officials to circle the wagons. While he spoke about protecting us against corporate greed, I wonder who will protect us against elected deception.  While I'm not a Republican, and hate carrying water for any political party, these omissions about Biden's condition reflect on the credibility of all the silent elected Democratic officials, down to small town mayors.


  1. Biden had one job this holiday weekend: Just show he was up to the job, vigorous, etc. That’s all he had to do.

    What’d he do?

    He got this headline from the New York Times, of all places.

    "Biden Tells Governors He Needs More Sleep and Less Work at Night". Biden: 'My health is fine. ‘It’s just my brain.’

    I think it’s safe to say the “3am phone call” isn’t an ad this president will be running this campaign season. Clearly, an 8pm phone call is clearly ambitious.

    It seems the media has been gaslighting the American public for the Biden years.

  2. Mile, exactly! Have the Democrats ever had a John McCain? A member of their own party who would get up and contradict their own party's narrative? Are their any local Democrats who will criticize our local Democratic elected leaders for being part of their party's gas lighting team? No, they all walk in lock step. As someone who has been involved in the local Republican committee for decades let me say with authority the Democrats have a state and national committee that ruthlessly enforces discipline. We don't, never have, never will. Why, because conservatives are conservative for a reason, they intuitively distrust government and really dislike being told what to do. Conversely Democrats believe in government and government solutions and for whatever reason seem willing to be part of a team and follow orders. Think of the call and responses we see at left wing demonstrations. Anyone think conservatives would parrot silly chants like that? If you do, get a few conservative friends and ask them. The truth is most Republican's simply won't walk lock step as the Democrats do. There's a reason there are two parties, the people not only believe different things they are also often completely different personality types. This explains why Democrats from the top to bottom all say and believe the same narratives at the same time, every time. Proof of this; Casey's ridiculous shrinkflation campaign. Only a blindly loyal fool would run on that, and the same can be said of those who uncritically buy such utter nonsense. Those are called Democrats.

    1. “Republican's simply won't walk lock step as the Democrats do.”
      Did you forget January 6th? Or was that fake news? It was so refreshing to see the west front of the Capitol filled with law abiding Americans as it was last night for the 4th of July celebration.

    2. Oh please give up on the phony “insurrection” narrative! It’s tired, it’s discredited, and it exposes you as the partisan hack commenter that you are.

      Republicans have no problem with those fair punishments for the few who broke into the capital, did actual damage, or fought with police. We don’t agree with charges against the many who were waved into the Capitol like tourists and had no idea what had happened previously.

      We do expect all to be charged, prosecuted and treated FAIRLY, with charges and sentences similar to those involved in other riots around that time. And we certainly expect anyone who is still being held without trial to be released.

      We don’t do political prisoners, but apparently Joe Biden and the democrats do.

    3. I know Mr. M doesn't like interaction with replies but thanks for the laughs, just too funny, "Anyone think conservatives would parrot silly chants like that?" Does "Hang Mike Pence" ring a bell. "in lockstep" ? Any Repub politician who did not bow down and kiss the MAGA king's ring fled the political arena years ago because they knew didn't have a chance.
      I may be voting for the better of two bad choices but at least I'm not living in a delusional world where my party is perfect and the other is an absolute evil.

    4. anonymous 9:37 educate yourself before posting rather than relying on the narratives your media has fed you, then you will be less inclined to publicly make false statements. Every leading conservative immediately condemned the January 6th riot. Every conservative publication condemned it as well.

    5. Anonymous 11:21, the exception proves the rule, at rallies people will repeat themes. I can think of only two in my lifetime, the one you mentioned and the "Lock her up" chant from 2020. And please note, Trump didn't, and now the Democrats clearly haven't followed his example.

  3. Many support the prosecution of anyone who sells intentionally defective merchandise, but not a defective presidential candidate.
    The judgment is not what is in the best interest of the country, but which is the best political decision for themselves, at least for the moment.
    This should be a no brainer for any real representative of the people, but of course they are, in effect, representatives of Washington to the people.
    This is just another example of the exposure of the corruption that has overtaken this country. Is anyone paying attention?

  4. What we’re watching now is fascinating, although I’m not sure everyone realizes what they’re seeing.

    Some democrat “NEWS” OUTLETS have decided that Joe must go, and are doing everything they can to make that happen. They are digging up and printing/broadcasting any scrap of evidence to support their position. I have no doubt that this also includes fabricating or spreading false story lines as they try to isolate the president and push him out of the next election. The ends for them, always justifies the means.

    In short, Biden is now getting the treatment normally reserved for Republican candidates. We should all now know that these same “news” outlets surely knew of Biden’s condition and suppressed those stories when the “Biden is fit” narrative kept the democrats control of the White House.

    Which is why, despite their intense desire to remove Biden from the presidential ballot, those same “news” outlets won’t dare ask or investigate the question asked by this blog this morning. You see, calling out those democrat elected officials who won’t talk about Joe’s fitness might expose THOSE democrats and hurt THOSE democrats chances of being elected.

    And that’s the whole point of how these “NEWS” organizations do their “reporting”, right? To get democrats elected through their propaganda machines. Wanna talk about election interference? This is it.

    Too many people still go read, watch, and listen every day to these same propaganda outlets, thinking they’re getting actual news and reporting. How many of them will now see the truth, and realize they’re being lied to?

  5. I'm convinced Harris is the candidate within a week or so.

  6. So, Susan Wild accepts a visit from Professor Biden and a couple days later throws her hubby under the bus. Class.
