Jul 8, 2024

Biden and Flying Saucers

Biden's interview with Stephanopoulos didn't bring the anticipated closure to the Biden dilemma. It didn't confirm his spaceyness or put those fears to rest. Appropriately enough, this weekend was also the spaceship convention is Roswell New Mexico. I saw some of the participants, and can tell you they could care less about Biden's fitness for office.

Back here on earth one of my concerns was Stephanopoulos's intentions as the interviewer. My hair is gray enough to remember him dodging for the Clintons. He seemed to firmly ask relevant questions. Of course Biden should have been able to articulate if he's staying in the race, not too many facts and figures needed for that answer. 

If I were a Yellow Dog Democrat I would find the situation distressing. Biden assured nobody that he is up to the task, but was coherent enough to defend against his being replaced. Then again, nobody is actually voting for Joe Biden, they are voting against Donald Trump.


  1. An interview that was done 3 days before and edited, what about a live unscripted press conference for about an hour. Don't hold your breath. The Fraud continues.
    Biden and the dems keep talking about Trump's lies, without being explicit. no one has asked about Biden's lie that he was endorsed by the border patrol, which they vehemently denied immediately.
    The fraud continues, the lies continue, for all the world to see. This is the poorest example the U.S. has ever sent to the world.

  2. At a social gathering I heard several liberal friends express shock over either the debate or interview. I said nothing, it wasn't the place for that. Hopefully, some will begin to take a critical look at their media and gain healthy dose of skepticism from here on.

  3. Wow..one “lie”? Trump spewed them and generally speaks gibberish. A vote for Trump is a vote against democracy. The border patrol supported the bill that was proposed before Trump’s suck ups voted it down. Nobody has yet to specifically describe what positives a Trump presidency would bring our country.

    1. A leader who isn't cognitively impaired is a good start, but also it would bring about a return to a critical media. I would rather have a media lie about a president, which they did constantly against Trump, than lie to protect a senile and deeply corrupt president which is what they have been doing until they could no longer. This has created a very unstable and dangerous climate of global crisis and constant talk of war. I could go on, but why bother.

  4. MM, if you were a Yellow Dog Democrat you would be in a club of one. They're gone. Some claim to be 'moderate' yet voted for every one of Joe's misguided leftist policies.

  5. “Then again, nobody is actually voting for Joe Biden, they are voting against Donald Trump.”

    You might be right, but I still don’t understand it.

    Open borders, record inflation, runaway spending, catering to terrorists, home ownership falling out of reach for more and more Americans, standing at the brink of nuclear war with Russia, etc, etc, etc. That’s what you get with four more years of Biden or ANY democrat.

    Or you can go back to Trump and policies where we had low inflation, energy independence, getting out of forever wars, support for Israel, peace accords in the Middle East, closing off the borders, etc.

    It’s not a difficult decision.

    Or will people continue to be fooled by a lying media that twists everything Trump says and does?

    You’d think that the “revelation” of Biden’s true mental competency would have led some to realize that the media is lying to them on other political narratives as well, but I don’t know how many are smart enough to make that connection.

  6. anon@11:16: Even with the recent revelations about Biden's condition, I do not believe that anybody who was going to vote for Biden will now vote for Trump, regardless of what you say or how often you say it. There are also conservative people, myself included, who cannot get pass Jan. 6th, 2021. Trump still using nicknames for people, "crooked joe", "sloppy george", etc. is too unpresidential for many. The Dems for Biden will still vote their party, whoever the candidate ends up being. Conservative non-Trumpers may vote for Kennedy or stay home.

    1. I agree with your general assessment, The fight will be over the independents. I will add that many never Trumpers have thrown in the towel on getting rid of him and as with many of us other R's will hold our noses and vote for him only because the alternative scares the crap out of us. As well, I get the feeling from Dems I know they are thinking of a protest vote for 3rd party.

    2. “I do not believe that anybody who was going to vote for Biden will now vote for Trump, regardless of what you say…”

      I actually agree with you, and also wish Trump would refrain from the name-calling and be more “presidential”, as you say.

      But it still amazes me that people will instead consider electing someone whose policies will harm the country because they personally dislike the way the other candidate acts. It almost feels like we’re back in high school and electing the prom king.

      But unlike the prom king, the president has a real impact on where our country is headed.

    3. The Trump issue I can't get past is Jan. 6th, and Trump's efforts and claims concerning that election. At the recent debate his answer concerning whether he would accept the 24 election results was equally unsatisfactory.

    4. Mike, while I agree January 6th was bad I do not believe it was planned to be that way. As for concerns about the results of the 2020 elections Trump wasn't the only one who felt a lot of very odd things occurred in that election. Many of us fear a repeat this November. All this said, balance Trumps transgressions against the weaponizing of the Justice Department of Democratically controlled state and county courts to silence and possibly imprison a political opponent. Many fair minded liberal law professors are shocked by what has transpired in New York City courts, Fulton County courts and Washington D.C. courts. This make the idiocy of trump supporters taking selfies in Nancy Pelosi's office a minor laugh moment. What happened to them is however not so funny, the DOJ has imprisoned many of these people without trial for months, charged them with invented charges the supreme court has just ruled they cannot do, and financially ruined thousands of people who truly meant to do no wrong. All of this should make everyone realize something has really gone wrong with our federal government. This doesn't feel like America anymore to many of us.

    5. Scott, I also found his interplay with Mike Pence horrendous.

  7. "Unpresidential?" The American people voted for a guy who routinely abused women in the workplace....including the Oval Office.

  8. The convicted felon and rapist should probably step down first.

  9. Stephanopoulos has been a democrat dog washer since the Clintons, trying to clean up one mess or another. Looks like the dems hoped he could clean up this pile and even an edited video tape couln't do the job

    The real unanswered question is what did the Democrats know about biden and when did they know it?

    1. This is the second reference here to the video being edited. I would think that if that was known or proved, it would be wider known than just my blog readers. :)
