Jun 27, 2024

Trust Non-Profits, Don't Verify

If my blog title seems a little cynical, at least it's not costing you anything. That's more than Hasshan Batts and Karla Walker can say, they're raking it in and asking for more.  Karla doesn't even want you to ask any questions

If you're going to fund us, trust us. Trust that we know what we’re doing. Don't make us jump through hoops for your money.
Hasshan's Promise Neighborhoods now has a $3million dollar budget. Despite Allentown being on track for record number of shootings, including children, he claims that without his services we would have even more (75% more) victims. Walker's program is in Boston.

I think that without their services we would have the same number of shootings, but with more budget available for police. Fortunately for Hasshan and Karla we have no shortage of virtue signalers, unfortunately, those signalers include elected officials. Batts' organization and budget is now the largest gun violence prevention program in the state. 

My sense is that the public is growing weary of their claims. 

photocredit:Jason Addy/LehighValleyNews.com


  1. One must wonder of many of these so called non-profits is not just another form of money laundering for the political correct.

  2. “My sense is that the public is growing weary of their claims.”

    I hope that’s the case, but it really doesn’t matter. Groups like PN are being funded to turn out voters at election time. That’s why their claims are never verified and their results never questioned by the politicians who hire them.

    By the way, you know what group can actually claim crime would be (far more than 75%) higher without their services? That’s right, it’s the Allentown Police Department.

    The police are far more effective at fighting crime than Promise Neighborhoods ever will be. And that’s the loss that residents get when politicians choose to fund groups like PN.

    1. I am certain that these groups do not support candidate's not aligned with the current city administration

  3. One has to wonder what the necessity is for these organizations ?

  4. “Despite Allentown being on track for record number of shootings, including children, he claims that without his services we would have even more (75% more) victims.”

    Funding these non-profits that are never held accountable has been tried and failed in almost every major city in the country. This is the “progress” that Matt Tuerk is bringing us, and a quick look at those other cities will show us how the story will end here.

    It’s way past time that the politicians in Allentown City Hall include precise, measurable criteria in any contract with outside organizations that will be used to evaluate their performance. Bogus claims that things would be 75% worse are not acceptable.

    This should apply to organizations receiving funding to fight crime, reduce poverty, etc. If things don’t get measurably BETTER, the contract must be terminated.

    Just in Allentown, imagine how much money has been wasted on groups with no incentive to solve the problem they’re supposedly improving. In reality, the problems just get worse, and these groups then claim they need even more money to address the problems that have become worse under their watch.

    Promise Neighborhoods and CACLV, I’m looking at you.

  5. There are individuals that function only in the 501c3 world. They live well on other people’s money. Some really do provide a service, but some survive to keep their kingdom operating, since outside of the 501c3 world most of these individuals would be unemployable. It works best if their service is visible but not really measurable. Can anyone point to any case of gun violence in Allentown that was prevented by Promise Neighborhoods?

  6. Money laundering you say? Yes. Money laundering is everywhere and at all levels of government. I believe we have thousands of fake charities secretly funding election campaigns, private individuals, and their family members.

    Professional news media won’t touch this problem because much of that money filters down to them through paid advertising contracts.

    I’m still not sure what Promise Neighborhoods actually does beyond self-praise.

  7. Dr. Batts was recognized as one of the most influential men in the valley
