Jun 28, 2024

Taking The Car Keys Away From Grandpa

There's not much to be encouraged about this coming November.  The candidates on the stage made independent Kennedy look better by default in his commercial. 

Beyond his usual talking points, Trump had no reply to any of the questions asked. Biden could address the questions, but only for about thirty seconds, before his mind wandered, and he wondered where he was. 

I think voters will have to vote for party platforms this election, as opposed to a person.

Trump couldn't even answer if he will accept the election results.

It's hard to imagine that Biden will know who he is in a few years.


  1. Democrats seem suprised at Biden's performance in the debate

  2. A few points:

    I thought Trump did fine answering multi-layered questions from moderators who were looking to trip him up and obviously in Biden’s camp.

    At the same time, for as bad as Biden did, it could have been even worse. The moderators quickly jumped in when Biden got lost, and were quick to thank him for his incoherent answers and move on.

    I did appreciate the format in the sense that the candidates could mostly talk about what they wanted to, and especially that there weren’t two partisan audiences in the studio willing to cheer whatever their candidates said. That saved time and kept the focus on the candidates.

    It was very clear who won last night’s debate, so much so that a good portion of the CNN and MSNBC post-debate coverage focused on whether Biden would be replaced.

    It shouldn’t matter if Biden IS replaced, since it’s democrat POLICIES that are killing this country, not just one democrat politician. And I can’t think of a single possible replacement candidate who hasn’t been in lockstep with those same disastrous policies. Trump should have hammered that point more last night.

    As to Biden’s mental fitness, the reality is that Biden didn’t just fall into this condition yesterday. In fact, he’s been that way for a very long time, and it’s been covered up by the media and other democrat operatives. They couldn’t hide that last night.

    The far bigger issue is how on earth is Biden in any way capable of remaining President for the next seven months, much less run for another four years? There is no way he should be making decisions that affect the country, and certainty shouldn’t be anywhere near the nuclear codes that only the president can use.

  3. Trump answered every question he was asked. But, what Trump did do instead of expanding his answer to a question further, giving the media an opportunity to weaponize a more complete answer against him, was for Trump to take charge of 90% of his 2 minutes. Trump effectively stopped the biased media at its own game.

    To me, the way Trump handled the media was brilliant. Trump DID answer every question, just not in the manner the hostile liberal media would have liked. TRUMP controlled the situation, not those who spent years trying to bring him down.

    1. He literally avoided half the questions continuing his response to the last question. Palestinian statehood as part of a peace deal and allowing Russia to retain controlled areas of Ukraine to end the conflict are just two examples.

  4. Biden would be replaced, except they have not figured out how to eject Kamala. Replacing Kamala will anger black voters, and keeping her will insure a huge loss. They can replace Biden at the convention, something they would like since it would skip the primary voters.

    If they can ride themselves of Kamala, Biden will be gone.

    Hillary is letting it be known, she is available and willing.

  5. anons@6:20&7:04:My preference would be to replace both candidates. As a conservative, I would vote for the new R person. When Trump said that Oct.7 and Ukraine would not have happened under him, he demonstrated his 6th grade understanding of the world. While Biden could be managed in a 2025 White House, Trump could not be. In reality, Biden may well be replaced before the election, while Trump's grip on his party is absolute.

    1. Mike, Trump is clearly the monster the Democrats created. They figured he was the easiest Republican to beat. They did everything possible to insure he was our nominee feeling sure they could beat him in the general. the fact that Trump is Biden's opponent is their doing. Hold them to account.

    2. The Republicans had alternatives, among them DeSantis and Haley. And you would blame Democrats for Trump's daughter-in-law co-chairing the party?!?

  6. Once again we see that the Democrats and the media have been lying to the American people. They told us Biden was fine, sharp,, on his game, clearly he wasn't and he hasn't been for a long time. Nonetheless the Democratic Party and the media's lone was to go with a lie rather than the truth. They are in fact liars and in this their is nothing new. Trump is a very flawed man but we can count on the media to not to cover up for him as they have done with Biden. Putting everything else aside, this one fact makes Trump a far safer choice in November, for unlike with Biden, the media won't lie for him, cover up his misdeeds, or gloss over disastrous policies.

  7. I feel the need to hold my nose, toss my conscience aside and do the unthinkable this Fall: Vote for Trump. As horrible as his personality is, I believe his policies are the best for America. Too bad the Democrats did not generate a younger/viable candidate, I would have certainly vote for that person.

  8. One of the problems with your idea is that to replace both candidates, America would be left in a situation of “on the job training” of the next guy/gal. To me, conditions throughout the world are not conducive to rookies, so to speak.

    Many foreign leaders and their citizens support Trump due to their experiences with him. Trump is the person who could get off and running quickly. Bringing a quicker end to such radical changes like proposed and, in some cases, already enacted by the proponents of one-world government (globalism). Our world is already being torn apart and headed to more armed conflict.

  9. Biden would have to drop out of the race to be replaced. He controlls all of the Democratic delages, controlls all of the campaign money, has the re-election organization and also has shown no interest in droppig out.

    He ran for president twice before, and felt slighted that Hillary ran in 2016 as he believed as VP, he was next in line to replace Obama. He is President now, and has no desire to drop out.

    Realistically, he is the Democratic nominee.

  10. During the after debate discussion one of the commentators hit it on the head: One candidate was stumbling over his words and told the truth, the other spoke with more flow and force and told verifiable lies. The choice for one candidate is obviously a vote for an anti-truth candidate.

    1. Please tell me the verifiable lies.

      I heard that same commentator mention Charlottesville, which has been debunked (again even just recently by the left-leaning fact-check site, Snopes). They had also dismissed Hunter’s laptop as Russian disinformation in the last election, yet I don’t remember hearing the correction on that either.

      It seems that the media is all too willing to make up negative narratives against Trump, but loathe to set the record straight when they’re proven wrong.

      Meanwhile, Biden claims that no US troops died under his watch. Maybe he should tell that to the families of the soldiers killed in his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

    2. Very good post! You know what the problem in America is today? We’ve been bombarded daily with nothing but lies and more lies.

      None of us can know for sure what the heck is actually going on. Thank you for taking such a huge part here, news media. YOU created this mess!

  11. Last night demonstrated how untrustworthy the media has been and still is. Years of hiding Biden's condition enabled and abetted the current crisis of leadership that has been obvious for years to anyone willing to believe their eyes and accept the truth. The media can not be trusted to report honestly. Media bias is real, entrenched and a core problem in this country.
    We have no Eisenhower nor Roosevelt running for President. The choice now must be for a leader whose policies will work to restore a strong and prosperous America. We now know where the policies of the party currently in power take us. Our choice must be based on the party with better policies.

  12. anon9:03: You can keep coming back and repeating your premise, but although Biden lost the debate, the Democrats may still win the election, by replacing Biden. Trump on the other hand gained no new votes. His comments on the world, as John Bolton says, are dangerous.

  13. anon@9:28: Blaming the press is getting tired. The public realizes that news is now flavored, even some that claim that they are flavor free. People seeking something more objective know that they must blend the flavors, and also look beyond the usual offerings.

  14. Abraham Lincoln I believe said: “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

    The Democrats have just learned the wisdom behind that saying. We will learn in November whether the American people, having been brutally fooled for the past 4 years, will be in a forgiving mood.

  15. John Bolton is one of the most dangerous men in Washington.

  16. Ray@5:41: I was impressed with Trump's early picks:Tillerson,Mattis,Kelly and Bolton. None of them were impressed with Trump. They all found him uninformed and impulsive. For Trump to have said in the debate that he could have prevented Oct. 7th, demonstrated that Trump hasn't changed, at all!

  17. I believe Trump’s point in Oct 7 was that his policies had isolated and financially strangled Iran, who is funding the terror groups that threaten Israel. Biden undid that immediately upon taking office and later released BILLIONS in cash to Iran.

    That money funds many terror groups around the world, none of which are in our (or Israel’s) best interests. In fact, those groups are dedicated to the destruction of both Israel and the USA.

    Why Biden released the money is anyone’s guess, but it’s akin to other failed democrat policies like defunding the police here at home. Democrat policies are not only wrong but dangerous.

    So I don’t think that Trump’s claim is wrong at all. The policy difference here is stark as to both what worked in the past (when Trump was President) and what’s best for the future (if Trump is elected again).

  18. anon@10:22: You're giving Trump a great benefit of the doubt because he never finishes a sentence, like an adult, much less a president. However, in the next partial sentence he said that Ukraine would also not have happened. Would he have talked Putin out of it? Would he have talked Zelensky into conceding eastern Ukraine?
    Not much of a choice for Nov.!

  19. The reality is that Eastern Ukraine has more in common with Russia than it does the Ukraine, and is of no vital interest to the USA. I would also argue that the Crimean Peninsula (annexed by Russia in 2014) had more of a strategic importance the USA, but nothing was done then.

    That’s the long way of saying that I don’t feel the Eastern Ukraine is worth another cent in US aid, nor is it worth the continued loss of arms we’re shipping them. We are woefully short on armaments for our own defense and would be in a world of hurt if we were attacked or had to respond in force elsewhere in the world.

    The misguided and prolonged war in the Ukraine also isn’t helping the Ukraine people, who continue to die as their side slowly loses the war.

    So if it takes convincing Zelensky to give up on the Eastern Ukraine to get out of there, I’m all for it - no matter if it’s Biden or Trump doing the convincing.

    1. anon@3:41: At the recent G7 Europe felt differently. You remember when Trump pushed the other leaders out of the way, (on camera no less) so he could be in front.

    2. I’m sure Europe is plenty happy to have the US Government (also known as us taxpaying saps) pay for a war that serves no vital American interest. If it’s the G7 is who you’re trying to impress, then job well done.

      But if you’re concerned about the US paying BILLIONS of dollars (money that we don’t even have and are printing BTW) then the whole thing becomes a little less attractive.

      Throw in the fact that the Biden Administration continues to refuse to allow any audit of where the money is going, and you have to start to think something is amiss here.

      Frankly, I don’t understand how anybody, particularly younger Americans, would vote for anyone who supports this. They’re the ones who will be left holding the bag and end up paying for all the frivolous spending. They’re literally having their futures stolen from them!

      But hey, maybe they’ll get lucky and Biden manages to poke Russia into a nuclear war. At least then paying for the needless war won’t be an issue.
