May 27, 2024

Another Diner Gone In Allentown

This weekend diner expert and Allentown native Richard Gutman had a special treat in Dearborn Michigan, the Henry Ford Museum is featuring a retrospective on Gutmans' works. If it involves diners, Gutman has been involved with its history for over fifty years.  Congratulations Mr. Gutman!

Here in Allentown we have lost a few diners in the past several years. On Tilghman Street, both Dina's downtown, and Nick's, farther west on the same street. 

We still have our share, and most of us have our memories of time spent in one or more of them.


  1. Yeah, I still refer to Saylor's as Hook's Diner... guess I'm revealing my age. Nick's was Thomas's Diner and the fare was good at both. Dina's was for small people... super small booths... a little crowded, but the food (at least the breakfast fare) was incredible. BTW, what happened to Billy's downtown diner??? We always wanted to eat there, but it always seemed to be closed every time we went by...??? The "downtown" never recovered or what??? He had (or still has) a bang up business in Bethlehem, so we were told, but in Allentown, not so much... how come???... just askin' for a friend!!!

  2. The neighborhood diners have served the communities beyond serving breakfast. They have been the meeting place for groups and a place that gave an aging population somewhere where the counter service got you smiles and conversation with your coffee. I’m sorry we lost so many of these neighborhood anchors. The drive-through costs less to operate and guarantees isolation for seniors. Nick’s disappeared so quickly.
