Oct 20, 2023

Bullying As A Business

I've watched with cynicism as various non-profits has been profiting from violence and bullying reduction programs.  These programs are funded with grants administered through the city and school district. Needless to say, or better perhaps needed to say, these grants are funded with our tax dollars. 

These non-profits are manned and womaned by former perpetuators, who now are paid to mentor youngsters away from their former bad ways.

Currently a member of the school board, Phoebe Harris, claims that she was a victim of intended intimidation by one of these non-profits, who in turn accuses her of being non-professional. Imagine the unconventional accusing someone of being unconventional!

We live in an era of wokeness. Our White local media treads lightly with Black and Brown orange shirt issues. Everybody fears being labeled with the dreaded scarlet R


  1. “Everybody fears being labeled with the dreaded scarlet R”


    1. anon@5:34: I suppose some will have to wear double R's, not to be confused with Rolls-Royce

    2. Or, as us really old boomers remember, Roy Rogers.

  2. Mike this has been going on for many years but being ignored. Not only because of being accused of the double R, the locals called us aconspiracy theorists. We now can place the fact that this agenda is comming down from the state and carried out on locals that are disliked.

  3. Is it partisan to point out the media rarely criticizes a minority liberal no matter what they say or do?

  4. I suppose the best way to deal with violence and bullying is to suspend or expel the offenders.

    But then, what would the non-profits do. Besides, actually punishing the offenders for their actions would be "R"

  5. After seeing the reaction of the democrat left in this country to the Hamas atrocities in Israel, it would seem that far too many democrats are the ones that should be wearing the “dreaded scarlet R”

  6. Emma Tropiano was labeled as racist back before is was fashionable to label people you disagree with as racist. She was a true original.

  7. Ms Harris claiming she is a "Victim" is no real revelation. Democrats are a party of victims.

    1. Phoebe Harris is a Republican

    2. Speaking as someone who knows, Phoebe may be a registered as a Republican but her true affiliation is to her own self interests. In this regard she is neither and R or a D, she has her own affiliation, a self affiliation, the whatever works best for me at this moment party.

    3. Although Harris started as a Democrat, at some point she became disillusioned with some local members and switched to R in protest. If she switched back, I don't know. However, since I shun R vs D local preoccupations, no more comments on her party affiliation will be hosted.

    4. Not a comment about her affiliation but she was allegedly severely mistreated and victimized by the Democratic Party and they had to have her escorted out of the building by the police. I bet you can’t guess what she accused Kathy Harrington of for calling police when once again she got irate, you guessed it same charge Matt got-she called her racist!

    5. I’m no fan of call me “Dr” Batts and the merry bandits but call me “Ms”. Phoebe was a Palowski flunky and has been kicked off a few boards for some questionable practices. If you ask me they deserve each other

  8. It's a shame the non profit philanthropist is known for a money maker here in the valley. Many are living a lavish lifestyle they have purchased property, cars, and even resorts. The real disappointment is the ones doing the work are unfunded or get pennies. The fear of being labeled a racist or white privilege has taken over our nation. Yes racism exists but individuals like Batts are not victims he makes millions off the unfortunate, victims, and those in need. He creates chaos and then pressures the powers that be to fund him to save face. He has managed to create a triangle of non-profits and funders and anyone who has a solution or stands out he tries to discredit or bully out of town! His days are surely numbered as more people are becoming hip to his games.

  9. I wish your commentary section would permit photographs. Or maybe an article on the 1/2 million dollar and up homes several of these non-profit organizations own. Or the fancy cars in thier driveways. Or maybe there pictures of monthly vacations. Many of them couldn't get a real job so this is just a new scheme for them. Non-profits are a joke, especially in Allentown.

  10. Well it's about dam time someone said it. I've never read your blog but this is the first I've seen it. I'm definitely a new fan. I've been sitting back watching for some time now. This is corruption at its finest. From these so called leaders parading around with elected officials and doing nothing but opening a non-profit because they where denied employment to fake resumes. It makes me sick to my stomach to see these individuals constantly featured in the local paper. For what being a criminal. The fact that one sat with the democratic presidents wife was sickening, that individual was a known aggressor what tells us otherwise. That Hassan fellow running with the governor is terrifying, he was released from prison and given a position. Why? Who qualifies these people. A few are in gangs. And let me be clear I don't know any of these people nor do I care to but all this information you read from them fighting with eachother on social media. I don't know who is responsible for holding them all accountable but they too should be fired or evaluated because there missing what's right in front of all our eyes. Have nice day. Great writting.

  11. Fun fact the organizations that are getting rich quick have not filed tax returns in over 3 years. They are being pumped with Covid and ARPA funds that they can use how they see fit.

  12. Unless the next commenter wants to sign his/her name, or come forward with some ground breaking verifiable revelation, consider comments to this post closed.

    1. What type of verified information would you like. I posted a comment on another one of your blogs but it wasn't posted because it had thier public criminal records information. I can definitely post the link to thier public records and the fact many don't report thier taxes to IRS.

  13. Alright now! This is a popcorn type of article.
    Mike it's Jessica Lee Ortiz and it does not allow me to change from anonymous.

  14. Lisa@11:05: Although I'm no fan of Promise Neighborhoods and have taken the concept to task several times on this blog, it's not the only axe I have to grind, and prefer not to get so specific as individual's criminal records.

    Jessica@11:02: People can always simply include their name in the comment, as you just did.
    As for the popcorn, I think that the post has already established that there are people who question the motives of those involved with some non-profits, certainly including Promise Neighborhoods.

  15. I tried years back to bring new ideas to this community and was shut down by the same fools claiming fireside conversations now making money to talk with homies. Mr. Blogger you say provide proof but you must know what we all talking you blogged about it. But it's available on the irs website, newspaper or epay website for the world too see that's why they do it. Law of the streets is to hide in plain sight homegirl been saying it for years.

    1. R.Burton@11:22: For the record I never said "provide proof". I said that I'm not interested in printing people's specific criminal record. We both know that Allentown, being so politically correct, is ripe for scams. I have been speaking out against scams here on this blog for over 15 years, and like you are an outcast for it. The people handing out the money don't really want to consider photographs or criminal backgrounds. They only want to feel good about themselves, and get re-elected for supporting "credible messengers."

  16. No one speaks up. When they do it doesn't go to well. The money is being passed around through the organizations Batts deems fit. Yet nothing happens. I was told he once said the more people talk about him and write blogs about him the more his funders fund him. I was even told he has some interesting facts about employees of United Way, LVHN and this is why the keep him happy. He preaches about black oppression but surrounds himself with white people and recives million to oppress people. Imagine that. But who am I but a tax payers who works for everything he has.
