Sep 21, 2023

Saving The Bridge

Allentown and Lehigh County aren't much for history. Last year Allentown celebrated it's 250th anniversary by having someone rewrite the lyrics to the Billy Joel song. The County actually commissioned a whole music program for their 200th, also last year. Believing our history should be more than a tune and a speech, I've been using this blog to advocate for the preservation of our historic structures. During the County Commissioner committee meeting last night, the project manager said that if the bridge is repaired instead of replaced, it might last two months, or it might last six months. Considering that the bridge has endured everything that has come it's way for 189 years, that statement clearly demonstrated that he was never a fair broker for options concerning the bridge. Recently, the Commissioners expressed support for preserving the King George Inn, but noted that they had no say in it's fate. Last night, I pointed out the durability of the bridge, and reminded the Commissioners that they do have the say concerning the bridge's fate. By a 7 to 2 vote, the Commissioners decided that the historic Reading Road Bridge should continue to provide passage over the Cedar Creek, by Union Terrace. 

reprinted from October of 2013

ADDENDUM SEPTEMBER 21, 2023:Saving the Reading Road Bridge in 2013 took me two weeks, two blog posts and attending two meetings.Saving Wehr's Dam took nine years, twenty meetings and fifteen blog posts. I'm hoping that someone will come forward to campaign for the iconic WPA/Art Deco post office. Already two irreplacable light fixtures have disappeared. For a city with a $Billion dollars worth of new crass construction, the languishing post office is a crime.


  1. You note that two irreplaceable light fixtures have disappeared from the post office, and you’re correct. To date, I have heard of no arrests (or even a real investigation) for the theft(s).

    What’s remarkable about the thefts and lack of arrests is that the post office is located in the heart of downtown, across the street from the county courthouse, City Hall, and the Allentown Police Department. The area is saturated with city-owned surveillance cameras.

    If property can be stolen from right under their noses and the bright lights of the downtown area, what chance to everyday residents further from downtown have?

    The Mayor, City Council, and the Allentown Police Department should all be ashamed, yet I wonder how many of them are even aware of it.

    For they live not in Allentown but within their own bubble in Fantasyland, appearing occasionally to tell us how safe the city is.

  2. The cameras are a joke. They were installed with much fanfare but that was apparently the end of their usefulness as far as crime prevent or criminal investigation go. As for the post office, why not turn that into more "affordable housing"? Such politically inspired foolishness will draw accolades from all directions in the epicenter of stupid that is Allentown.

    1. Converting the building will make it unaffordable, for affordable housing. Some reality needs to be taken into consideration.

    2. There is a church property at the corner of 16th and Chew streets. The congregation dwindled and instead of trying to sell the property as a church(good luck with that) they gave it to a non profit that is now trying to raise, I believe 5 million to turn it into affordable housing. Can't remember the number of units they hope to put in but it can't be that many. I bring this up to remind everyone, there is no room for common sense budgeting, or best uses involved in the altruistic pursuit of affordable housing by NGO's. My previous was attempting to make this point with humor.

    3. You are correct, Mr Armstrong... the cameras were/are a big financial joke on we, the stupid taxpayers!!! The SL&Ls (that would be the Sick Lame and Lazy folks, who have nothing to do and all day and night to do it...) set off 1/4 sticks and bigger plus stadium rivaling fireworks right UNDER the cameras, but alas, the city just can't seem to catch the offenders. BUT, when a friend was suing the city, they had literally thousands of hours of video of his home... just seems to work ONLY for the city at OUR expense....

  3. The Da Vinci Science is putting up a new building on 8th St., perhaps they, or another similar type venue should be induced there.

    1. Mike, that would be a "wise choice". It seems clear such choices are frowned upon in the Queen City.
