Sep 20, 2023

Cannibal Valley

During the summer of 1952, Lehigh Valley Transit rode and pulled its trolley stock over to Bethlehem Steel, to be chopped up and fed to the blast furnaces. The furnaces themselves ceased operation in 1995, and are now a visual backdrop for young artists, most of whom never saw those flames that lit up that skyline. Allentown will now salvage some architectural items documented on this blog, and begin tearing down its shopping district, which was serviced by those trolleys. As young toothless athletes from Canada, entertain people from Catasauqua, on the ice maintained by a Philadelphia company, Allentown begins another chapter in it's history of cannibalism.

photo from August 1952, showing last run on St. John Street to Bethlehem Steel

reprinted from November 2011 

ADDENDUM SEPTEMBER 20, 2023:When I wrote the above post twelve years ago, I didn't expect the NIZ to bulldoze practically every building on Hamilton Street. Worse, the new buildings are devoid of any architectual merit. The tenants in the new Strata apartment buildings are seldom seen, and appear to bestow very little economic benefit to the few new businesses. Why anyone would want to live in the new monstrosity at 7th and Linden, between the hapless bus passengers and the infamous 7/11, is beyond my comprehension. Needless to say my opinions or frankness on these topics is not very appreciated by the powers that be. If you need some smoke blown your way, buy the local paper, don't read this blog.


  1. Misuse of taxpayer dollars has become a normal, everyday occurrence here in the Lehigh Valley, but also across our state and nation. Residents just pass right by it without much notice. Too many, I think, still believe it’s money from “someone else” being poorly spent. Such ignorance in America continues to grow, unfortunately. Trouble ahead.

  2. I grew up here in the valley . Loved walking down Hamilton street . The city is such an eyesore and disgrace. It’s quiet apparent that our city leaders don’t care about our city!!!!!

  3. The NIZ was always an artificial economy that is unsustainable. It provided employment for its directors and a few high administrators. It was a pyramid scheme that became a shell game by its lack of transparency. (Thank you, Senator Browne.) As with all shell games- the guy who owns the shells always wins. It is a pr and marketing delight since this city has no investigating press. Press Releases become news items with little or no editing.

  4. The NIZ has turned Hamilton Street into an office park. If you don't work there, no reason to go there. The "Old Allentown" part of Allentown looks worn and tired. And there isn't anywhere to park either. This is why many people live in the townships, not to forget the taxes are lower and the schools are better there also

  5. I fear without a genuine improvement in the entirety of the city, including its schools, that the NIZ properties will be Section 8 housing soon after the subsidies end. Remember when a generation ago the culture criticized the reviled young urban professionals also known as "YUPPIES"? Now the culture celebrates them. But, just like the originals...the newbies will soon be headed to the suburbs.

  6. Allentown has been busy building the fifteen minute cities of the future.

  7. They are just building buildings to build buildings. The jobs being created are going to people from outside the community seemingly. Allentown is the ultimate victim of government gone awry. But there is hope....we have something oowerful that the NIZ oeople do for this city. If u can maintain that, one day maybe through the cracks it can be saved
