Aug 4, 2023

Tuerk's Junket To Puerto Rico

Students of this blog know that I beat up Mayor Tuerk at the beginning of his term because of his trip to the Dominican Republic. Matt has packed his bag again, and this time he's off to Puerto Rico.

Supposedly he's there to find out what business exchanges might occur between the island and Allentown. That of course is nonsense. Puerto Ricans are now Allentown's minority majority because of the lack of  economic opportunity and work on the island. Tuerk is there in Puerto Rico for the votes and political support here in Allentown. 

With Puerto Ricans being such a large percentage of Allentown's population, and with the island's close proximity, I have no problem with the visit per se. The trip shows respect to the largest population in Allentown. I wish the real motive wasn't cloaked in excuses.

This blog post will probably offend Tuerk, in this case some Puerto Ricans, and others who don't appreciate my frankness in such delicate matters. They can find the official city version in the Morning Call and WFMZ, but that's not the mission of this blog.


  1. When will the trip to Lancaster,PA be announced?

  2. I think many Puerto Ricans will agree. It’s time to stop campaigning and time to start getting things done.

  3. For me the only question is who is paying for this trip. If he pays his own way, I could care less if he goes to Burkina Faso to drum up economic activity for Allentown. If the City tax payers are funding the trip, I'd be livid. I doubt even Fed Ed would try to comp a free trip to Puerto Rico.

    1. Tuerk is paying for his own trip. The group includes Cynthia Mota and Susan Wild, among others. They're also there to learn about Puerto Rican culture...Considering the number of Puerto Ricans in Pennsylvania, they needn't go that far.

  4. Agree with 7:37 in the sense that we need to know more about the trip. Among the answers that Allentown residents deserve:

    1). Who is paying for the trip? Is it city taxpayers? Is it a private developer trying to curry favor for future consideration or a non-profit kicking back a portion of the funding they received from the city?

    2). Who else in City government is on the trip? Why were they needed on the trip? How were they chosen? Are they receiving their full city pay on the trip, and did they have to take any vacation time for the trip?

    3). Are there any family members on the trip? This question should be asked of ANYONE on the trip, whether they’re from city government or elsewhere since it’s an indication or how others on the trip see it.

    4). What is the daily itinerary and specific goals for the trip? How much of the trip is taken up with pre-planned meetings vs how much open time there is for the beach, for bars, and other such activities.

    5). How will taxpayers and city council be able to evaluate whether the trip was a success?

    6). Did city council approve the trip and have input into what would be accomplished by the trip? If so, was this done in a public meeting where residents could provide their input?

    7). Are any city council members on the trip?

    I could continue, but that’s the line of questions that the Morning Call and WFMZ should be asking.

    Finally, the main article mentions the official versions of the trip appearing in the Morning Call and WFMZ. I must have missed those. Would it be possible to get the links to the articles?

    I guess we should also ask if any members of the press are also going on the trip, and who is paying for that.

  5. Since you seem to have more knowledge on these affairs than I : Did Tuerk and some council members also pay their own for the Domincan trip?

  6. anon@8:28/8:35: WFMZ has a story, the Morning Call not yet. Also Tuerk mentions it on his facebook page. Tuerk supposedly did pay for his trip to the DR.

    1. If Tuerk paid for his own trip to the DR, isn’t that an acknowledgment that it was a personal trip and not actual city business?

      Did others from city hall go on that trip? Who paid for them? Did taxpayers pay ANY portion of Tuerk’s expenses?

    2. Found the link to the WFMZ article, thanks! If others want to read it, it’s at

    3. He is likely paying for these trips with campaign funds. Not exactly paying out of pocket but certainly better than the city picking up the tab.

      Related question is who’s time is he on? If this is documented vacation time it is his personal business. If not the proper use of his time is open for debate.

  7. I believe the last census showed that the Hispanic population was the majority in Allentown, yet both this year’s trip and last year’s was to Hispanic destinations.

    How about some diversity in trip selection?

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to travel to areas populated by the minority groups in the city (like predominantly white or black nations) and try to bolster ties with those countries?

  8. Polowski did take a trip there in 2007 all expenses paid for by anyomous person or persons.

  9. When is Tuerk going to try and strengthen ties with Hungary, Germany and Ireland? I'm an racial/ethnic minority in Allentown (mixed-European) and I feel slighted by this administration. While the Allentown chapter of NAACP doesn't agree, it seems to me that Tuerk only cares about black and brown residents.

  10. Yes, Tuerk's cavorting is privately funded, but what can we expect to be the downstream quid pro quo?

    Given that concern, there's a bit of irony in that he's accompanying Suzy Wild who as City Solicitor was struck deaf, blind, and mute during Chicago Eddy's serial felonies.

    Stay tuned...

    (BTW, Mike, there's a rather widespread revolt going on among City Hall employees, and I hear from them that your blog is a fave)

  11. Other than the points made above, the whole trip just highlights how out-of-touch the Mayor is with what is really needed in the city.

    Allentown's problems aren't because certain ethnic groups and cultures aren't understood. Allentown's problems are because it draws (and keeps) too many poor people of all races. This is the poverty magnet that MM spoke about decades ago.

    Last I checked, Allentown's median household income still lags far behind the median number for PA (something like $47,000 vs. $67,000). It also lags behind the adjacent municipalities that surround the city.

    It doesn't matter what ethnic background people have, those coming here tend to move as soon as they can afford it. This creates a tremendous instability that is detrimental to our neighborhoods, public safety and school system (among other things).

    The problem is compounded by the decisions made by our elected officials in City Hall. One day they're touting the economic benefits of the NIZ and its ability to attract higher-income workers and residents to the city. The next day they're approving affordable (low-income/workforce) housing on the outskirts of that area (like the proposals for 8th and Walnut or 15th and Hamilton). The two goals are not compatible, and doing so stunts the ability any benefits of the NIZ to spread outside its boundaries.

    If the Mayor and council need to do anything, it's to return Allentown to a place where people of higher incomes want to both visit and STAY. The sooner the political pandering stops, the sooner that might happen.
