Aug 3, 2023

A Window On Pawlowski

By now most followers of Allentown politics know that Ed Pawlowski was found guilty of almost all charges late Thursday afternoon.  Although I'm very mindful of my privacy,  today I will reveal a personal experience with Ed Pawlowski. I make this revelation not to dwell on my reputation, but as a window on his character. Although his sycophants and others may think that his only fault was his political  ambition,  they are mistaken.  Over the years numerous people were bullied by Pawlowski.  Most of them didn't have the voice to speak out.

In 2005, as an independent and the third candidate on the ballot for mayor, I debated Pawlowski and Heydt at the WFMZ studio. After the debate,  an audience member told me that Lisa Pawlowski was telling audience members that I was a slumlord.  Not hearing it myself, I let it drop.  In the beginning of 2008, I conducted a series of SPEAK OUT meetings at an intercity church.  A Morning Call reporter told me after the meeting that when she called Pawlowski for comment,  he told her that I was just a slumlord.  The reality was that I operated buildings between 4th and 12th Streets for decades, without one code violation or tenant complaint. There was absolutely no basis for the untrue slander by Pawlowski, other than a flaw in his character.  At the end of 2008 he repeated the falsehood, but this time in front of me and others outside the city council chamber.  I asked him how he would feel if I told people that he was a corrupt politician?

Over the years this blog has not concerned itself explicitly with the  contributions and corresponding favors which convicted Pawlowski yesterday.  My concern has been the consequences and policies, which have compromised our assets, such as the park system.  My concern is with the unlevel playing field for small business owners.  A comment last night stated that Bernie(O'Hare) and I have been vindicated.  Pawlowski will be gone soon,  but many people who cooperated with him remain, along with the policies they implemented. 

reprinted from March 2, 2018 

ADDENDUM AUGUST 3, 2023:During the three plus terms that Pawlowski was in office, his corruption permeated city hall. I won't mention names, but several people escaped city hall just before the FBI got to town. As I reported over the years, he weaponized the code department. Even after his departure,I defended a woman being victimized by that department. Unfortunately, remnants of his bullying still linger on in city hall. I would like to tell you that his current defenders are righteous in their effort to free their former mentor, but I can't. They themselves know fully well how he and his brigade stepped on people.


  1. Ed was Allentown's Mayor Daley. The Daleys were Ed's teacher in municipal governance and it was their version of Daley's Chicago politics and administration that he brought to Allentown with him when he arrived on the local political scene around 2000 or so.

    Remember in Chicago, the Daleys were popular mayors with the people, and SOBs to those who opposed them. They ran the city their way, rewarding their friends and shafting those who opposed them. Ed could be a man of the people on one hand, and the worst SOB with the other. This is why the FBI had a field day investigating City Hall. Ed was following the Daley model.. and the 47 Felonies were probably the tip of the iceberg. Illinois politics being of a similar vein.

    There were also a big reasons Ed won his 4th municipal election... The sea change in Allentown's demographics and his ability to get people to support him Ed could (and did) pound the pavement and shake hands better than his opponents, using his personality that he could project well. And I suspect, if he stood for election again, he would win (why the Jennings crowd would like to see him released)...

  2. The Morning Call is all wrapped-up in censorship and free publicity to various untouchable people. The articles they choose (or are forced) to include are directly from gigantic special interest group promoters who craft their messages to fit a mostly liberal/progressive vision. Anyone who uses the MC as their only information source remains ignorant of certain happenings.

    Other than that, the obituaries, sports scores, and event calendars are mostly accurate and helpful.
