Aug 25, 2023

An American Saga

Say what you will about Trump, he's an American showman. Yesterday's mainstream media spent the day counting down to his booking in Georgia. Although there would be no suspense to that spectacle, every step of the trip was treated as breaking news. His large TRUMP jet flew into Atlanta and the surrender was intentionally prime timed.

While Trump may have resented his trip to Atlanta, Prigozhin would have gladly traded places, his flight did not go as smoothly. Here in America Trump could explain to Tucker Carlson how inept Biden is.  Elsewhere, Putin has announced that there will be an investigation into the crash which took his critic's life.

Some of us conservatives couldn't vote for Trump in 2020 because he wasn't presidential enough in his first term. Likewise, we cannot  consider him for 2024 because he wasn't American enough on January 6th, 2021. 


  1. It's facile thinking to label Trump as "un American enough for January 6th 2020" while ignoring every injustice that our weaponized and partisan government agencies, bureaus, and departments have done to him since he walked down the escalaor in 2015. The Durham report puts a lie to every false charge and indictments leveled against him by vicious partisan government official who seek to destroy opponents and opposition rather than win or loss fairly at the ballot box. America has lost faith in once honored institutions as a result. Trump is a lot of things but he is not the problem, he is the man who showed us how deep and shocking the problem is. For this, dispite all his faults, we owe this man our thanks and respect for his courage

  2. I’ve learned through research, and over time, the day’s events that played out on January 6, 2021 did not happen as still being described by major news media sources. There was quite a bit of planning behind what transpired. Most of it completely separate from what appears at first glance.

    Despite the character flaws you see in Trump, he is still the best chance to rebuild what has been torn down by the current regime in control. He will certainly get my vote.

    1. What are you talking about? I watched him on live TV order a mob to march on the capital and give them hell in a failed effort to prevent the election from being certified.

  3. I think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024, but I KNOW what is happening to Trump right now is wrong.

    He is being prosecuted for political reasons by his political opponents.

    If you want to point out something in this whole mess that is un-American, that would be it.

  4. “All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” Trump says, according to audio of the call. “There’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, that you’ve recalculated.” No wonder he admires the Russian and North Korean leaders so much, no silly democracy to worry about in those countries.
    Love the mug shot, laugh every time I see it.

    1. Anon 9:09: I interpret that quote as meaning he wants to find that many fraudulent votes for Biden (or perhaps a combination of fraudulent votes for Biden and uncounted votes for Trump).

      When you have some Democrat precincts in Georgia over performing past turnout percentages, or even over-performing register voters, I don’t think it’s unrealistic to wonder if something was amiss.

      As far as the mugshot, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. That seems to be the point of this politically-motivated prosecution.

      As usual, Trump is making lemonade from lemons, and has already put out a line of mugshot merchandise. So while you’ve gained a laugh, Trump is raking in the cash.

  5. True Patriots like Brother Steve Lynch will carry the cross #DJT has been grotesquely nailed to by the uber left deep state mongrels like cracker Jack Smith.

    General Lee Snover is a tier on operator ready to lead the Core four in full battle rattle to whatever engagements/skirmishes the woke mob initiates

  6. Now that the local cul-de-sac has been open for bissines I seem to remember one fellow saying he won his case against Trump Inc. Just a quick question as to what lawyer or law firm was working on his behalf to win such a case. Than there is the question as to were can one find the disposition of this case seeing it was won in NJ?

  7. Isn't the left is so well trained to repeat narratives? Meanwhile they are pleased as punch at their party's weaponization of intelligence agencies, investigative bureaus, and corrupt partisan prosecutors using their office to indict political opponents on ridiculous charges, actions the Democrats have been guilty of in the recent past, merely for political expediency. They are also just fine with destroying the lives of many little people just to force them to give false testimony or plead guilty to crimes they didn'tcommit(Paul Manifort, Mike Flynn and many others). Have we ever heard a single Democrat on any level say this is wrong? No. So what are we to make of this? If they are willing to tolorate things we never thought we see in America, shocking things, this begs the question, what won't they tolerate? Just posing this question should frighten us all.

    1. Also be frightened because very few Republicans in Congress are speaking out about this awful situation either.

      Either many of them are compromised by their own secret misbehaviors, they are simply cowards, or they feel they are on some sort of Elite Level that will protect them and their family. I plan to vote against all incumbents in Congress. Our nation is being overthrown and these losers are NOT protecting it.

  8. My father -in-law received a ballet in the mail last election 2020.
    Unfortunately, he had died in 1965.
    How is this possible?
    Could it be that the election was rigged?

    1. anon@4:41 and others: Trump had all the opportunities for recount and ballot challenges. There have been closer elections, such as Bush/Gore, which went to the Supreme Court. But Gore and other close losers stood down by Jan. 6th and respected the system and democracy.

    2. I sure haven’t seen what you claim to have seen, Mr. Molovinsky. But, that’s OK.

      If an actual trial in Atlanta does happen, people will be forced to testify under Oath about certain election irregularities in many places. Evidence will finally get the serious examination it deserved all along.

      I do appreciate you covering this topic and allowing differing views to be heard. Another local Blogger censors quite a lot of good information that was presented within guidelines. Happened to me several times. Thus, I no longer contribute there. Not worth the trouble. The host is a bit of a fraud these days.

    3. Did I miss the part where Trump stayed in office past his term? Or are you trying to blame Trump for holding a rally on January 6th and urging his supporters to peacefully march to the Capitol?

      I don’t think anyone likes what a few bad actors out of hundreds of thousands at that rally did at the Capitol, but that wasn’t done on Trump’s orders.

      Trump had an obligation to leave office on January 20th, which he fulfilled. At the same time, he has no duty to agree with the election results and he certainly has a right to continue to question those results.

      Now you might not agree with Trump that the election was stolen. I might not agree that the election was stolen on Election Day. And Trump can believe something entirely different.

      That ability to have your own opinion and state it is what makes America what it is. Or at least what it it used to be.

    4. 4:41 pm: You ask: “Could it be that the election was rigged?”

      Of course not! Your father-in-law likely just changed his party registration in 1965.

      Democrats are allowed to vote for all eternity.

    5. Actually the only recount of ballots included mail in ballots that were highly suspicious in origin. Later audits and analysis revealed many ineligible voters had voted and the orgin of many other ballots could not be verified or accounted for. This occurred almost exclusively in six Democraticly controlled cities in the six swing states that everyone understood would decide the election. During vote counting in these six counties, poll watchers were denied access, or very limited access. There is video evidence of poll workers in Delaware county explaining how they used preloaded computer keys to fix counts to their needs. There was plenty of other well organized schennanigins that Democrat operatives bragged about afterwards in a Time Magazine article. Perhaps Biden did win the 2020 election fair and square, but the actions the Democrats engaged before and during the election has for the first time in our history caused, according to polling, to lose faith in the electoral system. Let's also not forget. In January 2016 Democrats attempted to pressure electors into not following the outcome of their states and withhold their votes from Trump. This was all very public, were these people charged with crimes? From election night on in 2016 many too Democrats, including Hillory, claimed Trump stole the election. These claims were taken up by the media as a cause celebre, intelligent people believed it, high ranking former intelligence officers claimed it was so. In time a special counsel was named, it was staffed by acknowledged Trump hating partisan prosecutors, it dragged people before grand juries, threw them in jail for unrelated charges, Paul Manafort was kept in solitary confinement for over a year in an attempt to get him to sign a false statement that incriminated Trump. After 3 years of daily top of the page coverage, this investigation came up craps. There was nothing to the false claim that Trump colluded with Putin. Afterwards we found out the FBI lied, and the Justice Department made stuff up. None of these people are ruined or in jail as are countless Republicans, big and small who have found themsrlves in the bullseye of political prosecutions. In short, it's far to easy to say, "Trump could have recounted the ballots" and leave it at that, but the facts are out there it was never that simple or the recounting fraudulent ballots would revealthe real winner. We also know this sketchy election result isn't the biggest problem facing America, what know now tells us we have a big problem, one none of us ever thought we see, and one that too many still prefer not to see.

  9. Well, I'll be damned if I vote for the lying, cheating mafia crook Biden. We need to boot this incompetent to kingdom come. His ditzy second in command isn't any better. So if Trump does capture the R nomination, he'll be getting my vote. I've had more than enough of this Democrat lunacy .

  10. Info for the occasional visitor: This blog is not comment centric, I never ask readers what they think. I express my opinion in the post, and very seldom reply to comments. Comments submitted after 6:30 PM will not appear until early the next morning. I apologize for the baker hours.

  11. Indeed, there was cheating and fraud in the 2020 Election. Problem is, a great effort has been put forth hiding it from view. The fraud was primarily through illegal ballot handling and a failure to correct invalid votes cast.

    One watchdog group, True The Vote, recently produced evidence showing in Georgia, some 360,000 ballots were sent to ineligible, even deceased people. From that amount, about 68,000 ineligible votes were cast!

    Donald Trump lost Georgia by a total of just 12,000 votes. His highly publicized phone call to the Georgia’s election official, when heard in its entirety, was a respectful plea to conduct a recount. That request was ignored.

    Unfortunately, our major news sources have been hiding quite a lot from the public, so, too many people latch on to what little their usual, daily “talking head” tells them. There is plenty more evidence of cheating out there, including here in Pennsylvania. It’s just difficult to find. Much has not received serious examination and remediation.

    All of this is typical of a nation in decline. It must be stopped now!

  12. Mr Molovinski, thank you for your blog, your informed commentary, and for providing a forum for opinions that agree and disagree with your own. Such center squares are far to few in America and tolorence of differing opinions rarer still.

  13. The ultimate scammer continues fleecing his sheep as the sheep continue to baa about rigged elections and the persecution of the poor fat orange man. They choose to ignore the fact that before becoming president the fake billionaire used to rake in bucks from dupes for his fake school, not pay workers, and couldn't even make a profit with a casino. They are also willfully blind to the fact that many of the election cases are brought before Trump appointed judges who cannot bring themselves to ignore the law as he wishes, nor could Pence, to his merit. I have been around for many presidents in my life and never seen so many former presidential associates turn on him, including his former personal lawyer. If that alone has not opened your eyes, keep following the cult of sheep and help out the "billionaire" by buying one of his mug shot mugs he is currently pawning to show your blind devotion..

    1. When one reads this one can see the complete disconnect between the left and the rest of America. They hate Trump, therefore all should hate Trump. Those who don't hate Trump deserve to be hated as well. For they must be, evil, vile, fools or very likely, all of the above. And just as Trump must be accused of every possible evil, so must those who support him. And if one day, a corrupt prosecutor throws him on jail likewise his supporters should follow. For according to the left, this all makes perfect sense. Doesn’t it?

  14. I’m still amazed that most, if not all of the damning evidence about DJT is coming from folks close to him IN HIS OWN PARTY!
    And again, how is it that overall, Republican candidates as a group fared pretty well in the stolen election?
    Geez, if you’re going to steal an election, steal the whole thing for Gawd sakes! It’s much to onerous to erase/switch/alter/obfuscate/morph/counterfeit/photoshop/𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓

  15. I'm a libertarian-leaning R who despises Trump for the anti-libertarian he turned out to be. Nonetheless, I'll vote for ANY candidate of either party if they're indicted by the opposition party.

  16. The comments are a true indication as to the state of the country, There are undisputable facts: Mail in ballots are a recipe for fraud. Trumps attempt for judicial revue were dismissed without any real investigation. 8 years of lies and accusations from Russia collusion to impeachment for asking about Biden's real corruption in Ukraine and an unending attack is becoming clear to more and more, even when die hards want to believe the lies.

    The inescapable fact is the nation is more divided than ever, it will have dire effects. the credibility of this government is declining daily,

    Of course many would like to blame it all on Trump, but it is a result of a corrupt government, media and judicial system. This country is in serious peril.
