Jan 30, 2023

Rumble At Secret Lounge

Last night while Mayor Tuerk was attending a solidarity service for the brutal death in Memphis, discontent was fermenting in Allentown.  While police were out of  control in Memphis, some think there's not enough policing in Allentown.

The Puerto Rican inspired protest logo shown above was created by Jessica Lee Ortiz. She's very upset about the fight at an east side club...A video shows people getting hit by thrown tables.

I met Jessica years ago when she was first becoming involved in civic activity. She is now director of the Ortiz Ark Foundation.

As a native Allentonian and local political commentator, I've taken Tuerk to task for what I consider pandering to the Hispanic community, at the expense of older Allentown and public safety.  If a major player in the Hispanic community also finds his performance lacking, he might want to reevaluate the game plan.


  1. I suppose a question which to be asked is if Mayor Turek would have held a memorial ceremony for Tyre Nichols if he had passed away under different circumstances ?

    The obvious answer to that is "no", and there have been other deaths in the past of African-Americans, at the hands of police and by others which have had national prominance. I do not recall Allentown having similar memorial services.

    The question to Mayor Turek needs to be is What was his reason for this memorial service in the first place, and will there be more in the future if individuals are killed due to incidents which have national prominence?

  2. anon@7:09: Although I much prefer not to comment on my posts, some clarification is in order. The mayor attended, but did not "hold" the memorial service. While I'm commenting here, let me add that I have not approved/printed numerous anonymous comments on recent posts that allege wrong doing or criminality. Such allegations must be signed to appear on this blog.

  3. It’s pathetic what some (like the Mayor) consider to be leadership.

    Instead of improving things here, he instead spends his time at a ceremony for something that didn’t even happen in this state.

    Could you give some more details on what happened in the East Side? I didn’t see that a
    story in the paper, but maybe it just wasn’t there (which would be simply shocking if that’s the case).

    1. Jessica Lee Ortiz posted the video on her page. The Morning Call over the weekend has someone listen to the police scanner, and may report a big event, such as a shooting.(one or two lines). Ortiz was upset because there was apparently no timely police response to this brawl.

    2. lol.. that was a setup... that black lady called n word was long time friend of the ortiz's.. barbara redmond of the Naacp pushed this bull ish.. just like the travel advisory bam for Dorney Park... and these same kon profits turned on jessica lee ortiz....

  4. Meanwhile we are told to pay no attention to black on black shootings and minority on minority crime. We are told if we aren't involved in illegal activity "we" will be fine. No worries right? So the only minority deaths that should outrage us are those caused by the police. In this case black police killed a black motorist. This is apparently the only minority on minority violence we should notice and react to. Something is very wrong about all this.

    1. Because black-on-black crime is white supremacy when it involves the police.

      That’s how twisted things have gotten.

    2. you re a joke bro.. keep blocking content aand running away from questions..smh are you gonna block me here too dude?? smh

    3. comments posted on this blog after 6:00pm may not appear until early the next morning.

  5. The back story is the fine young man was beaten so bad because he was shagging one of the cops women. Allentown had a story like this years ago with not even a peep from the local media. Ours did not involve a death just a lost lawsuit for the city.
