Nov 7, 2022

The Patheticness Of Partisanship

Oprah Winfrey's endorsement of John Fetterman caught my attention.  Partisan Democrats will say that she knew Oz, he was on her show 55 times, so with that insight she chose Fetterman. However, a little research reveals that she helped produce his recent Dr. Oz show, all 1000 plus episodes. Truth be told it was just another partisan endorsement, perhaps an accommodation to Obama.

I find all partisanship pathetic. For the rank and file party soldiers, I suppose it's in the line of duty. For a celebrity like Winfrey, it only compromises her reputation and credibility.

As a blogger who accommodates comments, I must host some partisan appeals, or practice censorship...That is a difficult choice.


  1. It is were we are today, no re evaluation, just double down even if it leads to disaster.
    The real problem is that we have two opinions about were the country should be going, they are definitely two altogether different places.
    At one time the two parties wanted to go to the same place by slightly different routes.
    Now, they are living in different envisioned worlds. I cannot foresee how any of this ends well.

    1. Do you think that everyday people really have radically different wants and visions for the future? I still think the at the core, people still want the best for their community and a safer, better future for their children. We are just very entrenched in our viewpoints on how to do that, probably due to social media and the way our society makes it hard to interact with people who are different than us.

  2. ray@4:43: there are moderates and centrists in both parties... The problem seems to be that the primary turnout system favors the extremists

    1. I couldn’t disagree more. Taking candidates out of this, and looking just at policy, today’s conservative policies are probably the closest to (although probably still to the left of) traditional American values.

      The problem? Liberals have moved so far to the Left that the center has also moved to the Left. With that happening, the Left is more than happy to have people vote for those in the “center”, because the center (policy-wise) is still to the left of where it used to be.

      Personally, I’m sick of having what are traditional American values and prudent (fiscal, border, law and order, etc.) policy labeled as “extremist” and lumped in with the true extremists on the Left, who in many cases admit that the policies they are promoting are designed to remake (not just improve) and undermine the greatest nation in the world.

    2. Tomorrow they will be electing people, not policies. If Barletta was nominated , R's may have well won Harrisburg,

    3. No, I disagree very strongly again.

      Voters might believe they're electing a person, but if they're voting democrat they're voting for the same failed policies that plague our nation today.

      Back to your original post, I find republicans to be partisan, but democrats take it to a new level. Their politicians are either on the same page policy-wise or they are canceled by the Left's social media mob. No matter how ridiculous the issue is.

      Want to believe that a person can wake up and become a member of the opposite sex just by saying it? If you're a democrat politician, you'd better believe that and parrot it back if you want to remain in office.

      I am constantly amazed at how the democrats, and their allies in the mainstream media, all have the exact same talking points no matter what day or issue. I can think of only two elected democrats (Sinema, Manchin) in the entire nation who have put up any type of push-back to the democrat agenda, and then only on one or two specific issues.

      So if you like what you see in terms of crime, inflation, spending, open borders, etc., that's what you'll be getting from any of the democrats running you vote for tomorrow.

  3. Mike, if you think about it, is not partisan people who are the problem. The problem is when the news media, newspapers, local news outlets all become partisan. The problem is when Hollywood is partisan, sports is partisan, corporations are partisan, social media is partisan, colleges and universities are partisan, public schools are partisan. The problem is when the FBI, the IRS, and the Justice Department are partisan. All of these are blatantly pro Democratic Party. This is what "democracy looks like" in America today. perhaps this is the real problem. It isn't the rank and file, doing the grunt work of getting people to run office, getting signatures, and working to get them elected. These people should be thanked for engaging in what is the legitimate process.

  4. Oprah's endorsement reflects corporate interests, even if it happens to coincide with her personal views. As noted, she is a media corporate powerhouse, having helped produced many of Dr. Oz's programs. Once it became public knowledge that he is a sleaze bag, promoting worthless snake oil products for which he had a financial interest, the law suits meant it is poison for any major media outfit to be associated with him. Hence, Oprah separating, just like the sports manufacturers & media outfits are doing to sports & music stars espousing Anti-Semitic views. It's business baby; not politics.

  5. Trent@9:23: Oz testified in front of the senate in 2014, Winfrey continued to produce his show for another seven years, until he ended it last year. I doubt that she ever heard of Fetterman, until she recently received the SOS call.
