Oct 4, 2022

Open Letter To Mayor Tuerk

Mayor Tuerk,

       I haven't been on Mr. Molovinsky's blog now for a long time. Years ago, he allowed me space here to complain about the drug store closing on Hamilton Street, back when Mr. Pawlowski was mayor. I still live in the high rise by 8th and Union.

On Sunday night I drove out Linden Street to visit my sister at the Phoebe Home. Between 12th and 17th Streets, I encountered three cars double parking. Each one was near a corner, making it hard to see the intersection. Believe it or not, each empty double parked car was along side of an empty space, they didn't even need to double park! But the reason I'm writing is I heard that you went to some island to see how they do things there, for us?

If you're back from that island, I was wondering if you could do me a favor? Drive down Linden Street with a policeman, and have him give tickets to those people double parking!  I don't know what you learned on that island, but I was hoping that things might get better here.

Thank you for your time


  1. I thought that City Hall had passed a "lazy double-parker" law, so isn't it amazing that the double-parking problem seems worse than ever?

    If you see this obvious problem, and I see this obvious problem, why doesn't our highly-trained police force also see this obvious problem and start citing (and towing) people?

    Dare I speculate that perhaps some in City Hall have told the police force NOT to enforce the law? And shockingly {sarcasm intended} it seems that not enforcing a law has led to more illegal behavior and makes things less safe for all of us.

    On a similar note, how about ticketing and removing vehicles that outright park on the corners, too close to traffic signals or stop signs? They limit the sight lines of those crossing the street (whether on foot or in vehicles) and pose the same (or worse) safety hazard that double parkers do.

    Will it again take someone being killed for an obvious problem to be taken seriously by City Hall?

    Ironically, the corners just outside City Hall have been freshly re-coated with bright yellow paint to make it clear that parking is off limits there. Elsewhere in the city, the paint has long since faded away. Don't the taxpayers and residents deserve the same protection that City Hall workers get?

  2. Remember Matt's bold press conference after the para professional was struck and killed crossing the street in front of Dieruff? He even used profanity to make his point that he would not tolerate violations of our motor vehicle laws. Within days a student was struck in nearly the same spot. Has anyone seen a traffic stop anywhere in the city since? Has anyone noticed drivers obeying traffic laws with some frequency? Does anyone feel safer driving on Allentown's streets? Was it all just words? Just asking.

  3. I think our Police Officers have been demoralized by a general lack of support for any decisions in the field they make. They might even be assaulted and then blamed for that, too.

    At this time in America, there is often no real penalty to pay for breaking the law, not paying bills, fines, etc., etc. Allentown is on the way to the conditions already found in bigger cities. Like, no crime for shoplifting up to a certain dollar amount.

  4. Please someone give me an education. I am sincere in my request. Why do people "lazy double park"? Do they not want to get parked in? Can't they parallel park? Or is there another reason? For the life of me, I cannot understand why people do this and not see how this is a problem or even inconsiderate.

    1. Big Al - I’m not sure if you live in the city, but I think it’s the same mindset of the people that will pull up to pick someone up and think nothing of honking their horn to let the person inside know they’re there. Never a thought that others on the block could be sleeping or trying to get their baby to sleep for a mid-day nap.

      As I think of it, they often double park as well.

    2. Lazy parking is a staple in NYC and elsewhere. Ironically, the double parker doesn't want to go into the real spot out of fear of being double parked in. Go figure.

  5. Vigilantes run our city. Dirt bikes, double parking and people driving at dangerous speeds while city hall turns a blind eye. This is only made worse by demoralizing of our police force. Something has to change.

  6. see it all the time people are inconsiderate Morons even beep at them on occasion even with the risk of being shot at . Seems like police presence barely around anymore if they are no one ses to care .

  7. I've complained about handicapped parking, parking in fire zones, loud music coming from cars. Once great city now starting to look like some parts of N.Y.C. Stop. the madness.
