Oct 3, 2022

Agenda Journalism At The Morning Call

A month ago, Morning Call editor Mike Miorelli wrote that he wants to start including more women and minority sources in their articles. There was an article on Friday about critics against the State Hospital land deal. Two local hispanic women were quoted on their objections concerning the sale to City Center Real Estate.

One of the critics, Enid Santiago, ran for state representative twice. I followed Enid for both elections. Don't recall her ever mentioning the state hospital in either campaign. The other protester* I had never heard of before, so if there had been any protests by her, they had to be done very softly. However, they did meet Miorelli's new criterion for sources, even if their objections were freshly minted for the story. 

If an article on the land sale sounds familiar, it's because Bernie O'Hare and I covered that topic two weeks ago.  In addition to having to fold in hispanic/minority sources, be assured that the reporter was forbidden from mentioning any bloggers. While Miorelli read the recent thinking on minority sources, he apparently missed the articles on primary and secondary attribution. 

So, it appears that the reporter was told what to write about, who to include, and who not to.

*ADDENDUM: I have been informed by comment that the other protester, Yamelisa Taveras, was a candidate for the 14th state senate district primary.


  1. Most of the Morning Call pieces one would consider to be of political nature are just not trustworthy as to accuracy. Those who take time to also consider other sources covering the same topics will recognize the Morning Call is very careful to “stage” its information, and even its photos.

    The Morning Call’s produces a product to fit an ongoing agenda, and not necessarily to inform correctly without bias. Be very careful reading those pages, they are far from level, and very selective as to message. Better to compare and contrast with other voices.

  2. It is all just so much spin to shape public opinion for a preconceived agenda. And to make them appear just so fair to everyone. Does anyone really take any so called main street media seriously about anything?

  3. Another option, the one I choose is to ignore the paper altogether. Find objective news elsewhere, one won't get it from the Call.

  4. Yamelisa was in the recent primary for state rep. https://www.mcall.com/news/elections/mc-nws-democrats-senate-14th-20220422-eubscwunqreedilfnoaap4wwhi-story.html
