Oct 28, 2022

Fetterman Wins Debate

Supposedly a man walked up to Oz at a rally and said  If not for you, I'd be dead. The heart device you invented saved my life, but I'm voting for Fetterman anyway. That pretty much sums up these polarized times in which we live. 

I believe that the Oz/Fetterman debate did not change one vote.  I believe that the undecided in today's world is a myth, propagated by the polling companies for the purpose of keeping their business relevant. I haven't spoken to one person who changed their mind because of the debate, as lopsided as it may have been.

There are, however, the unmotivated...Those who, for one reason or another, were not intending to vote. A small percentage of them will now be motivated by the underdog....Fetterman will pick up the empathy vote.

In politics it doesn't matter who won the debate, it only matters who gained a few votes because of it.


  1. Mike, Political hounds and insiders have known for many weeks of Fetterman's profound cognitive stroke induced disability but everyone else was shocked by it. They are also shocked the press conspired to covered up Fetterman's cognitive condition. Yes 38-42 percent of PA's population would vote for a left shoe if it was on the D side side, but independents have no such loyalty, they have been breaking to Oz gradually since Labor Day. That move has very likely accelerated since the debate, already the betting odds have changed dramatically. As well sour grapes Republicans still sore after the primary and deeply suspicious of Oz will likely move back into the fold after the debate. Not because they now like Oz but instead because of the Democrats/ medias attempt to put a very mentally disabled person into high office shocks and frightens them. They are also shocked and frightened that their otherwise intelligent Democratic friends and family members would go along with this scam. No surprise to us any of this happens, but most people aren't as glued into all this as we are. They likely had their eyes opened and don't like what they see.

  2. Insider Advantage, the latest poll has Oz up three.

  3. I gave up on Democrats having any independent thoughts or motivations years ago. By and large, they are people who want to be told what to do, despite what they see or the actual results of the policies they've been voting for. As such, they'll believe whatever their political leadership tells them, no matter how ridiculous it is.

    I do believe the debates are still important for many republicans and independents. They do evaluate the individual candidates, and will stay home or even vote against someone who they don't feel is qualified.

    As to the actual Fetterman and Oz debate, much is being made of Fetterman's obvious impairment. Democrat voters should be furious that the extent of Fetterman's condition was kept from them prior to the primary and up to the time of the debate.

    I laugh as I hear the democrat partisan's praise Fetterman for showing up, giving him the equivalent of a participation trophy for taking part in the debate. Basic mental competency used to be a no-brainer for both parties, but I guess that finally went out the window for democrats with the 2020 election.

    Unfortunately, the focus on Fetterman's health has helped to obscure his radical positions in terms of policy. Across the country, have we not seen enough examples of what the democrat policies of defunding the police, releasing criminals, lax law enforcement and open borders is doing in terms of public safety? As we go into winter with the forecast record high energy prices and heating oil shortages, do we not see what democrat POLICIES have done?

    That's what people should be voting on, and Fetterman was on the wrong side of all those issues well before his stroke.

  4. scott@7:36: I have publicly supported Oz since he announced his candidacy, long before Fetterman's stroke. As an independent, I can tell you that "independent" doesn't mean undecided, it just means generally less partisan than D or R. Fetterman's ability to communicate has been affected, but he's certainly not "mentally disabled". His communication issues will improve.

  5. Regrettably, elections are polarized along party lines. With Republicans now becoming the foot soldiers of the far-right MAGA crowd, still spouting the false rhetoric of stolen elections, and published plans to gut Soc. Sec. and Medicare. Nuts like Marjorie Taylor Green seek more power and influence. Fetterman was dismal and his answer on fracking made no sense. Oz had his "makes no sense" moment talking about local government and politicians deciding the abortion issue.
    Oz will do whatever he is told to do by the GOP leadership. The Republican Party no longer represents my values as an American. They are proving (the majority of them) they aren't loyal to the Constitution. Their loyalty is given to any person they think will give them the best opportunity to enrich themselves and gain power. God help this country if they are the majority, have their loyalists embedded in appointed positions, and another coup attempt is made. They'll likely be successful.

  6. How do you, or how does anyone else know his mental condition will improve? He and his team have refused to release his mental records.

  7. One doesn't usually see such fevered rhetoric on this blog page. Mr Coffee should switch to de-caf.

  8. "I gave up on Democrats having any independent thoughts or motivations years ago. By and large, they are people who want to be told what to do, despite what they see or the actual results of the policies they've been voting for. As such, they'll believe whatever their political leadership tells them, no matter how ridiculous it is."
    As a life long Democrat who has occasionally voted for a Republican or independent in the past I can say the above statement covers my feelings if you replace "Democrats" with "Republican".
    If there is any doubt who the party of Big Brother is:
    Donald Trump: 'What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening'

  9. The cat was let out of the bag on debate night, beginning with Fetterman's "Good Night" salutation. It is not a question of whether he is disabled or not. It is a question of whether he is up to the job. Cognitive impairment from any form of brain injury is a dicey situation. My observations and subsequent interpretation of his responses and ability to present compelling thoughts were not favorable. I suggest he take time off to be with his family, work on his recovery, restore his physical health and cognitive abilities and ensure his quality of life and longevity.

  10. anon@9:16, I suspect that you fully realize that you're purposefully misdiagnosing aphasia as cognitive impairment. As a conservative, my vote will go to Oz, but Fetterman's communication skills will greatly improve, and he will be a future force that you'll have to contend with.
