Apr 22, 2022

Pawlowski And The Little People

Lately, I noticed on facebook, that Ed Pawlowski has started attending littier events, such as a small hispanic church picnic. Understand that if Mayor Ed had his choice, he still would be a candidate for the United States Senate, and not the object of an FBI investigation. He still might had,  under the prior scenario, attended a mega congregation picnic, but previously he didn't have interest in the small fry stuff. Why now is Ed showing up at the munchkin events? Does he want to say he got religion as part of his future defense? Naw, he always had big church religion. Beyond the obvious, that his personal cache has depreciated, he might be trying to cultivate a Marion Barry constituency. When the Washington mayor got popped for cocaine, his followers still elected him. I think that the taint from the Raid On City Hall has made bigger office, or big appointments, on the state or federal level, a goal no longer attainable. Perhaps Ed sees being Mayor For Life now as his best shot, supported by the little people, more tolerant of legal scrapes.

above reprinted from September 7, 2015

ADDENDUM APRIL 22, 2022: My hunch above about Pawlowski turned out to be correct, as did many of my previous hunches about him.  He did cobble together enough different minority votes to win a fourth term after being convicted. He favorite vehicle of ascension was the Human Relations Council. One of his anointed stayed in Grace until last week, when her husband misspoke in their Foundation office.  Unfortunately for Allentown, those Councils* tend to still be used for the same purpose. Worse for Allentown, many of Pawlowski's lackeys remained in City Hall, with some actually being promoted.

* this post is not intended to disparage any current member of any council or commission

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