Apr 21, 2022

Morning Call Catches Up To Molovinsky On Neuweiler

On Sunday, The Morning Call had an article that Ruckus Brewing was much less than previously presented, but they didn't mention their previous puffing.  Over two years ago, I reported that they were in reality a couple of young guys, with a rented office in NYC, who had purchased the former Reading Brewery Label, and contracted out the limited beer production. Recently, columnist Bill White defended the paper's reporting, and tried to marginalize this blog by not even referring to it by name. Although Ruckus had no actual brewing experience, and no real estate experience, they were given the option on the Neuweiler property, and a $34 million dollar plan in taxpayer NIZ funding,  to renovate the parcel. Although they had no experience,  they did have a local business agent named Mike Fleck. The paper previously gushed about the coming brewery and pub, regurgitating press releases like they were news. Recently, I reprinted one of my Ruckus/Neuweiler posts, and low and behold, The Morning Call now had a Sunday feature. But even fellow blogger Bernie O'Hare said,  But they had more details.  I reported two months ago that in fact they were  mickey mouse, with only a single distributor in Pennsylvania.  Bernie was impressed because the Morning Call printed the name of the distributor, which I had chose not to.  In reality, there wasn't one more pertinent detail in the paper's story than mine, written two months earlier.

I'll leave the regurgitated press releases to the paper.  I'll leave Bernie worshipping those details which pad out articles into longer features.  I will continue to distill reality from promotion in Allentown, and give the news in small shots, to discriminating readers. Comments will remain moderated, restricted to additional insights.  molovinsky on allentown will remain a craft blog,  in an ever more crass environment. 

above reprinted from September 30, 2015

ADDENDUM APRIL 21, 2022: I have a knack for pissing off many people at the same time. Unfortunately, that hurts many of my causes, such as the WPA in Allentown...This is one of those posts.  
The brewery has been neglected for so long that it isn't worthwhile restoring. However, because the work on the now privately owned building will be financed with diverted state taxes, nobody feels the pain directly, and nobody cares. The previous owner was actually arrested for not improving space now allowed to be rented in the same as is condition, by the new approved owners. Because the building is now connected to the existing power structure in Allentown,  the revitalization will continue. Influence in both the ANIZDA and AEDC overlap. That overlapping now extends into the city's new administration. Back to my piss off abilities. I'm a seasoned veteran of such conflict. There's little point in me pecking away at this typewriter this early in the morning if I'm going to be acquiescing to the newspaper, city hall or even popular opinion.

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