Jul 5, 2021

Morning Call Malarkey

Mike Miorelli published an editorial on Sunday about the charges against Ce-Ce Gerlach. He defended the paper not publishing the allegations against her before the election...  But there was never a political consideration given to not publishing that story. We would have done the same for any politician, or official for that matter, of either party.

Mr. Miorelli, not quite for any politician. You certainly didn't extend that courtesy to Emma Tropiano, when you assigned a reporter to ambush her at the Women's Club debate.

You certainly didn't extend that courtesy to me in 2005,  when your daily debate promo only showed pictures of two candidates, when there were three on the ballot. In addition to excluding me from the mayoral debate, you never ran a profile on me, or published my picture.

You certainly didn't hesitate to write an explosive article about Marty Northstein, right before the congressional election.

Mike Miorelli can claim that the paper treats everybody fairly, but its victims know better.  

UPDATE JULY 6: Blogger Bernie O'Hare reacts to Miorelli's explanation.


  1. Perhaps he means that presently they would do the same for any candidate of either party. Clearly the didn't do it for Marty who was running for congress and who doubts they won't publish gossip as news about any candidate they don't favor tomorrow or the day after? The Call just looks worse all the time.

  2. The paper simply tried to bury a negative story.

    1. wfmz just ran a story about two dogs saved from china slaughter, but silent on child rape.... wow..... this is a dateline special no one will ever see...

  3. Thanks for reminding about Marty Northstein and we're stuck with Wild

  4. they didn't do it for eugene mcduffie either, when fed ed bullied him to the point of a police report.... ask emily opilo of morning kklan who was standing there....... and robert pork who shelved the story 2 weeks before election.. and still no apology from that..smh
