Apr 23, 2018

Morning Call Editorials

In his column yesterday, Lehigh Valley congressional candidate Marty Nothstein owes League of Women Voters an apology, Bill White took Marty Nothstein to task for dodging the League Of Women Voters debate. This is the League's debate focused on the new 7th Congressional District primary, which invited all the candidates. White's complaint against Nothstein's decision is fair in its own right. However, Bill White's column is now the de facto political editorials for the paper, and the paper's record is questionable, at best.

For example, in 2005, although I was the first independent to run for mayor in two decades at the time, the Morning Call excluded me from their sponsored debate with Muhlenberg College, televised by Channel 39. Every day for two weeks they promoted the debate, running a quarter page photograph of both Pawlowski and Heydt in the paper. The paper's circulation was considerably larger back then, and those debate advertisements essentially told the public that there were only two candidates running for office, not three. They justified that action by claiming a poll by Mulhenberg showed my support below their threshold for inclusion. At the time the paper's other columnist, Paul Carpenter, ran a column about the inequality of that decision.  I can appreciate that my complaint sounds egocentric, but I assure you that over the years the paper has marginalized many other  candidates as well.

I can accept that Bill White now writes the editorials for the paper, but he should know that at least one local blogger will scrutinize them.


  1. I am no fan of Bill White and agree with your assessment of him. That said, his/Lee Snover's choice to boycott the League of Woman Voters Debate was just plain stupid. Anyone who is voting for Marty because they believe he has the best chance of winning in the general couldn't be more mistaken. Bill White is providing exhibit A of what the liberal media can do when a Republican candidates provides them an opportunity by doing/saying something stupid. This boycott will hurt Marty in the primary, it will be used very effectively against him in the general if he makes it that far.

  2. In my short stint on the school board I was routinely grossly misquoted. The reporter in question to my expressed concern as a "personal attack". Odd....They also allowed Deb Tretter, president of the AEA to smear me in an op-ed. Of course that was contrary to their own rules, but they balded face lied to say it wasn't. Business as usual. Kranzley was no better. I have plenty more examples.

  3. The League has evolved into very Liberal organization.If they are so concerned with legitimate voters why do They oppose photo i.d. laws across the nation ?

  4. The League has become dominated by liberal activists, that is apparent by its actions. While we can agree on that, we may also agree a candidate opposing the league is politically foolish. Most voters still see them as the non partisan organisation they used to be. Bill White's column is exhibit A on that.

  5. Mr. M, thank goodness you were able to run that smiling photo. Without it, you would have received only half of the votes you did!

    Funny thing about "threshold" polling required to participate in televised debates. During the 2016 national Presidential Republican & Democratic nomination debates, the League & the networks and whoever sponsoring kept changing the threshold percentage as the number of candidates dwindled. Presumably, this was to maximize exposure for viable candidates and not exhaust the time allowed for the debate with nonviable candidates. But, in a local mayoral contest with a finite only three man choice, what is the justification for any "threshold"?

  6. I might agree with Marty's decision not to appear before the League of Women Voters if he came out hard against their demonstrated liberalism. He has the power now to create his own headlines by taking on that leftist organization. I would turn the lovely ladies into a local version of 'low energy Jeb,' ' little Marko,' and 'lyin Ted.' Put some energy behind the campaign. I'm not sure which Republican I will vote for, but would lean in favor of an fighter.

  7. Trent,

    Your snide comments speak to your shortcomings rather than mine. Judging by who wins elections in Allentown I wear my loss as a badge of honor. I never wanted to be on the school board, did not want to run for re-election. I did it because many people asked me to and paid for the mailers with my "smiling" Photo. And judging by what has transpired since I left they had good reason to want me there .

  8. It is quite common for national organizations to have much more comprehensive "policies" and positions than are possible to be executed at the local level.

    At the end of the day, the LWV of Lehigh County is a local organization, run and staffed by local people who aim to improve the connection between voters and candidates.

    If they don't put on these large candidate forums, who will? Likely much more "single issue" organizations that won't give a very comprehensive view of the issues at stake in the community.

    It is not unexpected, but still disheartening, for the suggested "solution" to be to add the name-calling and complete disrespect of our national politics at the county level.

  9. Speaking of disrespect for our national politics at the local level, perhaps it should be remembered that we are talking about Allentown, the de facto one-party city where people have absolutely no problem voting for a guy up on charges for fifty something counts of felony corruption.

    Perhaps the League of Women Voters should spend more time talking to the general public about ethics and less time worrying about who blows them off for whatever reason.


  10. I thought we were talking about the 7th Congressional District?
