Jan 16, 2021

Security Overreaction Or Surge Event

I don't know anything about the danger to Biden's inauguration from Trump supporters, but I do see a clear and present danger from the massive security put in place.  Young guardsmen will return to their communities from all over the country, after having spend over a week in close quarters with each other.  Many of these young people, in addition to no social distancing, were maskless much of the time. 

Security for January 20th,  appears to be an overreaction from the mistakes of January 6th.  The ceremony could have been staged in a secure location,  instead of bringing over 20,000 troops to Washington.  

Prior to January 6th,  Tea Party groups and others openly organized bus caravans to that rally. Locally, I have heard of no such organization for this coming event,  plus Washington will be closed to the public for the inauguration. 

I cannot understand why this massing of guardsmen and other security isn't recognized as the surge event it will unfortunately become.

UPDATE JANUARY18,2021: While no security threats materialized over the weekend, the surge event expanded. Guardsmen now number over 25,000 in Washington DC. One hapless fellow was arrested in DC for having a handgun in his vehicle with a brick of ammo. Turns out that he is a security guard, and the gun is licensed in Virginia. In Harrisburg, all that could be found was a couple of anti-Trump protesters.


  1. In regards to "the ceremony could have been staged in a secure location" never in our history have we ever done so. In so doing we'd signaling to the rest of the world we as a nation have become weak and fearful of our own people.

    I neither think it's an over reaction given the kind of stuff I'm seeing coming from people I've known throughout my life who have gone almost completely off the edge. We once voted and that was that till the next election.

    I do agree we may be looking at a super spreader event for these dedicated military members. Whenever they were sent overseas they received dozens of inoculations. This should have been no exception before they were deployed to receive the vaccine. Why weren't they?

  2. Speaker Pelosi didn't even provide cots or at least Yoga mats for these Guardsman

  3. All this is part of the coming narrative that Trump supporters are to be feared as Nazi's, white supremacists or any other negative label. And any questions raised about the election or the Biden corruption oversees is debunked and just conspiracy theories. Open debate about policy is now almost a thing of the past. Of course there is the famous quote,"A MAN CONVINCED AGAINST HIS WILL IS OF THE SAME OPINION STILL" The truth is a hard fact to hide.

  4. I do not believe that it is a political agenda, but rather that the FBI is over compensating for the January 6th failure to anticipate. Over the weekend they announced an intention to now vet the guardsmen, doubling down on their overreaction. Still no awareness or concern by them about the surge virus threat.

  5. The left is shocked!Shocked!by the violence. They are as phony as Louie in the great film Casablanca. America has been treated to non stop left wing violence for years now and never a peep of condemnation from a single Democrat about any of it. In fact just the opposite, many praised, excused, and justified it. Some such as Maxime Waters encouraged violence against Trump supporters. I could go on.

  6. We can't go a major event without Mr. Armstrong's typical "serious" commentary. Even if we accept the "wave" of left-wing violence I don't recall BLM attacking the White House, or the Supreme Court, or the Congress, particularly during a ceremony to choose the head of state. Totally the same though.

    That said, Presidential visits are no joke for those involved. Open air ceremonies are very rare and nobody gets near the President without vetting anyway. Any event with the President is conducted by the Secret Service and they "overreact" as a manner of principle at the most benign of events. If he's doing an event overseas, there are massive disruptions to all forms of transit. This is just what overseas audiences see as a matter of course.

    Unfortunately, there is quite a bit of "chatter" on this topic and nobody is taking chances.

  7. Apparently when conservatives express their opinions it bothers the left. They would of course prefer everyone think as they. That's how they rule, just keep that in mind.
