The Morning Call article says that City Planning Commission had some concerns that the waterfront portion of the NIZ might have a negative impact on traffic, but the plans were passed, and the project will proceed on to the next
hurdle. That
hurdle is if City Council will agree to sell the developers (Mark Jaindl) a piece of land needed as an entrance road. What suspense! What hurdles! What should concern the planning puppies is the old LVRR line still in place, after all these years. This is a true historic treasure of Allentown, and should be retained, perhaps for a future tour train. Shown above was the private engine of Structural Steel, which is the primary location of the proposed new development. At one time the former industrial giant called Allentown, had several fabricators that required their own engines to push material around their plants.
photo from the Mark Rabenold Collection
reprinted from July of 2013
UPDATE NOVEMBER 12, 2020: The above is reprinted from July of 2013. Approval for the waterfront NIZ is a long done deal. The LVRR Old Main has been removed, along with private tracks within the former Structural Steel. The Jaindl Company has announced that construction will begin on the first waterfront office building.
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