Nov 11, 2020

Allentown Forsakes Its History

Once again the plan of a developer is being promoted as progress in the destruction of our history. Waterfront developer Mark Jaindl is going to rip out the LVRR Old Main Line, and give the yuppies another trail for their spandex clad bicycling. He has Whitehall, Allentown and the local planning rubber stamps on board. None of them have a clue about this historic rail line along the west side of the Lehigh River. It is simply the link to the success of Allentown, and in many ways the valley, state and country. I have no plans or allusion about stopping it. I will not be speaking to any more boards and commissions of deaf ears and blind eyes. They are even calling it a Memorial Trail for 9/11. A more enlightened community would preserve the historic track, for a future tourist train ride of our industrial past. Instead, here in the valley we destroy our history, and replace it with a sign. This blog will present photographs of the line and its place in our history, for the edification of those who care.

Heat Exchanger by Air Products sided at Lehigh Structural Steel, on Lehigh Valley Railroad Old Main near the Tilghman Street Bridge

above reprinted from February of 2015

UPDATE JUNE 11, 2019: The historic rail line documented above has been removed. It was serving the last active rail customer in Allentown.

UPDATE NOVEMBER 11, 2020: Jaindl Company has announced that construction of the first office building in the waterfront NIZ zone will begin. 


  1. The line isn’t even used anymore is it ? Not like it’s a structure. Relax. A bike path ? Good. I’ll be using it. I live near there. Not all the time. But sometimes change is good.

  2. Mr. Jaindl has not been a farmer for decades now !! He has become a land graver !! Because of his being a banker with his hands on many property finances he can control people !! It's not fair that someone that takes advantage of people's misfortune weilds such power !!

  3. while it goes without saying that comments only reflect the view of commentator, occasionally I must interject

    chuck@7:05, the last rail customer was displaced for the waterfront NIZ

    hal@6:30, the extended Jaindl family is now three generations from Fred, who started the turkey business. The bank and land development is run by different sons, and this project involves grandsons. While they are an influential family, I would not associate their success with anybody else's misfortune.

  4. Everything changes a little and it should. The good ain't forever and the bad ain't for good..
