Oct 14, 2020

As Harrisburg Turns

In his quest last year to make voting easier, Governor Wolf reluctantly agreed to something this state has needed for a very long time,  the elimination of straight party ticket voting.  While the pundits are not in agreement about which party this change will benefit, I know it will benefit informed democracy. 

While Pennsylvania was one of the last states to still host this mindless straight party lever pull, it constituted nearly 40% of the votes cast.  My phrase about lever pull refers to the mechanical machines previously used in Lehigh County for decades. While I miss the reliability and confidence those metal booths provided,  I welcome the end of the all too easy down ballot. 

If this new policy stays in place, perhaps the voters will have to learn more about the local races, which actually effect their lives much more.   


  1. They likely will not learn about the local races. Watch as presidential candidates get far more votes than the rest of the candidates. Why should voters be denied the right to vote for at least a philosophy when they don't know who the candidates are. It is an effort to make voters do what those in charge want them to do. Voters should have the right to vote straight party if they want.

  2. If 40% of the voters preferred to vote this way, why on earth would you discontinue it? Like Wendys dropping french fries. Lets really annoy and disappoint 40% of our customers.

    I almost always voted straight Republican. Made it easy. And if there was one or 2 Democrats or others I just had to revise those few.

    My wife never used it. I always had to wait 3 to 5 minutes for her to vote one by one. If 40% of voters are gonna take 3 to 5 minutes longer voting in person could be a very long event.

    And this partisan dictator governor would only change anything for his benefit. To his edict, we are now accepting mail in ballots through Friday after Tuesdays election day.

    I'm just grateful I'm not in a Pennsylvania nursing home because I'd be more likely to not even vote at all, because I would be dead from another one of those Governor edicts.

    If South Dakota was warmer, I'd be packing.

  3. ray@7:40, they still can make their straight mindless ticket votes, but now they will have to darken each Democrat or Republican oval in, down the ballot. Along the process they might even learn a name or two.

  4. Don@8:10, it is my understanding that Wolf wanted certain voter reforms to make voting more "inclusive". The Republicans insisted on the end of straight ticket voting to agree to the "reforms". The Democrats are now upset that in the inner cities, minorities will be disenfranchised from the down ballot vote.

  5. This may very well result in long lines and possible discouragement of voters.
