Oct 1, 2020

A Better Choice In The 183rd State House District

The voters of the 183rd State House District now have three choices. Two of those choices are the standard party fare.  Zach Mako,  the Republican incumbent, succeeded Julie Harhart's eleven terms. He's operating out of her former offices, using her former formula.  They send out a lot of birthday cards and certificates. He receives the usual NRA recommendation, and other perks in the Republican party basket.

Jason Ruff is the Democratic candidate.  Although neither he nor Mako emphasize their party connection, it's apparent from his endorsements. Ruff has been promoting his endorsement from the Teacher's Union and other unions.

I have now offered the voters a third choice,  a true independent, unaffiliated with either party. It's fair to wonder where my political philosophy generally lies, and that would be slightly right of center.  Needless to say, I won't have any party connected endorsements to tout, but my long term advocacy on numerous issues is a matter of record. 

My campaign really is grassroots,  confined in this covid-era to social media.  Along the way of advocating for one issue or another, I have taken the Morning Call to task so often, I don't expect even acknowledgement of my candidacy. Those who realize that the State House is void from inside scrutiny should take the effort to write me in. Hopefully those familiar with me, but not living in the 183rd, will recommend me to their friends that do live in the district.

photocredit:Slatington At Dusk by K Mary Hess

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