Sep 29, 2020

A Problem In South Whitehall Township

South Whitehall Township stayed silent while the Wildlands Conservancy maligned the condition of Wehr's Dam with the state DEP.  That inappropriate  communication between the Wildlands and the state was intended to made the dam repair exceed the amount authorized by the voter's referendum.  The former, and some current commissioners, were  aligned with this conspiracy against the voter's wishes.

While the commissioners recently reassigned those funds previously set aside for dam repairs, the township has moved forward seeking a $half million dollars in grants for another park project. There has been three major park projects in Covered Bridge Park, costing $millions of dollars, while Wehr's Dam languishes away, despite the referendum to preserve it in 2016.  In addition to the grants to South Whitehall for projects other than Wehr's Dam,  the Wildlands recently received $half a million dollars for additional land on their South Mountain Preserve. Of course those grants are actually our tax dollars, which are being redirected away from projects voted on by the citizens, to finance pet projects by the Conservancy and their minions in South Whitehall.

Those of us who worked so hard to save the dam five years ago, are frustrated by the arrogance of several of the current commissioners, and the complicity of the Morning Call. 

As separate news items they sound nice: a new park in South Whitehall, and additional land added to a preserve on South Mountain. However, when you connect the dots, the problem becomes apparent. There is a nexus of connections between the Wildlands and several departments in Harrisburg, to redirect our taxes to their agenda.

My current write-in campaign as an independent for State House District 183 partially stems from this betrayal of the public trust.  When government isn't even responsive to such a placid citizenry as in South Whitehall, it's time to write-in somebody else for Harrisburg.

photocredit: Tami Quigley

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