Aug 5, 2020

Yellow Journalism

I was informed yesterday that this and O'Hare's blog practice yellow journalism. This description is supposedly circulating among the social media sites frequented by the progressive elements in our community.

Although I cannot speak for O'Hare, I can tell you that in my opinion both of us have often been called much worse.

What is circulating from these groups is an air of intimidation. People who know that these new leaders are not what they claim to be, or what the Morning Call reports that they are, don't want to become their victims. There's plenty of information out there, but nobody to quote.

The new leaders are saying that their political power got city council to drop the resolution against Gerlach and Siegel. I think that they're confusing pitchforks and torches with democracy. I think that they're confusing a woke editor at the Morning Call with Democracy.

Normally, I attribute credit for the photograph or illustration that I use at the top of a blog post. However its creator, and many other people in this community, do not want their identity revealed in this climate.

ADDENDUM: In the Morning Call's  recent report that the censure resolution against Gerlach and Siegel was dropped,  Hendricks and Affa state that the paper treated the resolution as if it was against Black Lives Matter. The local BLM movement and its minions on social media certainly did portray the censure as such, but not the paper. BLM said outright that if you're for the Blue, you're against BLM, it's one or the other! While the local BLM did succeed in getting Daryl Hendricks and Candida Affa to back down, they haven't intimidated the general public.  A petition is circulating that Gerlach and Siegel should resign.


  1. The Democratic Party both locally and nationally have taken on the characteristics of an angry mob. Sorry if that sounds partisan, but it also sound like the truth.

  2. While Trump is continually labeled an authoritarian, it is obvious who the real potential authoritarians are. They continually attempt to limit free speech by labels and intimidation.

    Is it because they know the criticism is true that they continually attempt to dismiss opposition with threats and labels?

  3. Democrats tend to blame others for doing what they (Democrats) are already doing. I think that was part of the late Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Hillary Clinton was a big fan of Alinsky and his ideas about disrupting normal order.

    Believe it, or not, the Democrats are claiming they are concerned Trump will cheat in the November Election!

  4. I'd say Gerlach and Siegel won.

    The mob silenced their opponents, and Zucal, Hendricks and Affa look like frightened children. Far from a "miscalculation" as you opined in yesterday's post, Siegel and Gerlach solidified their base and are likely already identifying like-minded candidates to run against Zucal, Hendricks and Affa the next time they're up for election.

    As far as the citizen petition in your update, instead of doing the job that our council members refuse to do and circulating a citizen petition asking Gerlach and Siegel to resign, those circulating it should petition Zucal, Hendricks and Affa to grow a spine.

    The censure motion should have been on the agenda tonight regardless of whether it had the votes or not. That kind of public debate is what public meetings (also know as city council meetings) are supposed to be about, right? Instead, they've become political theater where only predetermined outcomes are voted on.

    Maybe the censure motion would have failed, but at least it would identify where council members actually stood, and if anyone there was willing to stand up to the mob.

    As far as I'm concerned, there's not a single person on council that's worth a damn. They're all just different variations of the same poor thinking.

  5. I have to say I agree with 4:57. sadly it's more of the same, the same that has ruined Allentown these past 15 years, Democrats sticking together, no matter how crooked, foul, incompetent,moronic, demagogic, and hateful one, or several of them are at any moment. In the end, it's the interest of control and unity of party that prevails over the greater good of the city and it's residents. But again, this is exactly what the Democratic voters of the city apparently want.
