Aug 6, 2020

Night Of The Censure

Wednesday was a night of dueling censures at City Council. Although the resolution against Gerlach and Siegel was dropped,  there was a motion likewise against Zucal, Hendricks and Affa, for attempting to suppress freedom of speech.

At the end of the tag team match, it was up to referee Julio Guridy to restore order to the arena.

The merits of the resolutions has been discussed in length here on this blog, and elsewhere...What concerns me is the future of council and the city.

Although I just wrote the other day that Siegel and Gerlach miscalculated, perhaps the misread lies with me. While I have no doubt that they would be tarred and feathered in a Lehigh County vote, this is Allentown. This is the city where a indicted mayor cobbled together his fourth victory with assorted fringe groups by attending birthday parties.

There are those who feel that a Hyman candidacy can be a saving grace for the Little Apple, a back to business for a fragmented city. Regardless of who gets the top office in the next election, I see city council becoming even more progressive. In my vocabulary that's not a compliment.

screen-grab from Imantrek's Red Bokeh Society


  1. Where was the mayor in all this? The same place he always seems to be, out of the picture, feckless and spineless. Apparently he had no sway on anyone in city council to go after Josh for doxing him and terrorizing his family. Ray is Allentown's Joe Biden, way past his prime, likely never up for the job when he was younger but fills the rule as a placeholder until a real leader emerges. America, if you want to see your future, look at Allentown!

  2. America is continuing to fall under the weight of dysfunctional, mostly Democrat run, cities all across the states. The Lehigh Valley is not immune. I’m afraid, at some point, certain cities need to be written off as lost causes.

    Allentown has reached this point of no return. The majority of it citizens live day-to-day. Some clueless, others lacking any motivation to change. The unmotivated can be kept satisfied with free basic essentials. The clueless can be kept that way by a compromised news media willing to mislead and look the other way.

    Allentown’s population will continue to rise. There are many content to join in, just as it is. Like those gigantic magnet cranes that work overtop scrap yards. Broken lives moved from one place to another.

  3. Hyman is the only hope for this city. He would restore fiscal stability, and logical practices and policies. If any of the other likely candidates win, the city is doomed for generations to come. Hyman would have easily won last time if not for Ray's sneaky write in candidacy designed only to siphon off votes from Hyman and get Pawlowski re-elected. If Hyman runs and this city doesn't vote him in, they deserve what they get

  4. Hyman certainly has the ability to help Allentown on the fiscal level. But, in other areas of cultural, quality of life matters, he will most likely be run all over by the huge dependent class that fills Allentown’s borders. Many who feel ‘entitled’ to do whatever they damn well please.

  5. anon@9:24 or anybody else: next time you want to use a phrase like "dependent class", sign your name or withhold your comment.

  6. BLM is always looking for useful idiots to further their destructive Marxist agenda, they found a first class tool in Josh Siegel. He is their useful "idiot" on council.

  7. while many hope that a savior will come to save the city, it is unlikely. A city must save itself from the bottom up. Does anyone see that happening/

  8. I see Councilman Zucal has discovered the skill to count votes.If you don't have the votes needed for passage drop the resolution

  9. Ed Zucal should not have rescinded his censorship of two of his fellow council people. These two council people should resign for
    joining protest groups as member of council. They are immature, uneducated and show lack of judgment. They are only on council for
    personal political advancement.

  10. Allentown doesn't need another clever politician who can count votes, it needs a leader, Zucal failed to lead and failed the city. Allentown has a rich recent history of such failed leadership. It has also been failed by its voters who don't bother to vote and those who do give us gloriously pompous idiots such as Ce-Ce Gerlack and Josh Siegle.

  11. Huck -

    As I wrote in the previous post, the censure motion should have been on the agenda tonight regardless of whether it had the votes or not. That kind of public debate is what public meetings (also know as city council meetings) are supposed to be about, right?

    Instead, meetings have become political theater where only predetermined outcomes are voted on.

  12. While comments are welcome on this blog, I do not measure the blog's success by the number of them. Please realize that the comment section is not intended as a chat room. Short replies to other comments which do not otherwise contribute to the topic will not be published. Comments which could be misconstrued as classist, racist or such will not be printed unless signed by name.
