Aug 3, 2020

Ce-Ce Goes Through The Tunnel

When Ce-Ce started her involvement in Allentown years ago, I was a more than a supporter, I was a booster. I blogged about her several times.  Likewise, when she decided to run for city council, I supported her.  Recently, with her support of the Maingate Noise Exemption Zone, I became somewhat disillusioned.

I watched Ce-Ce's youtube before she marched with the local BLM that Saturday, when Allentown had just seen the Sacred Heart video taken by the passerby, which was somewhat out of context.  As both a council person and a woman of color, she was conflicted. Her conflict was understandable, her course of action is the problem.  Even when the full video became available, and the policeman was exonerated,  she remained entrenched with those challenging the city's police.

Others members of Allentown City Council are not conflicted. A resolution of censure was drafted toward her and Josh Siegel, because of things said and done while they actively participated in that protest march.  This weekend she participated in additional BLM protests, in Palmerton and Emmaus, even though there have been no incidents in either one of those communities.  A member of city council should understand that she represents the city,  especially with our neighboring municipalities.

In  facebook posts by the local BLM activists, we are told that if you support the Blue, you're against the BLM, it's one or the other.  I would hope that our city council members who are supporting the local BLM  are not against Allentown's Blue.  At any rate,  when Cc-Ce went through the tunnel this weekend to Palmerton, she left my support behind.

photo: Make The Road congratulates Ce-Ce last November


  1. I do not support Ms Gerlach. I never have.

    Her time spent on the Allentown School Board illustrates her poor judgement, and all that is wrong with Allentown's leadership. The Allentown School District was once written up by Life magazine as one of the finest in the nation. Today, it is both academically at the bottom of the barrel, it is a determent to those who may want to move and live in Allentown.

    For professionals moving to the area, especially those with families, putting their children into the ASD is tantamount to child abuse. A far better choice is to live in one of the suburbs, and to have their children in districts such as Parkland, Emmaus or Salisbury.

    With her election to Allentown City Council, she now takes her poor leadership skills to the City municipal government. Her support of black lives matter simply illustrates her poor judgement and divisive views in that forum as well.

    With her support of the radical, Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, she also is putting her poor choices, and yes, racist views on full public display. She is not striving for unity for all of the people living in Allentown, she is striving for division. She represents basically, all that is wrong with Allentown and why as much as J B Reilly is trying to improve the business climate of the city by attracting new businesses into the city (albeit on the taxpayer's dime, but that is another matter and his methods are simply not the best), Reilly is at least TRYING to improve the city and to increase its stature. Ms Gerlach is doing the opposite.

    Ms Gerlach is simply trying to flush Allentown down the toilet and turn it into a Marxist cesspool, driving the productive class away from the city and turning it into another Philadelphia. In previous years, she would have been rejected out of hand for any public office. Today, unfortunately she simply represents all that has gone wrong with the city over the past several decades.

  2. How can one possibly not treasure the Police Department in a failing city like Allentown? Anyone living inside those borders is very likely to make that dreaded call for help in a time of crisis.

    Yes, this CeCe person is showing her true colors. Give me a strong and dedicated Fraternal Order of Police anytime over the fraudulent, violent and dangerous, part of Black Lives Matter will see trying to bring down this nation.

    America will not survive without law and order. Now, who does she think maintains that? Trust the pros.

  3. anon@6:04, while the BLM protest at the rose gardens was indeed sponsored by the Socialists of America, I believe that most people participating in these protests are unaware of the sponsor, and are there to protest what they perceive as racism. Ce-Ce, as a city council member with official oversight of the police department, should of course abstain from participating in such events.

  4. I caught on to Ce-Ce quickly when we were both elected to the school board at the same time. She told people what they wanted to hear, I have countless examples of that. Apparently now she feel she can say what she wants and it not pretty, in fact it's often ugly, ill informed, and angry. I am not at all surprised. Many praise her for her work ethic, that may be so, but working hard to to achieve bad things is hardly laudable. By the way, I am against BLM. It is a Marxist organisation that uses race as a subterfuge to achieve is totalitarian political goals.

  5. The red flags were out for CeCe Gerlach years ago if you took the time to listen. Councilman Siegel with his County political patronage job slipped in under the radar.Just when I thought the City could not get anymore dysfunctional it did with this war in City Council

  6. Mike do you and Bernie have it in for the poor lost souls helping
    to ruin Allentown even more than mayor pawalski? Everyone must get there crumbs from riellyville as the locaust already took all the valuables from the city.
