Jul 31, 2020

Police Support In Allentown

Since the BLM became active in Allentown with calls to defund the police,  there has been a demonstration outside city hall at each council meeting, never mind that the council meetings are closed to the public because of Covid-19.  Wednesday night, for the first time, there was a demonstration in support of the police.

With first hand knowledge of how much Allentown Police have helped in complex situations, psychiatric nurse Danielle Scott organized the Back The Blue demonstration.  Also joining the group in support of the police was a motorcycle club.
I'm a psych nurse and rely pretty heavily on law enforcement to take custody of our residents for 302 petitions when they are at their very worst- angry, paranoid, psychotic, decompensated, violent, and a danger to themselves or others. These officers respond with care and compassion.... Danielle Scott

These are trying times. The virus has reduced the earned income and other revenue streams for the city.  Allentown is borrowing $16 million to cover the revenue shortfall.  The police force is down from the recommended and previous staffing levels. While I'm sure the police department appreciated the show of support, hopefully it also reminded city council that most city residents do not want to see the police department further depleted.

photo courtesy of Janet Keshl


  1. Glad to see this type of event happening. Our Police Department is critical to an orderly society. These are brave responders to whatever might face them DIRECTLY, not street gawkers who magically appear to stand around watching.

    Your police officers step-in to OUR emergencies, to settle conflicts and guard us from harm.

    Can’t possibly thank law enforcement officers enough. They help to save us, sometimes give their lives on our behalf. You want to see heroes, don’t look to the dysfunctional people who do the damage, look to those who clean it up.

    Thank you, Allentown Police. Keep you heads up. The craziness we are seeing from violent radicals, the Democrat-Socialists, and the news media that supports it all, will end.

    With your great work, sanity will return to America.

  2. Destabilization of the nation seems to the goal, only the real majority showing their support and loudly voicing their support will put things in perspective.

  3. Fisher Ames, a Federalist, from about 1780 summed it up:

    In any age, the so-called progressives treat politics as their religion. Their holy mission is to use the coercive power of the state to remake man and society in their own image, according to an abstract ideal of perfection. Whatever means they use are therefore justified because, by definition, they are a virtuous people pursing a deific end. They are willing to use any means necessary to gain momentary advantage in achieving their end, regardless of collateral consequences and the systemic implications. They never ask whether the actions they take could be justified as a general rule of conduct, equally applicable to all sides.

  4. I agree with your assessment. I communicated with people in the community on this and they agreed, many however don't want to say ANYTHING publicly. What does that tell you. I however decided to pen a letter to the editor of the Morning Call on the subject. No surprise, they didn't print it. Many are afraid to speak out, those who aren't are impugned or in this case, ignored.

  5. Once again Allentown City Council is using their time discussing Democratic political talking points while the City's bleak financial outlook is ignored

  6. Why can’t both facts be true? The police do a lot to keep Allentown safe and protect citizens. AND the police system as a whole suffers from cultural, institutional bias towards people of color, and therefore people harmed the most by the system are demanding change.

  7. Bill -

    I suppose both can't be true because one of them isn't.

    The Allentown incident was blown out of proportion by those trying to push a phony national political narrative on the local level.

    Even in the George Floyd incident, while I think the officer should be charged and tried, I don't know that we actually know that there was a racial motivation for his actions. I've heard everything from that the officer and Floyd knew each other for years, to that they worked together as security guards at a private nightclub. And for some reason the two didn't like each other (but not necessarily because of their race). But those seeking to sow unrest have certainly pushed a racial narrative.

    The reality is there have been 8 unarmed black people killed by the police this year. Nationwide. Over the same time period, there have been 11 unarmed white people killed by the police. Source, that right-wing rag, the Washington Post [sarcasm intended].

    Granted that's 8 too many (I would say 19 too many), but hardly an example of "cultural, institutional bias".

  8. First the two counsel people that DOXed the mayor verbally to BLM should be replaced immediately! Than as for allowing local terrorists to block streets and claim they are peacefully protesting is ludicrous because of there threats on a public forum!

    Not only should the feds come in and stop this lunicy but the national guard should be actively protecting the people too.
