Feb 7, 2020

Sad Sack Pennsylvania Voters

A new correspondent for the Morning Call in Harrisburg tells us that school tax reform is not on track after all, what a surprise!

In the late 1970's, when Pennsylvania legalized and took over the numbers racket with the lottery, the wide eyed were promised tax reform. When the state legalized casino gambling 30 years later, the gullible were promised tax reform.

Seniors on fixed income really do lose their homes because of taxes, I've known several. State elected officials really do promise reform, I've known many...They never deliver, nor do they actually try.

Here in Pennsylvania getting elected to Harrisburg is a job for life, unless and until such an official decides to give it up. We elect incumbents term after term, regardless of performance. There is a manual on how to stay in office, which includes sending out constituent birthday cards and other assorted nonsense to the morons in your district.

If ever there was a meaningless phrase, reform in Pennsylvania must be it.


  1. Our state government is expensive but worthless as responsible stewards of Pennsylvania's interests and our greater good. It's always been a team effort. The elected representatives are too well paid, the benefits are too good and the expectations of any productivity are nil. How may PA residents can even name their PA state Senator or rep. We have done this to ourselves. And by the way, the states finances are even worse the Allentown's and its school district. That's no small thing.

  2. Time to eliminate this illegal tax. We would like to own our homes. Start eliminating districts to 1 or 2 per county. Get rid of all the overpaid suits, their pensions and insurances. Power buy everything. Elimination is the only solution to this unfair outdated robbing of homeowners. No more fake promises.

  3. MM, does the electrical CAT parked
    on 8th powering the arena get a free parking pass? Reily really knows how to build em that there must be power carted in too run venues.

  4. They'll never get it passed Tax 'em Tommy. He's in bed with the teachers and administrators. They who are dead set against having their ability to give themselves raises at will taken away. The there was "Ghost Voter Schlossberg" who illegally voted against HR76.
