Feb 6, 2020

Allentown's Double Parking

Yesterday, Paul Muschick of the The Morning Call speculated on the reason for all the double parking in Allentown.  Being politically correct,  he overlooked the oblivious answer... We have  herds of Rude and Crude living in Allentown.  Why has this problem persisted for so long?  The Allentown Parking Authority doesn't want to deal with face to face confrontations with the offensive offenders,  they prefer placing a parking ticket on an empty car and then running away.  The Allentown Police consider the problem beneath their law enforcement pay grade.  Muschick mentioned N. 7th Street as ground zero for the problem.  Fellow activist Robert Trotner referenced Muschick's column on facebook, and a Hispanic business owner complained about the lack of parking spaces on 7th Street,  for the volume of current businesses.  He does have a point, but the double parking in Allentown occurs everywhere in center city,  even with many empty spaces.

The city should identify parcels close to 7th Street that can be acquired for additional parking.  Peter Lewnes has done an excellent job developing 7th Street into a business district, as it was in Allentown's distant past.  Being as politically incorrect as I am,  I cannot refrain from noting that the same merchants and clientele now on 7th Street, were deemed undesirable when they were previously on Hamilton Street.  As I have written before, there was actually more commerce on Hamilton Street with the so called undesirables, than there is now.  However, the NIZ wasn't really meant to increase commerce, but rather to increase the real estate portfolio of certain individuals. Another recent article in The Morning Call,  on the NIZ,  avoided such realities.

reprinted from June of 2018


  1. People don't obey the laws against double parking for the same reason they don't obey all the other traffic laws. A lack of respect for others, for themselves and the laws itself. Same applies for littering, noise violations, shoveling snow from sidewalks, cleaning up after their animals...

  2. I can blame our mayor,city officials, police and parking authority for turning a blind eye. We pay high taxes and are entitled to enforcement. Double parking is a hazard that definitely can be prevented if all would do the job which they are being paid.

  3. U people always giving tickets to the Hispanic and black community but don't ever go up pass 15 st. I wonder if we can file a freedom of information act just to see how often you travel up in that area, ������

    1. U people always giving tickets to the Hispanic and black community but don't ever go up pass 15 st.
      BS. Throughout the neighborhood where the Mayor lives in the West End parking authority issues dozens of tickets during the summer in front of the street sweeper. APA also cruises around on their bikes along the back alleys in this neighborhood looking for a meal. Several of our neighbors got tagged for parking behind their garage and various other offences. The APA are equal opportunist trust me.

  4. The double parking situation is why there were so many cars that passed school buses on seventh street.People are so conditioned to passing double parkers that it has become second nature to do so

  5. One of the main reasons I avoid 7th st all together people are incredibly ignorant and miserable

  6. I think all double parkers should be towed at owners expense..This should definitely cure this habit when they need to pay $200 to get their car back.tickets arent enough
